Cozumel News February 3rd, 2014

In Cozumel News this week of February 3rd, Cozumel International Airport cuts back hours of operation and there is a call for installation of topes in certain locations. The island is busy preparing for Carnival 2014, and most news stories are about the pre-carnival events. I have included the Calendar of Events for Carnival 2014. In other news,  Cruise and airport activity is at the expected high and restaurants that televised the Super Bowl had a good day yesterday as American Tourist visiting and living on the island found a place to enjoy the event.

In Cozumel News this week of February 3rd, Cozumel International Airport cuts back hours of operation and there is a call for installation of topes in certain locations. The island is busy preparing for Carnival 2014, and most news stories are about the pre-carnival events. Cruise and airport activity is at the expected high and restaurants that televised the Super Bowl had a good day yesterday as American Tourist visiting and living on the island Cozumel Airport Cuts back hours and Staff On January 29th, a statement was released announcing that the Cozumel Airport would no longer be open 24 hours per day. Asur, the company that manages the airport, has reported that it has not been financially feasible to be open 24 hours per day, and effective February 1st, Cozumel International Airport will be open from 7 a.m. until 9 p.m. Monday through Sunday. Commercial or private planes will be allowed to land after 9 p.m. If they make arrangements ahead of time. The airline will be charged all costs related to receiving the flight after regular hours. Airplanes without prior arrangements to land after 9 p.m. will not be allowed to land. Flights would probably be diverted to Tapachula, Chiapas, since the necessary personnel would not be available here. There was no mention of what would happen in emergency situations. The change in hours will result in elimination of some positions and other cut back in staff. In related airport news, 250 airport employees that have direct contact with passengers received flu shots this week.  In addition, procedures related to prevention of the spread of disease were reviewed. To date, not one case of the flu has been reported in Cozumel. It is estimated that of the 52 international flights scheduled for the course of the current week, arrive a total of seven thousand 800 tourists themselves that could leave an economic impact of four million 196 thousand 400 U.S. dollars, considered as second best week of 2014.  A Call for More Topes An article on February 1st complained that the transit authority has done nothing to place topes in needed streets and in fact has topes in places they are no longer needed.  Due to the frequency of accidents, at the same intersections, it is easy to identify the need. airportCozumel Airport Cuts back hours and Staff

On January 29th, a statement was released announcing that the Cozumel Airport would no longer be open 24 hours per day. Asur, the company that manages the airport, has reported that it has not been financially feasible to be open 24 hours per day, and effective February 1st, Cozumel International Airport will be open from 7 a.m. until 9 p.m. Monday through Sunday.

Commercial or private planes will be allowed to land after nine only if they make arrangements ahead of time. The airline will be charged all costs related to receiving the flight after regular hours.

Airplanes without prior arrangements to land after 9 p.m. will not be allowed to land. Flights would probably be diverted to Tapachula, Chiapas, since the necessary staff would not be available here. There was no mention of what would happen in emergency situations. The change in hours will result in elimination of some positions and other cut back in staff.

In related airport news, 250 airport employees that have direct contact with passengers received flu shots this week.  In addition, rules related to prevention of the spread of disease were reviewed. To date, not one case of the flu has been reported in Cozumel.

It is estimated that of the 52 international flights scheduled for the course of the current week, bringing  a total of seven thousand 800 tourists  that could possibly leave an economic impact of over four million  U.S. dollars. This will be considered as the second best week of 2014.

In Cozumel News this week of February 3rd, Cozumel International Airport cuts back hours of operation and there is a call for installation of topes in certain locations. The island is busy preparing for Carnival 2014, and most news stories are about the pre-carnival events. Cruise and airport activity is at the expected high and restaurants that televised the Super Bowl had a good day yesterday as American Tourist visiting and living on the island Cozumel Airport Cuts back hours and Staff On January 29th, a statement was released announcing that the Cozumel Airport would no longer be open 24 hours per day. Asur, the company that manages the airport, has reported that it has not been financially feasible to be open 24 hours per day, and effective February 1st, Cozumel International Airport will be open from 7 a.m. until 9 p.m. Monday through Sunday. Commercial or private planes will be allowed to land after 9 p.m. If they make arrangements ahead of time. The airline will be charged all costs related to receiving the flight after regular hours. Airplanes without prior arrangements to land after 9 p.m. will not be allowed to land. Flights would probably be diverted to Tapachula, Chiapas, since the necessary personnel would not be available here. There was no mention of what would happen in emergency situations. The change in hours will result in elimination of some positions and other cut back in staff. In related airport news, 250 airport employees that have direct contact with passengers received flu shots this week.  In addition, procedures related to prevention of the spread of disease were reviewed. To date, not one case of the flu has been reported in Cozumel. It is estimated that of the 52 international flights scheduled for the course of the current week, arrive a total of seven thousand 800 tourists themselves that could leave an economic impact of four million 196 thousand 400 U.S. dollars, considered as second best week of 2014.  A Call for More Topes An article on February 1st complained that the transit authority has done nothing to place topes in needed streets and in fact has topes in places they are no longer needed.  Due to the frequency of accidents, at the same intersections, it is easy to identify the need.topes2A Call for More Topes

An article on February 1st complained that the transit authority has done nothing to place topes in needed streets and in fact has topes in places they are no longer needed.  Due to the frequency of accidents, at the same intersections, it is easy to identify were they are needed and justify the expense..

carnival 2014 2Calendar of events; Cozumel Carnival 2014:

Wednesday February 26th –

  • Coronation of Carnival 2014 Royalty Salon Moby Dick- Open to the Public
  • 8:00pm Farewell to Carnival Royalty of 2013
  • Opening Ceremonies & Coronation of Carnival Royalty for 2014
  • Message from Presidente Fredy Marrufo Martin

Thursday February 27th –

  • Place: Moby Dick Time
    Advance tickets required.
  • 5:00 pm Coronation of King & Queen
  • 6:00 pm Dance Competition – Kindergarten
  • 6:00 pm Dance Competition – Grade School

Friday February 28th –

  • Continued costume and Dance contests
    Place: Moby Dick
    Time: 10:00 AM
    Advance tickets required.
  • Infant and Children’s dance contests/Pet costume parade
    First free activity (Stage Band)
    Locations: Benito Juarez Park and Parque Andres (in front of City Palacio)
    Time: 9:00 pm
    Dancing, Drinking, and Eating
  • High School and Adult Dance competition. Salon Moby Dick
    Advance tickets required.
    Time: 10:00 pm
  • Introduction of Carnival with host Sr. Fernando Ferraez: 10:30pm
  • 9:00 pm – Music, General Access & Seating Begins
  • 10:30 pm- Car naval Ballet and Intro to Car naval 2013
  • 10:50 pm – Show of the Emperors
  • 11:10 pm – Young Adults Dance Group Competition
  • 12:10 pm – Open Category Dance Competition
  • 2:30 am – Judges Decide on Open Floor Dancing

Saturday March 1st–

  • 9:00 am – Parque Benito Juarez – Open Food Court, Dancing and Car naval Events All Day & Night
  • 6:00 pm – Ave. Raphael Melgar – First General Procession Parade
  • 9:00 pm – Parque Benito Juarez – Free to Public Band & Dancing
  • 9:00 pm – Parque Andres Quintana Roo – Free to Public Band & Dancing
  • 9:00 pm – Salon Moby Dick

Advance tickets required

  • Adult Masquerade Costume Contest & Grand Masquerade Dance
  • 11:00 pm – Carnival Ballet and Intro of Car naval 2014
  • 11:10 pm – Introduction of Carnival 2014 Host Sr. Ferando Ferraez
  • 11:20 pm – Costume Contests Begin: Individuals, Couples & Groups
  • 1:30 am – Show & Dancing All Night.

Sunday March 2nd–

  • 9:00am – Parque Benito Juarez – Open Food Court, Dancing and Car naval All Day & Night
  • 6:00 pm – Ave. Raphael Melgar – Second General (Open) Parade
  • 9:00 pm – Parque Benito Juarez – FREE to Public Band & Dancing
  • 10:00pm – Parque Andres Quintana Roo – Free concert, food, and dancing!

Monday March 3rd–

  • 9:00 am – Parque Benito Juarez – Open Food Court, more dancing, drinking, and eating all day and all night!
  • 9:00 pm – Parque Benito Juarez – Free concert and dancing. And you guessed it; eating and drinking all night!
  • 9:00 pm – Parque Andres Quintana Roo – Different venue same fun!

Tuesday March 4th – Fat Tuesday!

  • 9:00 am – Parque Benito Juarez Food court, eating, drinking, and more dancing!!
  • 9:00 am- Parque Benito Juarez – Open Food Court, Dancing and yes, drinking, all day and night!
  • 6:00 pm- Ave. Raphael Melgar – The grand finale Parade!!!
  • 9:00 pm – Parque Benito Juarez – More eating, drinking, and dancing
  • 10:00 pm – Parque Andres Cozumel Carnival 2014 Closing Show, Concert & Dancing (band to be announced)!

Wednesday March 5th–

  • 7:30 pm Open to the Public
    Benito Juarez Park Downtown
    Awards Ceremony and the Burning of “Juan Carnaval”


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Welcome to the Cozumel Sun! Since 2006, TCS website, Facebook Group, and Facebook page has provided the latest news and information from Cozumel, Mexico. There are no paid staff. TCS is non-profit and non-government funded. Donations help pay for website expenses, taxes, and fees. Donations support our community assistance program. TCS Community Assistance TCS provides assistance to local individuals and families with emergency food, medical expenses and medication. We help with school related expenses for children in the immediate neighborhood (Colonia Independencia). We have a ""drop in" meal policy, we feed the hungry no questions asked. In addition we publish articles that feature community programs in need of donations and volunteers. We encourage both residents and visitors to give back to this island paradise by volunteering and donating to these existing community programs. TCS has successful matched those that want to help and those in need for many years. During the Pandemic, our resources go to the Community Kitchens that are feeding hundreds in Cozumel.