Cozumel News January 14th, 2014

Cozumel News on this, January 14, 2014, features the True Cozumel Ocelot Story Unfolds, A Cozumel Passport Created, PROFECO and the Department of Economy and Tourism Take on Sale of Alpaca Silver, and other news.


True Cozumel Ocelot Story unfolds

As I anticipated in yesterday’s report on the incident with the death of the ocelot, the facts of the case are finally surfacing. It appears that the ocelot was tranquilized by the Department of Ecology and kept caged for two days until his death. It was then that the already dead cat was taken to the Veterinarian who was charged with conducting the autopsy.

Cozumel News January 14 Oscelot Petition

The petition also asks for the involvement of the Federal Attorney for Environmental Protection (Profepa). It is anticipated that an investigation by PROFEPA would prove that the lack of preparation and knowledge by employees of the Department of Ecology ultimately caused the death of the cat. The petition is to be delivered to the Mayor today.

The Veterinarian that was falsely accused of being responsible for the death of the ocelot posted his side of the story on Facebook. It was short and to the point, he never saw the ocelot until it was brought to him by the Department of Ecology already dead. The Doctor stated that he did not know the details of the capture and  death of the cat. Documentation signed by the Director of Ecology clears the Doctor of any wrong doing.

Supporters of the veterinarian responded. The Doctor is very active in the Humane Society and is well known and respected for his work and passion for wildlife. In addition to being a licensed veterinarian, he has a degree in Zoology. It is sad that the media that was so quick to crucify this man did not offer an apology, make any mention of, or attempt at  clearing up the damage they could have potentially caused his reputation.


cozumel couponCozumel Passports Created

The “Cozumel Passport “, is another attempt to attract overnight tourism to the island from the Riviera Maya. On an average a year, 8.5 million tourists arrive at the Riviera Maya and most do not visit Cozumel.  A group of young local entrepreneurs have created an initiative to promote the destination and the business world in Cozumel, using a coupon book.

The coupon book that is purchased for $ 250 pesos will have coupons for discounts in transportation (Ferry) and other activities that will attract the tourists.   Currently the project includes a “Tour of Mezcal” for visitors to go to stores that offer the product.

They plan to have tour operators, retail stores and lodging centers in the Riviera Maya sell the coupon books and distribute up to five thousand copies. The tour vendors operating in the mainland will be offered a 40% commission on the sale of the coupon book.

Luis Fernando Tena Amaya, promoter of the project, said he seeks to reposition the island to compete with other destinations in the state. City officials will meet with employers to promote the project.

fake silver Takes on Sale of Alpaca Silver

The Department of Economic Development and Tourism have joined forces with the Federal Consumer (PROFECO) to combat the sale of alpaca silver, on the island. Cota Manuel Becerra, head of the Directorate of Economic Development, said yesterday that have held meetings with the federal agency approach to address the issue, in response to complaints received in this regard.

He noted that following the instructions handed down by the Mayor, he is working on finding a solution in coordination with PROFECO, dependency due to complaints from buyers who have been deceived by some merchants selling out of craft stands. This affects the image of the island and tourism.

He said that this situation occurs especially in certain businesses along the main blocks of the city and in craft shops, so special attention must be taken to not affect the image of the destination. He indicated that although this problem happens in other parts of state and country, “we are in Cozumel and taking appropriate action by working with the relevant authorities in order to put a stop to this problem and also punish or fine those who engage in this situation.”

PROFECO, the Federal Consumer Interest Bureau is responsible for enforcing the Consumer Protection Federal Law. You may file a complaint by email also to: and at any Mexican Embassy or Consulate in the world. For information on Cozumel, you can visit the City’s Department of Tourism located at Plaza Del Sol in the Main Plaza, Parque Benito Juarez.

Other News Tidbits:


The 2013 Cruise Ship Tourism year was a financial disaster.  2013 closed with a total of 889 cruises served, 19 fewer than the 908 last year, 112 less than in 2011, which recorded a thousand and one cruise and 143 arrivals less than in 2010, when they reached 1032 ships. An article appeared in  today’s news on the importance of the crews that work in these ships. The ship crew visit Cozumel regularly and support all aspects of the local economy including  specialized medical services. Everyone benefit from the presence of these repetitive (and insured) clients.



Also of note, was an article that Playa Del Carmen and Cancun beaches have experienced severe sand erosion. There was a warning that once again there will be drenching off the North Coast of the island to replenish their beaches. The concern was raised that there will be further damage to the Ecology and that the lack of proper planning and study in the past is what has left the island without a beach downtown.




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Welcome to the Cozumel Sun! Since 2006, TCS website, Facebook Group, and Facebook page has provided the latest news and information from Cozumel, Mexico. There are no paid staff. TCS is non-profit and non-government funded. Donations help pay for website expenses, taxes, and fees. Donations support our community assistance program. TCS Community Assistance TCS provides assistance to local individuals and families with emergency food, medical expenses and medication. We help with school related expenses for children in the immediate neighborhood (Colonia Independencia). We have a ""drop in" meal policy, we feed the hungry no questions asked. In addition we publish articles that feature community programs in need of donations and volunteers. We encourage both residents and visitors to give back to this island paradise by volunteering and donating to these existing community programs. TCS has successful matched those that want to help and those in need for many years. During the Pandemic, our resources go to the Community Kitchens that are feeding hundreds in Cozumel.