Cozumel News March 14, 2014

Cozumel News March 14, 2014 features Cozumel University hosts Expo 2014, Municipal Security increased around Jewelry Chain, and Cozumel Firefighters get Donations from their counterparts in California, U.S.A. Also The first 2014 Hurricane Forecast, Lime Sales update, and Cozumel Prepares for the Eighth Reenactment of the Sacred Mayan Journey.

Cozumel News March 14, 2014 expoUniversity of Cozumel Q. Roo Hosts Expo 2014

The opening ceremony of EXPO 2014 took place this past Wednesday at the University of Quintana Roo, Cozumel Campus. Twenty public and private Educational institutions from Quintana Roo and Yucatan participated in the informational fair for students interested in taking University courses and applying for financial assistance. In attendance, over 2,500 students from middle and high school, heads of educational institutions, university presidents and government officials,

According to a statement from City Hall, there are some 5000 educational openings at the Universities for students who wish to take their academic preparation to a higher educational level. Municipal Director, Luis Felipe Herrera Tello said that in Quintana Roo there is a place for all students wishing to continue their academic preparation.

Jose Angel Arjona Carrasco, Undersecretary of Education,  of the State said the number of children enrolled in the 2013-2014 school year indicates a 43% drop out rate. He attributes this high number to economic and social problems, some due to a change of residency. Mr. Arjona Carrasco said the purpose of the Expo was to have the children learn everything that the schools have to offer and to teach them how to apply for the National Scholarship Program (PRONABE). He said all children have the right to have financial support through a simple requirement of maintaining an 8.0 grade point average.

Cozumel News March 14, 2014 diamondsSecurity Increased Around Jewelry Stores

It was announce on March 10th that security has been increased downtown around the jewelry stores following robberies at Diamonds International Stores in Playa del Carmen and Cancun.

Public Safety is responsible for placing an armed patrol at stores on Rafael E. Melgar Avenue and in the store they have in front of the terminal SSA Mexico. The jewelry company has been the target of two robberies in Cozumel, and millions were never recovered.

The articles had concerns about why the Jewelry chain did not provide their own adequate security. They have a private security company that has a guard at the door of each of their stores armed with only a baton. Municipal Police will be guarding the stores from the time they open until closing daily.


Cozumel News March 14, 2014 firefighters1Cozumel Firefighters receive donation from California

This past week, retired firefighter, Erik Peterson, and forest firefighter, Robert Carter, representing the Fire Department of the City of Diamond Springs, California, donated six jackets and equal number of shorts, and a pair of gloves and face protection to Cozumel firefighters.

Commander of the Fire Department H. Cozumel, Alberto May Borge, thanked them on behalf of Mayor. He stated a complete outfit made with the same material would cost about $45,000 pesos in Mexico, but more important than the economic value was the solidarity between the firefighters of California and Cozumel.

The benefactors were invited to take a tour of the facilities of the local station. Alejandro Canul Lucio Andrade, from the Office of Civil Protection, along with a group of firefighters, gave calendars and t-shirts of the local firehouse to their California counterparts.


Cozumel News March 14, 2014 hurricane forecastFirst 2014 Hurricane Season Forecast

In Chetumal, Quintana Roo, El Nacional (SMN) Weather Service issued the first forecast of hurricane season 2014 for the Atlantic area, indicating there will be 10 tropical cyclones.

Through a video conference, the Director of the SMN, Juan Manuel Caballero announced that the Yucatan Peninsula is favored to have the presence of El Niño, which will cause drought in much of the country, except for this part of the republic. The phenomenon will be present starting in July.

The preliminary forecast for the Atlantic is 10 tropical cyclones, of which three are tropical storms, five moderate hurricanes (categories 1 and 2) and two intense hurricanes (categories 3, 4 and 5). The next forecast will be released in April and the seasonal forecast will be May 1, that will indicate the real picture.

The approved names for the 2014 hurricane season are Amanda, Boris, Cristina, Douglas, Elida, Fausto, Genevier, Hernan, Iselle, Julio, Karina, Lowell, Marie, Norbert, Odile, Polo, Rachel, Simon, Trudy, Vance and Winnie.


Cozumel News March 14, 2014 limes2Lime Sales the same in Cozumel

Although the limes that cost $15 pesos per kilo in December are now going for $50-$55 pesos per kilo in Cozumel markets, the sales have not decreased. Limes are a principal ingredient in Cozumel kitchens. It appears that the restaurants have absorbed the price increase and have not passed it down to their customers by increasing menu prices.

In the case of stores that are mainly fruit and vegetables, such as El Maharaja, S.A. de C.V. they are charging $48 pesos per kilo, and in some Fruit and Vegetables stores, even a few pesos less.

Today I read a news headline that a Truck carrying Limes was stolen in Vera Cruz.The truck was carrying 632 boxes, each weighing 25 kilos, at an estimated value of one million pesos. Are limes, the new gold?


Cozumel News March 14, 2014 mayan crossingCozumel Preparing for Sacred Mayan Journey

The Sacred Mayan Journey is an event that recreates one of the most ancient traditions of the Mayan culture; the annual pilgrimage of the Mayan oarsmen, who braved the ocean on their canoes and crossed to the island of Cozumel to worship the goddess Ixchel by taking offerings and in search of her divine message for the Mayan people.

This year’s recreation will take place May 22nd, through the 24th. The Opening ceremony will take place in X’Caret Park on the 22nd. Early morning on the 23rd, some 350 canoes will leave from Playa del Carmen, arriving in Cozumel mid-day. That evening a traditional ceremony will be reenacted in Chankanaab Park. Early the morning of the 24th, the canoes will start their trip back to the mainland.

Cozumel News March 14, 2014 Cozumel News March 14, 2014 sacred4 Cozumel News March 14, 2014sacred3 Cozumel News March 14, 2014 sacred2 Cozumel News March 14, 2014 sacred1


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Welcome to the Cozumel Sun! Since 2006, TCS website, Facebook Group, and Facebook page has provided the latest news and information from Cozumel, Mexico. There are no paid staff. TCS is non-profit and non-government funded. Donations help pay for website expenses, taxes, and fees. Donations support our community assistance program. TCS Community Assistance TCS provides assistance to local individuals and families with emergency food, medical expenses and medication. We help with school related expenses for children in the immediate neighborhood (Colonia Independencia). We have a ""drop in" meal policy, we feed the hungry no questions asked. In addition we publish articles that feature community programs in need of donations and volunteers. We encourage both residents and visitors to give back to this island paradise by volunteering and donating to these existing community programs. TCS has successful matched those that want to help and those in need for many years. During the Pandemic, our resources go to the Community Kitchens that are feeding hundreds in Cozumel.