Cozumel News September 2nd, 2013

Cozumel News September

Special Edition

September is the National Month of the Will

September is the National Month of the WillDid you know that in Mexico September is the National month of the will and all Country Public Notaries give discounts for this service?

A Will is a legal instrument that expresses the will of the rightful owner or testator. A Legal Will refers to the act by which a person disposes of all his/her assets or any part thereof to be distributed after his/her death.  A Will allows you to name one or more specific persons, to acquire property rights and property after your death; names the legitimate heirs to your estate.

It is important to make a Will to protect what is ours including our family. A will prevents what we worked so hard to build in our lifetime (business, property, jewelry, home, etc.), to fall into the wrong hands. A will gives us assurance that our property will serve the purpose of our choosing.

If we do not leave a Will, we are leaving the decision about the future of our assets in the hands of a judge, through a complicated process that could last several years. Also, if you do not have legal heirs unclaimed goods may pass into the hands of the State.

Take advantage of the month of September and go to your trusted notary.


September News “Grito de Dolores” (Independence Day of Mexico)

September News “Grito de Dolores”

Get ready, the party is only a few weeks away! On Monday September 16th, Mexicans celebrate Independence Day with fireworks, parties, food, dance, music.  Across the country all leaders such as the Mayors, Governors, etc. oversee the famous “Grito” shouting “Viva Mexico”. Flags, flowers and decorations with the colors of the flag – red, white and green – are observed in cities and towns. Whistles and fireworks and confetti is thrown to celebrate this holiday. “Viva Mexico” or “Long live independence” is shouted amid the crowds this day.

September News Preparing for Ironman

September News Preparing for IronmanThe Director of Public Services in Cozumel, Dzay Mariano Aguilar, through a press release announced that preparation in on the way for the Metlife 2013 Ironman Competition and other major sporting events.

They started with the conditioning of the roads that will be part of the circuit that tri-athletes will travel during the international affair. He said that to leave the road in perfect condition for the competition, they began slashing shrubs, cleaning, sweeping and painting the perimeter road medians and other paths across the island. He explained that for this work he assigned two crews of 35 people each equipped with the tools needed for road maintenance He said  two weeks before the major sporting event, they will remove twelve Topes located in the circuit, in order to allow athletes to train properly.  The topes will not be placed back until the conclusion of the last race in December.

Dzay Aguilar asked motorists to maintain caution when driving, since the Public Services staff will be working along the roads in an effort to promote the successful development of international competition in Cozumel.


September News Experience the birth of the Sea Turtles!September News Experience the birth of the Sea Turtles!


You can experience the birth of the sea turtles from August 16 to 17 September 17 2013. This workshop starts at the Lighthouse Celarain Eco Park on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday at 5:00 pm., in this beautiful experience one is able to see and help the birth of these beautiful turtles and watch as   they are released and go into the sea.  The personal contribution/cost is $ 30.00 USD per adult and $ 15.00 per child. More information: or

Municipal Pool to start charging in SeptemberMunicipal Pool to start charging in September

It has been announce that the Municipal pool will no longer be free to the community. Effective this month, fees as yet to be disclosed will be charged in order to fund the maintenance of the facility. A meeting is scheduled for September 3rd, to set the actual fee to be charged and discuss a possible scholarship system for lower income families.

Only 10 Cruise Ships arrive this week

Only 10 Cruise Ships arrive this week



1          Monday            Carnival Dream Puerta Maya                              08:30 Hrs –  17:00 Hrs

2          Tuesday            Carnival Triumph Puerta Maya                         08:00 Hrs –  16:00 Hrs

3          Wednesday       Disney Fantasy Punta Langosta                        07:30 Hrs – 18:00 Hrs
4          Wednesday       Carnival Imagination Puerta Maya                  12:00 Hrs – 20:45 Hrs

5          Thursday           Oasis of The Seas Ssa México                               06:30 Hrs – 17:30 Hrs
6          Thursday           Carnival Elation Puerta Maya                              08:30 Hrs – 16:00 Hrs
7          Thursday           Carnival Paradise Puerta Maya                           09:30 Hrs – 19:00 Hrs

8          Friday               Freedom of The Seas Ssa México                          08:30 Hrs – 17:30 Hrs
9          Friday               Carnival Magic Puerta Maya                                   09:30 Hrs – 18:00 Hrs

10         Saturday         Carnival Triumph Puerta Maya                              08:00 Hrs – 16:00 Hrs

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The Cozumel Sun

About Aura Holguin-Resch 447 Articles
Welcome to the Cozumel Sun! Since 2006, TCS website, Facebook Group, and Facebook page has provided the latest news and information from Cozumel, Mexico. There are no paid staff. TCS is non-profit and non-government funded. Donations help pay for website expenses, taxes, and fees. Donations support our community assistance program. TCS Community Assistance TCS provides assistance to local individuals and families with emergency food, medical expenses and medication. We help with school related expenses for children in the immediate neighborhood (Colonia Independencia). We have a ""drop in" meal policy, we feed the hungry no questions asked. In addition we publish articles that feature community programs in need of donations and volunteers. We encourage both residents and visitors to give back to this island paradise by volunteering and donating to these existing community programs. TCS has successful matched those that want to help and those in need for many years. During the Pandemic, our resources go to the Community Kitchens that are feeding hundreds in Cozumel.