Potential Nationwide Public School Strike Reaches Cozumel
Across Mexico public schools employees have moved towards striking against the Federal Government. The teachers and employees of the public school system have been presented proposed cuts to their already meager wages and benefits. According to representatives of the schools, the Government misappropriated funds that have been deducted from employee earnings for years earmarked to pay for health benefits and retirement. The Government now in debt to the medical provider and the pension fund must make cuts to make up the deficit.
It is my understanding that two other major issues are at the table, the loss of placement by seniority and the proposed change to an 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. school day. In order to survive financially, many teachers work two school shifts. Service employees of the school system survive by holding second jobs outside of the school. A full school day for the same wages would limit their availability to hold other employment and support their families. The change to a full day school session is part of the proposed school reform. The size of the classes is certain to double; schools in Cozumel are in disrepair, there is no lunchroom, nor air conditioning.
My grandson’s classroom has a used air conditioner that the parents all chipped in to buy and pay the additional cost of electricity. We also pay to have drinking water in the classroom. Through the coordination of his wonderful teacher, parents repaired old worn furnishing and cabinets. The new reform will require parents to pay for the text books, and tuition to cover school utilities such as electricity. In effect, the public schools are being privatized. The majority of the families in Cozumel struggle to pay for school uniforms and supplies.
The states of Michoacán and Oaxaca started their strike last year. Those students missed two months of the last school year. This month, One by one the schools across the country are joining the strike. Today in Quintana Roo four Municipalities joined in. Employees of Cozumel’s public school system Marched last Saturday (went unreported by most the media), and plan a trip to March in Chetumal this coming Saturday. The media has been slow to give local coverage of the issue, perhaps because both the Secretary of Education and the Governor of Quintana Roo are from Cozumel.