Cozumel News February 20th, 2014

In Cozumel News February 20th, 2014:  Cozumel Carnival Ticket sale locations, Last Days to take advantage of the Property Tax Discount Program, Lion Fish Consumption Grows, San José Del Mar Church Anniversary Celebration Announced, Forest Fire Season is here and the new police vehicles are in use.

Cozumel News February 20th, 2014 Cozu,el Carnival Ticket SalesCozumel Carnival Ticket Sales

In a statement from City Hall, it was announced last week that the Municipal Treasury has installed three outlets were residents and visitors can buy tickets to attend the various Cozumel Carnival dances.

The Director of Revenue, Marco Rivero Alejandro Cardenas,  said outlets were installed in the basement of City Hall and the House of Culture Ixchel, located at Avenida Juarez and  50th Avenue which are open from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. Monday to Friday.

He said the third outlet is in the offices of the Department of Social Development, at 65th Avenue and 25th Street. They will be selling tickets from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday to Friday.

He explained that those outlets will offer tickets for all the dances that lead up to the elections of Carnival Royalty at pre sale prices. Sorry, I did not get this out in time for the February 15th dance, but there is another on the 22nd for choosing the Youth Reyes, as well as another dance contest on February 28th.

Available at pre-sale prices are also tickets for the “Fantasy and Masks” and the stellar presentation of “Super Kings”, scheduled for March 1 and  the “Dancing with lots of rhythm and joy, in a cacophony Island” competition, with  a presentation by Celso Piña that is scheduled for March 3rd.

Cozumel News February 20th, 2014 Tax Discount ProgramLast days of the Tax Discount Program

Director of Revenue, Marco Alejandro Cardenas Rivero, issued a statement from City Hall, reminding everyone that there is a little over a week left to take advantage of the 10% discount on property taxes and garbage disposal.

He noted that on March 1, the Municipal Treasury will automatically perform a series of updates and apply penalties for taxpayers who have not made payment.

He explained that 30% of the registered  taxpayers have not paid the property taxes and garbage collection fees, and that only 50% of the four thousand 500 establishments on the island, have made their payments.

He said that everyone that has not paid their taxes and fees as of March 1 could be charge fines and penalties.

Cozumel News February 20th, 2014 lion fish (1)Lion Fish consumption Grows

60% of the ton and a half of  lion fish that is captured per month in Cozumel is located off the island. This fish,  that is considered a threat to the marine ecosystems,  is eaten locally as well as exported. Catzín Eduardo Pérez, President of the Cooperative Weighers of Cozumel, noted that about 270 kilos of Lion Fish were exported to the United States, Canada and Japan.

A video was made this week to encourage consumption of the Lion Fish. It seeks to spread the new trademark “Janabil Kay ” a Mayan word that translated into Spanish means edible fish. The campaign slogan is “Fish it, season it, and eat it, “The lion fish you consume, contributes to the protection of the marine ecosystem.”  In Cozumel 100 fishermen engaged in catching lion fish in the natural area located outside the protected reefs of Cozumel, to be subsequently sold in stores on the island and beyond.

Cozumel News February 20th, 2014  San Jose del Mar churchSan José del Mar Church prepares for Anniversary Celebration

The San José Del Mar Church will celebrate its 15th anniversary with a series of popular festivals from March 7th through March 19th.  Civic, sporting, cultural and religious events will commemorate the patron saint of the church, located in San Miguel II colony.

The program of the celebration was presented during a press conference held in the chapel of San José del Mar church, on Avenida 50, between Calles 29 and 31 south. Pastor Luis Felipe Trujillo River and Vicar Martagon Mario Andrés Mendoza were in charge of publicizing the celebrations that will begin on March 7, at 6 a.m. with a Mass for the descent of the Holy Patron. Activities such as cultural events and theater will be held daily through March 19th. On March 15th, at 10:30 p.m. there will be a wrestling match, where Atlantis and Rey Bucanero, members of the World Wrestling Commission, will take part. Healing Masses are scheduled for March 10 and 18. There will be performances by the group ANGELUIS, Thomas Aviles, Tony Graniel, and local artists.

The sale of tickets for the arts and sports activities will be in the parish facilities.

Cozumel News February 20th, 2014 forest fireForest Fire Season is here

The island is looking for the sixth consecutive year with no forest fires on record.  The last forest fire occurred in 2008 and 15.48 hectares were affected. A hectare is equal to 10,000 square meters of land or 100 acres. Staff of the Directorate of Civil Protection recognized that they lack sufficient tools to service a large-scale forest fire, but have the support of other agencies and businesses to deal with any incident. Cozumel has an area of 52 hectares, of which 47,000 square meters are covered with vegetation. The wildfire season began in February and ends on July 31st.

Canul Lucio Andrade, Deputy Director of Civil Protection, said the more fire-prone areas are the cross road expansion Emiliano Zapata, Félix González Canto,  and the populated Cedral.

During the months of April and May each year the chances of wildfires increase due to increased temperature and scarcity of rainfall.

Cozumel News February 20th, 2014 policeNew Police Vehicles in Use

Starting February 13th, the Department of Public Safety and Municipal Transit began operating the patrols and motorcycles that were donated by the State Government The new vehicle fleet consists of three Chevrolet Silverado trucks, three Chevrolet sedan type Cruisers, and 10 Suzuki motorcycles 250c. The vehicles were officially presented by the Governor in an event held in the city of Chetumal, which was attended by Mayor Fredy Marrufo and the Director of Public Safety, Commander Sergio Terrazas.





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Welcome to the Cozumel Sun! Since 2006, TCS website, Facebook Group, and Facebook page has provided the latest news and information from Cozumel, Mexico. There are no paid staff. TCS is non-profit and non-government funded. Donations help pay for website expenses, taxes, and fees. Donations support our community assistance program. TCS Community Assistance TCS provides assistance to local individuals and families with emergency food, medical expenses and medication. We help with school related expenses for children in the immediate neighborhood (Colonia Independencia). We have a ""drop in" meal policy, we feed the hungry no questions asked. In addition we publish articles that feature community programs in need of donations and volunteers. We encourage both residents and visitors to give back to this island paradise by volunteering and donating to these existing community programs. TCS has successful matched those that want to help and those in need for many years. During the Pandemic, our resources go to the Community Kitchens that are feeding hundreds in Cozumel.