Cozumel News September 26th. 2013

In Cozumel News this week we cover product shortages and price increases at the super markets, Update on the wind farm project, Update on the Casino on 30th, Cozumel Ironman 70.3 results and finally, the Grandparent Day Celebration at the Senior Center. Sorry for the delay on Senior Day, the pictures just arrived last week.

Cozumel News this WeekPrice increases predicted due to Storms

Por Esto reported that due to the crop damage caused by Ingrid and Manuel to a large part of Mexico, the supply of fruits and vegetables and other products to the island will be greatly diminished and more expensive. The price increase is already seen in some products and the prediction is that price increases and product shortages will get worse next week.

Cozumel has almost no self-produced fresh foods like fruits and vegetables. The island just has a few livestock herds and fisheries, everything else arrives in trucks via  boat.

Nevertheless, the disaster caused by rain from the storms Ingrid and Manuel on both coasts of the country cutting off transportation routes and flooding crops. This has affected all kinds of products and the chain of supply coming to Cozumel.

Products such as avocado and red tomato come from Yucatán and Campeche, States affected by the rain. Also affected by the rain is the fine grain gourmet coffee  served in Cozumel that  comes from the famous coffee region of Atoyac de Alvarez, in the mountains of Guerrero.

Equally affected are the retail chains that run supermarkets in Cozumel such as Soriana, Chedraui, Comercial Mexicana, San Francisco and Aurrera; all use trucks to transport their products  in roads that often travel through areas that are now in a state of emergency.

Some items on the shelves are becoming scarce, especially seasonal fruits and vegetables. There is no remedy for the situation; how long the shortage lasts will depend on how long it takes to reestablish supply routes.

Cozumel News this Week

Cozumel Wind Farm Update

El Semanario reported that it is unknown whether the  Mexico Power Group has withdrawn their attempts to get environmental clearance to install 32 wind turbines in the eastern part of the island or if they are waiting for better conditions to try again.
It is known, the project was unsuccessful due to environmental regulations, but this does not mean that the possibility is definitely closed.
President of the environmental group Sky, Land and Sea, AC, (Citymar), Chulim Guadalupe Alvarez, said that the company can continue the project by making some changes in the regulations and that there was a delay on the electoral process there, but that does not mean it cannot be reactivated at any time. He said that the Cozumeleños will always be against this project because of the environmental and ecological damage that could be generated; they will be on the alert of any attempt to rescue the project.

Cozumel News this Week30th Avenue Casino Update

The Casino I reported was opening on 30th Avenue at the old Chevrolet dealership has been the subject of controversy during the past two months. First, the neighborhood has protested the opening of a casino in their colony. The Government responded that there were no permits on file for a Casino. Owners described  their new business as a “Las Vegas Style” entertainment center that will have shows and non-gaming bingo machines. We have all observed the construction and remodeling and wondered why in this economy would anyone put an entertainment center on 30th.

However, as I suspected (and anticipated) a huge semi pulled up to the building last week and delivered slot machines. The health department got involved after Por Esto reported the Casino machines.  They   ordered all construction to stop and imposed a fine, once again stating they are not authorized to open a casino. We will continue watching as the drama unfolds, I am certain someone is confident that there is a license hiding somewhere!


Cozumel 70.3 was a roaring success in Cozumel!

Cozumel News this Week cozumel 70 3 2013 results

James Cunnama and Annabel Luxford  are the 2013 Winners of IRONMAN 70.3 Cozumel.

Cunnama Wins  Men

James Cunnama had a stellar swim that put him out of the water with the leaders, which meant he didn’t have to play catch up throughout the bike. The South African finished the ride with the leaders, and then used a blistering run to capture the title in Mexico by 40 seconds over Terenzo Bozzone.

Luxford Dominates the Women

Annabel Luxford used her race-best swim and bike to control a strong field that included two-time IRONMAN 70.3 world champion Melissa Hauschildt and former world champion Jodie Swallow.

Top 5 Pro Men

1        James Cunnama      3:44:06
2        Terenzo Bozzone     3:44:46
3        Matt Chrabot           3:45:27
4        Richie Nichollis      3:48:30
5        Brad Kahlefeldt     3:52:59

 Top 5 Pro Women

1        Annabel Luxford        4:09:58
2        Melissa Hauschildt  4:13:12
3        Daniela Ryf                 4:15:38
4        Jodie Swallow         4:18:52
5        Celine Scharer         4:30:28

Originally from:


Grandparent Day Celebration

Cozumel News this Week senior day 2

The Rotaract Club, a Division of The Rotary Club of Cozumel, held a Grandparent Day Celebration on Sunday, August 25th, at the Juan Pablo II Senior Home.

Every year, The Rotaract Club of Cozumel, with great support and sponsorship from friends and companies committed to this island, has the honor of sponsoring “Grandparent Day” at the Senior Center.

This is one of the favorite activities for the youth club, and of the most anticipated of the year. This time, to bring joy and liven up the event the Trio “Las Golondrinas”, ballet “Folk Ensemble”, and singer Don Humberto Castillo performed. The event included Dinner and cake for dessert.

Cozumel News this Week senior day

At the end of the evening, Maria Amalia Quintal Morejon, the 2013-2014 President, presented the donations  and thanked all the people and companies that participated.

Cozumel News this Week senior day 4


Each senior received a kit consisting of shampoo, soap, lotion and talc. In addition, the senior home received donations of milk, fruits, medicines, diapers, clothing and 7 ceiling fans (installed and running).For more information on this and other activities visit the Rotaract Club Cozumel at



About Aura Holguin-Resch 447 Articles
Welcome to the Cozumel Sun! Since 2006, TCS website, Facebook Group, and Facebook page has provided the latest news and information from Cozumel, Mexico. There are no paid staff. TCS is non-profit and non-government funded. Donations help pay for website expenses, taxes, and fees. Donations support our community assistance program. TCS Community Assistance TCS provides assistance to local individuals and families with emergency food, medical expenses and medication. We help with school related expenses for children in the immediate neighborhood (Colonia Independencia). We have a ""drop in" meal policy, we feed the hungry no questions asked. In addition we publish articles that feature community programs in need of donations and volunteers. We encourage both residents and visitors to give back to this island paradise by volunteering and donating to these existing community programs. TCS has successful matched those that want to help and those in need for many years. During the Pandemic, our resources go to the Community Kitchens that are feeding hundreds in Cozumel.