Cozumel News August 21st, 2013

Cozumel News August 21st

Cozumel News August 21st

One Casino, Two Casinos…..

After almost two years since the closing of Club 21 Casino in Cozumel, two casinos seem to be in the works. A group from the mainland has received approval to open a casino on 30th Avenue and about 11th in what was formerly the Chevrolet dealership. I have followed the remodeling and it seems to be a large building with indoor parking, it has all the appearances of a Casino. The word is they will be opening in September or October.

Also gearing up to reopen after complying with the fines and penalties imposed on them by the Federal Government is Club 21. Club 21’s problems stemmed from their original application for permits, not any sort of impropriety in running their Casino. The casino was a popular meeting place for seniors and business owners on the island.  This Casino will be located in Punta Langosta and scheduled to open in the next few months.

 The Largest Aquarium in the World in Cozumel?

The Cozumel Private initiative is looking favorably upon the possible arrival of an aquarium for the island, as it would help diversify tourism and be an extra attraction for the tourists visiting this destination.

Cozumel News August 21st

Demita Cabrera, President of “La Junta Coordinadora Empresarial de Cozumel”, said that Cozumel requires new attractions and the project to build the world’s largest aquarium on the island, sounds quite attractive, as long as it is done under the rules and environmental guidelines.

“The businesses  of Cozumel are in favor of new investments;  “we do not know the largest aquarium in the world project thoroughly but from the development  stand point, if it benefits  Cozumel without causing ecological problems, then it should be welcomed “she said.

Demita acknowledged that Cozumel does need a new attraction that would boost the tourist’s impression of this destination, but that it is also important to protect the ecology and environment of the island, something that is often not taken into account in these situations.

She noted that Cozumel entrepreneurs want more in-depth knowledge of the project and will meet to explore the detail of this initiative projected to be  developed on the side of the Puerta Maya pier.

Light Company Closes

The “Energía y Agua Pura de Cozumel” company ceased operations in their plant “Wärtsilä”, because it was no longer profitable. Warsila ceased operations about a month ago and only the plant’s administrative offices will continue to run until September. The company settled with the 12 employees that lost employment according to company policy.

It is noteworthy that in its time much of the energy arriving at the hotels and streets of Cozumel was produced by the company Pure Water Energy and Cozumel, which once had a daily production of more than 24 megawatts that was delivered through the substation at Chankanaab to the Federal Electricity Commission (CFE).

This plant operated on the island for over 10 years; among its customers were 95 percent of the hotels on the island, a self-service store, the Golf Country Club Cozumel and City Hall.

Drastic Drop in Airport Arrivals

Cozumel News August 21st cozumel airport

Airport activity fell to 15 scheduled flight arrivals for the period covering August 19 to August 25. This 50% drop represents a loss of 2,250 tourists and is expected to leave an economic impact of one million 210 thousand 500 U.S. dollars for this period.





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