Cozumel News March 9 2014

In Cozumel News March 9th, 2014,the price of limes triple, extracting sand for Cozumel Beaches, skeletal remains found in the jungle earlier this week, and finally, a reminder that there is no longer a United States Consulate Office  in Cozumel. I have added to this issue the contact information page for the United States Consulate also found in The Cozumel Sun’s “Living in Cozumel Guide.” After a very successful Carnival, tourism by both Cruise and air travel is still booming in Cozumel. The sun is shinning, weather is beautiful, we are truly blessed!


Cozumel News March 9 2014 LIMESPrice of Limes Triple

One headline read, “We can’t even afford to make Guacamole!”Vendors of Fruit and Vegetables in Cozumel are not rushing to reserve their corners to sell their products. The prices of citrus fruits like lemon, orange, plus onion and avocado, among others, have had a 30 percent price increase, thus affecting the sales of these products by street vendors and small establishments that are less competitive against the big chains. The price of limes has tripled, and said to be above 40 pesos in some establishments, costing even more than one kilogram of meat.

Their Union  Secretary General, Jorge Pérez Ruiz, explained that the approval of VAT increase in  border areas, as in the case of Quintana Roo, the gasoline increase and the frost that occurred in the north and center of the country, this winter, have been key factors for prices soaring in many  products.

He stated that their suppliers have also justified the increases because of transportation related increases of fuel and freight. Because of the increase, fruit purchases have been reduced by up to 20 percent. There is hope that with the beginning of Lent, the situation will improve, since the ingredients that are most consumed complement the dishes made ​​with fish or seafood.


Cozumel News March 9 2014 SandExtracting Sand for Cozumel Beaches

Director of the Federal Maritime Zone (Zofemat) in Cozumel, David Viana Alfonso Martínez, is confident that in less than 15 days work extracting 800 cubic meters of sand to be used in town will be  restarted. The first phase of the project provided sand to 11 hospitality businesses; their goal is to give sand to 13 hotels this time around. Sand has also been allocated for sports facilities and parks, although a very small amount.

Cozumel News March 9 2014 sand2

The extraction of sand must be done before Turtle Season which begins in April and does not end until November. The rush is on to get as much work done as possible The 11 hospitality centers that received the first allotment of sand, have embankments to prevent the sand from their facilities to be washed away with “North” or-southeast winds.

The first phase of the project cost about 300 million pesos and removed about 150 thousand cubic meters. The second phase is reported to cost less money, as less sand is expected to be extracted.


skeleton3 Skeletal Remains Found by Las Fincas

Skeletal remains were found earlier this week in a vast wooded area near the airport and the road leading to Las Fincas. According to the commander of the Judicial Police, Angel Vazquez, the deceased could be a pauper. According to him, the area is a known den for indigent persons suffering from alcoholism, or in the habit of inhaling solvents. The heavily wooded area provides a shelter to consume these substances.

Identification of the deceased has proven to be difficult as no identification, clothing, nor skin was found at the scene. Some 36 meters from the remains they found beer bottles some cans of thinner, and some cigars. Although the medical examiner has not conducted a full exam yet, they are guessing that the remains are of a Male, because of the size and strength of the bones. They reported that while most of the skeleton was found, it was scattered about by wildlife.

U.S. Consular News & Information

US Consular News & Information us flag

For routine consular services, please contact the Consular Agency in Playa del Carmen at 984-873-0303 or  If you have an emergency, please contact 999-942-5700.

Consular Agency Playa Del Carmen
(“The Palapa,” Calle 1 Sur, between Avenida 15 and Avenida 20, Playa Del Carmen, Quintana Roo, Mexico).

The U.S. Consular Agency in Playa del Carmen is open for business Monday through Friday, from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm. Please make an appointment by calling the office phone during normal office hours or send an email to: containing information about the service you require, your contact information and a preferred time for your appointment within normal office hours.  Emergency cases are accepted as walk-ins.

011-52-984-873-0303 (direct dial from the U.S.)                                       
202-370-6708 (Vonage dialing from the U.S.)
01-984-873-0303 (dialing from outside Playa Del Carmen but within Mexico)
01-984-873-0481 (Alternate from outside Playa del Carmen but within Mexico)                                                                                              

In the case of a life or death emergency involving a U.S. citizen occurring outside of normal business hours, please call the Merida switchboard number to be connected to the duty officer.


How to contact Consulate Merida

You may email us ( or call the Consulate at:

011-52-999-942-5700 (direct dial from the U.S.)
202-250-3711 (Vonage dialing from the U.S.)
01-999-942-5700 (dialing from within Mexico), ext. 5722, 5723, or 5752
942-5700 (dialing from within Merida)
011-52-999-942-5758 (fax dialing from the U.S.)

In the case of a life or death emergency involving a U.S. citizen outside of normal business hours, please call the switchboard number above and follow instructions to be connected to the duty officer.

U.S. Consulate Merida
Calle 60 No. 338-K x 29 y 31
Col. Alcala Martin Merida, Yucatan, Mexico 97050

Note: For better results, be sure to toggle between “Map & Satellite” views at the top-right of the map.

Consular Agency Cancun
(Blvd. Kukulkan Km 13,
Torre La Europea, Despacho 301 ZH
Cancun, Quintana Roo, Mexico 77500)

The U.S. Consular Agency in Cancun is open for business Monday through Friday from 8:00 am to 1:00 pm. An appointment is required for all services such as U.S. passport applications, Consular Report of Birth Abroad, notarials, and other requests for in-person meetings.  Please make an appointment by calling the office phone during normal office hours or send an email to containing information about the service you require, your contact information and a preferred time for your appointment within normal office hours.  Emergency cases are accepted as walk-ins.

011-52-998-883-0272 (direct dial from the U.S.)
202-640-2511 (Vonage dialing from the U.S.)
01-998-883-0272 (dialing from outside Cancun but within Mexico)
883-0272 (dialing from within Cancun)
011-52-998-883-1373 (fax dialing from the U.S.)

In the case of a life or death emergency involving a U.S. citizen occurring after close of business, please call the Merida switchboard number to be connected to the duty officer.



The Cozumel Sun.2

The Cozumel Sun, is an on-line informational publication (in English) about Cozumel that portrays the beauty of this beautiful tourist haven.  I have remodeled The Cozumel Sun and incorporated current news, reliable service providers, and step by step “how to” information on living in Cozumel that is useful to the English Speaking Community living on the island. The Cozumel Sun has Feature Articles, Reviews, Local News, a Living in Cozumel Guide, and a listing of reliable service providers.

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About Aura Holguin-Resch 447 Articles
Welcome to the Cozumel Sun! Since 2006, TCS website, Facebook Group, and Facebook page has provided the latest news and information from Cozumel, Mexico. There are no paid staff. TCS is non-profit and non-government funded. Donations help pay for website expenses, taxes, and fees. Donations support our community assistance program. TCS Community Assistance TCS provides assistance to local individuals and families with emergency food, medical expenses and medication. We help with school related expenses for children in the immediate neighborhood (Colonia Independencia). We have a ""drop in" meal policy, we feed the hungry no questions asked. In addition we publish articles that feature community programs in need of donations and volunteers. We encourage both residents and visitors to give back to this island paradise by volunteering and donating to these existing community programs. TCS has successful matched those that want to help and those in need for many years. During the Pandemic, our resources go to the Community Kitchens that are feeding hundreds in Cozumel.