In Cozumel News December 9th, 2013 we feature the lighting of the Christmas lights in Quintana Roo Park, Security training against telephone extortion stepped up in Cozumel, Dental Health Day, Cozumel Scuba Fest, and other Cozumel Events. There will be twenty Five Cruise Ships in port this week and many flights. Enjoy the beautiful weather!
The annual ceremony of lighting the Christmas lights took place at the City Center on December 6th. The lighting is a symbol of brotherhood and family togetherness. Mayor Fredy Marrufo Martin , accompanied by his wife, Mrs. Gina Ruiz de Marrufo , turned on the Christmas lights decorating ” Quintana Roo Park “and the Palacio Municipal.
After climbing down from turning on the switch, the mayor said that the best way to celebrate the union of the family is in these special dates, “representing the light of hope, love and peace, to renew our hearts the hope of a better world. ”
“For my wife Gina and me, this belief is a commitment that unites us and to achieve this it is essential for us, especially in this Christmas season, to promote the values that unite us in Cozumel. So from now until January 6th the Christmas tree will illuminate all the good wishes and dreams of a new year that invite family togetherness and fellowship that is filled with the spirit of this age in the most beautiful part of the year, “said Martin Marrufo, who was also accompanied by their small children and Gerardo Santiago.
In expressing his good wishes this Christmas to citizenship, he said he hoped the families of Cozumel strengthen their hearts to be the main guardians of the values of generosity and love.”There are always special moments where we feel a great desire to express our feelings and our gratitude. We do so precisely on this great night of love and peace, that motivates me to thank all Cozumel families, for their displays of affection.”
To liven up the event, 120 students from the dance school “Talulah” representing schools in Playa del Carmen and Cancun, performed “The Guardians of Christmas”.
Cozumel Security Training Stepped up in Small Hotels
The Lack of telephone protocols against extortion has been identified as the cause of a recent incident of virtual kidnapping in Cozumel. Training is needed to prevent the transfer of calls to guests from unknown callers. This past Thursday, the Cozumel Hotel Association (CHA) began distributing training pamphlets on hotel security to members and non-members alike. The document was prepared by the Mexican Association of Hotels and Motels . The brochure will be distributed physically and digitally to partners of the organization and employees of 25 small hotels to help prevent virtual kidnappings in hotels.
Some small hotels in Cozumel have not been trained to prevent guests from becoming victims of extortion by phone. In contrast the Cozumel Hotel Association provides security protocols to associated hotels. The Ramirez Padilla’s case this month is the first to be recorded in Cozumel against a foreign tourist and the second case ever in Cozumel. The earlier virtual kidnapping happened in October of 2012 and was committed against a Local. The CHA, recognized the need for receptionists in small hotels to receive training on security protocols to avoid transferring calls from strangers to guests.
Dental Health Day Coming to Cozumel
“Dental Health Day ” will be held on December 13 and 14 in an office located on 11th Avenue between Felipe Angeles and 40 avenue. A group of dentists from the city of Merida, and a group on continuing education dental students,( already dentists) will give the services. Patients will not be charged.In previous Dental Health Days, 150 to 200 patients have been treated, but this time, they plan to cater to 50 to 100 patients. They note that disabilities in infants, could be time hindering. The Dentists plan to do exams, extractions, resins, gingivectomy, and dental cleanings, among other services.
Scuba Fest 2013
Cozumel is all set for the second edition of “Scuba Fest Cozumel”. The event which will take place December 12 – 15 is expected to attract more than 300 experienced divers participating in conferences and activities that will include finding a new Guinness Record in free dive, professional divers with disabilities, as well as placement of a bust in honor of Jacques Yves Cousteau, a pioneer in spreading the word about Cozumel reefs to the world. For more information, the full schedule of activities and events is available right here in The Cozumel Sun at: https://www.thecozumelsun.com/cozumel-events-in-cozumel/cozumel-scuba-fest-2013/
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