Cozumel News January 18th, 2014

In the Cozumel News January 18, 2014 we address  price increases at the grocery stores, Cozumel Carnival Time is here; The Carnival Dates and Candidates are announced,  and an update on the investigation into the death of an ocelot that was in the care of Cozumel’s Department of Ecology.

Increase at Grocery Store

nutritionist1I have found that the price of all products have increased at the grocery stores effective the first of the year. I was braced for a 5% increase to match the tax reform, but have found some prices to be much higher. I found this information in an article about the pork and beef increase:

Luis Gómez Cab, Secretary General of The Meat Union reported the Union voted a mandatory increase in the price of Pork and beef effective January 16. Industry leaders explained due to the economic situation, higher costs  in the freight of live animals, as well as other factors, have forced them to make the increase.

Cab Gómez explained that as a result of the vote, a kilogram of pork, that was offered at 90 pesos, has been increased 10 percent, and rounded off to the price of 100 pesos, and that beef, which was offered at 100 pesos a Kilogram, has been increased 20 percent and the new cost to the public is now 120 pesos. He stated the latter was also derived from the shortage of this product in the southern state of Yucatán.  For readers that like to compare prices, a kilogram equals 2 lb 3.2740 oz.

carnival 2014 2It is Carnival Time in Cozumel

Pre carnival activities officially begin on February 1 and end on 22. The strong program of festivals that include music concerts, fairs, dances, and parade of floats, will start February 26 and end March 4. A statement was issue by City Hall announcing that a module will be operating effective Monday January 13 for the reservation of tables.

Thursday morning the official poster was announced, a promotional video was introduced, and the presentation was made of the candidates for kings and queens in different categories.

carnival2For the first time in the history of the Cozumel Carnival, the festival will feature special kings. At a press conference the President of the System for Integral Family Development (DIF) Cozumel, Georgina Ruiz de Marrufo, introduced Coral Sergio Burgos and Leslie Villanueva Noelia Salinas.

Both young people with Down syndrome will be crowned as special rulers and make history as the first people with disabilities to take part in this celebration that dates back to 1874.

Arminda Villanueva Cárdenas , Director of Special Events  announced that it is a fact that these days Cozumeleños personally know the candidates  of this traditional festival with over 130 years of existence on the island.


carnival 2014He presented the candidates as follows:  Candidates “King Ugly” Carnival Mayor are: Ricardo Gamboa, Adrian Chan and Miguel Angel Alvarado Esquivel, while the queen candidates are: Nadia Alonzo Martin Reyna Meneses and Leslie Chan Peraza.

Candidates “Reyes Juveniles” are Estefany Canché Herrera, Diana Chan Noemy Cruz, Luis Miguel Angel Mendoza and “Mikee” Ángel González Góngora.

He added that the high Cozumeleño party will begin  the Pre Carnival starting  on Saturday,  February 1. PreCarnival activities will continue through Saturday  February 22, and Cozumel Carnival 2014  will run from Wednesday February 26 through Tuesday March 04.   The Parades will be on Saturday 1, Sunday 2 and Tuesday, March 4.

ocelot2More on the Department of Ecology

There have been daily updates on the resent tragedy that led to the death of an ocelot in the hands of Cozumel’s Department of Ecology. If you recall from our initial report, it was reported (by the Department of Ecology) to the media that the ocelot was taken alive and well to a Veterinarian to be tranquilized for transporting to a natural habitat in the mainland. I (The Cozumel Sun) did not name the Veterinarian in my article as it was clear that autopsy results had not been reported and  death by over-dose explanation could not be official.

In my second update, reports of neglect in the hands of the Department of Ecology surfaced and a petition was being presented to the Mayor that very day demanding the firing of the Head of the Ecology Department and anyone else that had been involved in the mishandling of the ocelot. I reported that The Veterinarian that was falsely accused of being responsible for the death of the ocelot posted his side of the story on Facebook. Mainly, he emphasized that the ocelot was brought to him (dead) by the Department of Ecology to perform an autopsy.

The latest reports are that the Mayor did not take action to fire anyone in the Department of Ecology, and that Staff of the Delegation of the Federal Attorney for Environmental Protection (Profepa), will be conducting a full investigation.

Ludivine Menchaca Castellanos, State Representative for Profepa, announced an investigation to decide whether there was mismanagement of the ocelot that died under the care of the Department of Ecology staff in Cozumel.

Inspectors have asked the Department of Ecology for documents that would provide evidence on how the ocelot was secured and maintained before the death to determine whether there was any negligence or omission in the procedure.

Everyone involved, from the person who caught it, the elements of Fire Department personnel, the Department of Ecology and Environment, workers of the National Commission of Natural Protected Areas (Conanp) on the island, to the veterinarians who treated the cat and performed the autopsy will be interviewed.

The Ocelot’s body was transferred to the state delegation of the Federal Attorney for Environmental Protection (Profepa) to undergo a second autopsy. Ludivine Menchaca Castellanos stated that the second autopsy will verify the result issued by a local veterinarian. I will give a full report on the result of this investigation when they are made available.

I want to take this opportunity to remind readers of the Cozumel Sun that my articles are translations to best of my ability of news provided by local newspapers, radio and television news programs. When I personally do an interview or provide a review, I will identify it as such.  As a guest of this beautiful country, I will not get involved with Politics, news that I consider personal attacks on individuals, groups, or policies, or anything that I consider bad taste and unethical.


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About Aura Holguin-Resch 447 Articles
Welcome to the Cozumel Sun! Since 2006, TCS website, Facebook Group, and Facebook page has provided the latest news and information from Cozumel, Mexico. There are no paid staff. TCS is non-profit and non-government funded. Donations help pay for website expenses, taxes, and fees. Donations support our community assistance program. TCS Community Assistance TCS provides assistance to local individuals and families with emergency food, medical expenses and medication. We help with school related expenses for children in the immediate neighborhood (Colonia Independencia). We have a ""drop in" meal policy, we feed the hungry no questions asked. In addition we publish articles that feature community programs in need of donations and volunteers. We encourage both residents and visitors to give back to this island paradise by volunteering and donating to these existing community programs. TCS has successful matched those that want to help and those in need for many years. During the Pandemic, our resources go to the Community Kitchens that are feeding hundreds in Cozumel.