Cozumel News February 25th, 2014 features National Health Week In Cozumel,An Urgent Need to Revisit Instructions for Death While Abroad, A tribute to our friend William Simon who passed away in Cozumel on Saturday, Is Cozumel Drilling for Oil?, and City Police to attend English Classes.
It is National Health Week in Cozumel
In just two days, 50% of nine thousand vaccines against polio have been implemented as part of the First National Health Week 2014. There are an estimated 13 thousand 500 children six months to four years of age who receive vaccines.
Arturo Villanueva Marrufo, Director of the clinic’s Ministry of Health in Cozumel, said the campaign began on February 22nd and ends on February 28th, where vaccines are given against polio, measles, tetanus, rubella and influenza. He said the polio vaccines would be extended until March 14th.
A total of 28 vaccination posts have been installed at various points in the city, where 140 health workers and the armed forces personnel on the island are involved in administering the free vaccinations.
An Urgent Need to Revisit Instructions for Death While Abroad
I reported in our last issue that the United States Consulate Office has closed in Cozumel and all non-emergency matters will be handled in the future by the consulate office in Playa Del Carmen. It was also announced that they were taking applications for a part time employee that would handle emergencies, such as death, medical emergency, and imprisonment. I assumed Anne Harris would be handling these emergencies until the new person arrived; I was wrong. We must call the Playa Del Carmen office at 984-873-0303 or Vonage (US): 202-370-6708. The emergency number 01-999-942-5700 directs us to follow directions to connect to the duty officer.
In the worse possible way, I discovered I have not provided enough information on the matter; a dear friend of the family passed away Saturday afternoon while vacationing in the island. No one saw this coming, of course, when something like this happens, you just do not think properly. Everyone vacationing should know if your insurance is accepted at any of the local hospitals. Ambulances are privately run, and get paid by taking you to certain clinics. Have a name of a hospital or clinic available and demand to be taken there. Have enough funds in your credit and debit cards to cover medical expenses, and funeral expenses, including returning the remains home. Consider purchasing fight insurance. Changing a flight departure date due to illness or death can cost up to $400! Flight insurance can cover medical expenses not covered by your regular insurance company.
Have these instructions and numbers written on a card that you carry with you at all times. In emergency situations you do not think clearly enough to remember who to call. Our friends did not contact us until they had already been charged and paid $2,000 in medical bills, and $4,640 for funeral and cremation services.
Be prepared, read the Death abroad section of the Cozumel Sun at: https://www.thecozumelsun.com/living-in-cozumel-guide-2/u-s-consular-news-information/death-abroad/.
Our friend William Simon from Green Valley, Arizona, passed away Saturday February 22nd, at the young age of 82. He served for four years in the United States Air Force as a Navigator on a B-56 Tactical Bomber and attended the University of Berkley, California, graduating as a Nuclear Physicist. He achieved a PHD in his field.
He taught Physics at the University of Wyoming for over 30 years and became an accomplished potter. William married and is survived by two sons from that marriage, Phillip Simon of Virginia, and Bob Simon of Colorado. His wife Francis died in 1998. While living in Wyoming for 34 years his family did a lot of hunting, camping, fishing, and skiing.
He has been a resident of Green Valley, Arizona, since 2000 were he played golf five days per week. He met and married Mary Wangen in 2003. He loved to travel, but only to places that had golf courses. We offer our sincerest condolences to his family and friends. He will be missed.
Are We Drilling for Oil?
On Sunday morning we treated our family of seven to breakfast at Primas after attending Church. To our astonishment, right outside of the breathtaking floor to ceiling glass view, there appeared to be an oil rig platform, smack in the middle of the channel! What fun we all had trying to guess what it was and what it was doing there.
A towing type vessel ” De Zhou “which measures 89.96 meters long and weighs four thousand 362 ton appeared to be tied to the” platform Floatel Victory “that has a weight of 18 000 995 tons and has a length of 98.2 meters. The platform was fascinating; it had four huge pillars and a crane of some sort on top. One article noted that each of the pillars was controlled by four motors each. It was also a self contained, “live aboard” structure. Initially speculation was that the platform would be used to perform the job of extending a cruise ship dock. We later learned that the structure being towed by the boat stopped at the island to change crew and continue their journey to the Gulf of Mexico.
Maritime authorities allowed them to remain for 12 hours, two miles (3.2 kilometers) off the coast of Cozumel. Both vessels are from the Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago. The reason for their arrival was to have a crew change before continuing their journey to the port of Veracruz. One newspaper reported four Europeans, seven technicians and 29 crew members spent the night at casa Del Mar before boarding flights back to their base in the United States on Monday.
The presence of the platform that was anchored at Caletitas provoked astonishment among the people who passed by Rafael E. Melgar Avenue, some people took the opportunity to take pictures of the team and shared in social networks.
According to Internet portal http://www.floatel.se/ the property of the company Floatel International platform, was delivered in November 2013.
Police to Attend English Classes
City Hall issued a statement that Policemen working for the Public Security and Municipal Transit departments will be attending courses in English at the Institute of Job Training Quintana Roo (Icatqroo), Unit in Cozumel.
In keeping with his campaign promise, Mayor Fredy Marrufo Martin is fulfilling his commitment to provide more training to the police officers who are in the forefront of the island’s public image. 200 police officers are to be trained in general knowledge and professionalism, with a focus on English language training for the Tourist Police. Police personnel assigned to the transit areas that have contact with tourists and visitors will also attend a course in English writing and spelling. Training is geared to improve the image of the island’s police force.
Senior Frogs is closed!
Senior Frogs, located at Punta Langosta has closed its doors. If you recall, it was the scene of a fire a few years ago during the big Carnival Parade (pictured). Only speculation is available on why this busy business has closed its door, especially in the height if the tourist season. Senior Frogs was one of the few remaining places on the waterfront for late night entertainment. Some unnamed sources stated they have been losing money. Other sources indicate that they have been bought out by the Carlos and Charley’s chain and will be opening under that named in the next four months. We will wait and see!
Cozumel Carnival 2014 Schedule
Wednesday February 26th –
- Coronation of Carnival 2014 Royalty Salon Moby Dick- Open to the Public
- 8:00pm Farewell to Carnival Royalty of 2013
- Opening Ceremonies & Coronation of Carnival Royalty for 2014
- Message from Presidente Fredy Marrufo Martin
Thursday February 27th –
- Place: Moby Dick Time
Advance tickets required. - 5:00 pm Coronation of King & Queen
- 6:00 pm Dance Competition – Kindergarten
- 6:00 pm Dance Competition – Grade School
Friday February 28th –
- Continued costume and Dance contests
Place: Moby Dick
Time: 10:00 AM
Advance tickets required. - Infant and Children’s dance contests/Pet costume parade
First free activity (Stage Band)
Locations: Benito Juarez Park and Parque Andres (in front of City Palacio)
Time: 9:00 pm
Dancing, Drinking, and Eating - High School and Adult Dance competition. Salon Moby Dick
Advance tickets required.
Time: 10:00 pm - Introduction of Carnival with host Sr. Fernando Ferraez: 10:30pm
- 9:00 pm – Music, General Access & Seating Begins
- 10:30 pm- Car naval Ballet and Intro to Car naval 2013
- 10:50 pm – Show of the Emperors
- 11:10 pm – Young Adults Dance Group Competition
- 12:10 pm – Open Category Dance Competition
- 2:30 am – Judges Decide on Open Floor Dancing
Saturday March 1st–
- 9:00 am – Parque Benito Juarez – Open Food Court, Dancing and Car naval Events All Day & Night
- 6:00 pm – Ave. Raphael Melgar – First General Procession Parade
- 9:00 pm – Parque Benito Juarez – Free to Public Band & Dancing
- 9:00 pm – Parque Andres Quintana Roo – Free to Public Band & Dancing
- 9:00 pm – Salon Moby Dick
Advance tickets required
- Adult Masquerade Costume Contest & Grand Masquerade Dance
- 11:00 pm – Carnival Ballet and Intro of Car naval 2014
- 11:10 pm – Introduction of Carnival 2014 Host Sr. Ferando Ferraez
- 11:20 pm – Costume Contests Begin: Individuals, Couples & Groups
- 1:30 am – Show & Dancing All Night.
Sunday March 2nd–
- 9:00am – Parque Benito Juarez – Open Food Court, Dancing and Car naval All Day & Night
- 6:00 pm – Ave. Raphael Melgar – Second General (Open) Parade
- 9:00 pm – Parque Benito Juarez – FREE to Public Band & Dancing
- 10:00pm – Parque Andres Quintana Roo – Free concert, food, and dancing!
Monday March 3rd–
- 9:00 am – Parque Benito Juarez – Open Food Court, more dancing, drinking, and eating all day and all night!
- 9:00 pm – Parque Benito Juarez – Free concert and dancing. And you guessed it; eating and drinking all night!
- 9:00 pm – Parque Andres Quintana Roo – Different venue same fun!
Tuesday March 4th – Fat Tuesday!
- 9:00 am – Parque Benito Juarez Food court, eating, drinking, and more dancing!!
- 9:00 am- Parque Benito Juarez – Open Food Court, Dancing and yes, drinking, all day and night!
- 6:00 pm- Ave. Raphael Melgar – The grand finale Parade!!!
- 9:00 pm – Parque Benito Juarez – More eating, drinking, and dancing
- 10:00 pm – Parque Andres Cozumel Carnival 2014 Closing Show, Concert & Dancing (band to be announced)!
Wednesday March 5th–
- 7:30 pm Open to the Public
Benito Juarez Park Downtown
Awards Ceremony and the Burning of “Juan Carnaval”
The fun of Cozumel Carnival awaits you, see you there!