Cozumel News October 1st, 2013

In Cozumel News a New Municipal President for Cozumel, New Cabinet Members Announced, Olympic medalist to compete in Cozumel, and The United States Government Agencies Shut Down.


Cozumel News New Municipal President Fredy Marrufo

Cozumel News New Municipal President


On Monday, September 30th, more than five thousand islanders gathered in Quintana Roo Park, where the State Governor Roberto Borge Angulo, attended the inauguration of Fredy Marrufo Efren Martin, Cozumel’s elected President for 2013-2016 administration.
Marrufo Martin promises that the priority in his administration will offer a new government that will not look at partisan issues, but will work for the Cozumeleños community to create unity between society, government and business in search of quality public services. 
Last Sunday, a press conference was held in a hotel on the south side of the island, to report the names of officials to fill the 34 municipal departments, 12 less than the previous administration.
Mayor Efren Fredy Marrufo Martin unveiled the names of the people in his cabinet for 2013 – 2016 administration.  He announced a 15% reduction in salaries of officials in the first and second level of City Hall, and the elimination of some positions created in 2011-2013 administration. Martin Marrufo emphasized the need for sound financial management in the Municipality,
The Martin Marrufo administration reports that there are now about 1,500 city employees. Termination of some employment is a possibility depending on an analysis of the departments and performance reviews. He explained the need to restore a balance in Cozumel and to do what is necessary to get the City on track to meet the priorities of the City and Citizens. He hopes to create a directorate responsible for evaluating   the quality of service and forming a vertical governmental structure to avoid having unneeded departments.

Cozumel News New Municipal Cabinet The New Municipal Cabinet

Raul Villanueva Sauri, Legal affairs

Cecilio Borge Santiago, Youth Care

Juan José Angulo Chim, Camar

Amir Mendoza Martin, Cadastre

Pech Rony Maldonado, Social Communication

Daniel Medina, Accounting

Uch White Mezo, budgetary control

Manuel Alcocer Angulo, Culture

Héctor Martínez Ramírez, Sports

Cota Manuel Becerra, Economic Development

Marilyn Rodriguez Marrufo, Social Development

Humberto Antonio Suarez Castillo, Urban Development

Reyes Eliot Novelo, Ecology

Luis Felipe Tello Herrera, Education

Arminda Villanueva Villanueva, Special Events

Villanueva olda Cardenas, Control and Lag

Miguel Salas Coral, Public Works

Noh Nidia Garcia, Administrative Office

Erosa Rudy Navarrete, Civil Protection

Mezo Irving Delgado, Human Resources

Bernardo Alonso Martin, Civil Registration

Ricardo Espinoza Freyre, Technical Secretary

Mariles Roberto Jaime Torres, secretary to the President

José Luis Infanzón Rascon, Utilities

Lezama Nelson Mendoza, Urban

Juan Antonio Ramirez Reyes, Systems

Juan Gonzalez, Tourism

David Viana Martinez, Zofemat

Comptroller, Julio Aguilar Dzay

Expenditure Barba Zitta Enna Anduze

Income, Marco Cardenas Rivero

Secretary General, Edwin Gonzalez Argüelles

Treasury Baduy Antonio Moscoso

Public Safety Terraces Sergio Montes


Cozumel News Nichola Spring

Cozumel News Nichola Spring Olympic medalists to compete

The organizing committee for the World Cup International Triathlon Union (ITU) Cozumel 2013,  announced that Nicola Spirig, the Swiss gold medalist at the 2012 Olympic Games will take part in the event. This will be the first time that Switzerland’s Nicola Spirig, reigning Olympic champion, participates in a triathlon in our country. Cozumel is already finalizing details for the competition that will be held on Sunday, October 6, 2013.

Cozumel ITU World Cup 2013 will have the best list of athletes in a World Cup round, surpassed only by the Great World Series Final held in London in early September.  Around 50 women from 17 countries will compete in the 2013 ITU World Cup Cozumel. Representing México will be: María Eugenia Barrera, Vanessa de la Torre, Paola Díaz, Andrea Gutiérrez, Cecilia Pérez and Claudia Rivas. Also present will be Brazilian Pamela Oliveira, Silver medalist in the Pan American Games in Guadalajara, 2011, The American Sarah Groff, 3 times ITU World Cup medalist and fourth place in the London Olympics, and Claudia Rivas, of Mexico that placed 12th  in the Grand Final London, 2013 World Series.

All these competitors (Nicola Spirig, Pamela Oliveira, Claudia Rivas, Lucy Hall (GBR) and Sarah Groff) competed in the Triathlon London 2012 Olympic Games. The ITU Triathlon World Cup is a series of events that take place throughout the year in the 5 continents where the top tri-athletes   meet worldwide. Each competition earns points for ITU World Ranking which is the main classification criterion for the Olympics.

In Cozumel they will compete in a sprint which is composed of 750 meters of swimming in the clear waters of the island, 20 miles of cycling, where “drafting” or “tailgating” is allowed and ends with a 5000 meters footrace. The swim starts at the dock San Miguel to the north and ends opposite the Museum of Cozumel, on Avenida Rafael Melgar. This place will also be the transition zone and the goal for the competition.

This sporting event will be the second one this year on the island. To close the sporting year, Ironman will be held on December 1st.


Cozumel News US capitalCozumel News United States Government Agencies Shut Down


The United States Congress failed to reach an agreement averting a government shutdown. The shutdown will place tens of thousands of federal workers on furlough, close national parks and monuments, and disrupt services like Food Assistance and IRS audits. Social Security and Medicare benefits will continue to flow. Mail Deliveries would continue as usual because the U.S. Postal Service receives no tax dollars for day-to-day operations; it relies on income from stamps and other postal fees to keep running. Low-to-moderate-income borrowers and first-time home buyers seeking government-backed mortgages could face delays. Services like benefit payments and national security operations would go on as usual, and because of a bipartisan measure passed by both houses of Congress and signed into law by the president late Monday, members of the military will continue to be paid.

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The Cozumel Sun


About Aura Holguin-Resch 447 Articles
Welcome to the Cozumel Sun! Since 2006, TCS website, Facebook Group, and Facebook page has provided the latest news and information from Cozumel, Mexico. There are no paid staff. TCS is non-profit and non-government funded. Donations help pay for website expenses, taxes, and fees. Donations support our community assistance program. TCS Community Assistance TCS provides assistance to local individuals and families with emergency food, medical expenses and medication. We help with school related expenses for children in the immediate neighborhood (Colonia Independencia). We have a ""drop in" meal policy, we feed the hungry no questions asked. In addition we publish articles that feature community programs in need of donations and volunteers. We encourage both residents and visitors to give back to this island paradise by volunteering and donating to these existing community programs. TCS has successful matched those that want to help and those in need for many years. During the Pandemic, our resources go to the Community Kitchens that are feeding hundreds in Cozumel.