Cozumel News August 15th, 2013

The Miami to Cozumel Connection to ResumeThe Miami to Cozumel Connection to Resume!

COZUMEL, August 12. –  American Airlines is set to reactivate direct flights from Miami to Cozumel starting in November with hopes that in the winter, they will be able to stay in strong competition with other destinations on the Riviera Maya.

The Miami to Cozumel Connection to ResumeCantarell Diaz

The president of the Association of Cozumel Hotels, Gaston Cantarell Diaz, and manager of the same, Isauro Cruz Lara, reported that although there will be a drop in the number of flight arrivals in the next few months, important negotiations were conducted in a coordinated effort between the state government, the hotel group and the airline to improve tourism to Cozumel. The Miami-Cozumel connection resulted from these negotiations.

Mr. Cantarell Diaz explained that those flights will start November 21, using a Boeing 737-800 that has a capacity for 150 people, including 16 first class seats. The service will be provided for five days a week, at a time convenient for users of both the European and American markets. There will be no service Mondays and Wednesdays.

Picture:- Gastón Cantarell Díaz, presidente de la AHC. (Karina Carrión)


About Aura Holguin-Resch 447 Articles
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