Cozumel News March 20, 2014

In Cozumel News March 20, 2014, Cozumel to join Worldwide Earth Hour Celebration, Police to start enforcing Motorcycle passenger Capacity Regulations, The continuing Acuataxis Dispute, and to commemorate the first day of spring, our Annual Home Maintenance Review.

Cozumel News March 20, 2014 earth Cozumel to Join Worldwide Earth Hour Celebration

Cozumel’s First Lady, Mrs. Gina Ruiz de Marrufo, accompanied by the Chief Clerk, Noh Nidia Garcia, the Director of Ecology and Environment, Eliot Reyes Novelo,  the Director of Sports, Héctor Martínez Ramírez, and the Director of the Gardner High School, Esteban Quijano Hernandez announced Cozumel’s participation in “The Hour of the Planet.”  The event will take place next Saturday, March 29th, from 8:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. The proceeds will be used to support the City’s DIF programs.

Cozumel News March 20, 2014 earth1


The event, part of the save the planet movement, will take an original twist this year with a five kilometer run on the Malecon (boardwalk) with the participants lighting up Melgar Avenue with LED lights and environmental friendly reflection articles.

The cost to take part in the event  will be $100 pesos for children and $150 pesos for adults. Participants will each receive a kit that has a shirt and accessories (led lights, color laces, lantern).


Cozumel News March 20, 2014 Police Enforcing Passenger Capacity Regulations

The report is that finally, motorcycles will be stopped by police for carrying four, five, and more passengers. The new rule is only up to three people can be on a motorcycle if one of the three is a child under the age of 5 and all are wearing protective headgear. The original report stated a fine of $150 pesos will be imposed on the driver of the motorcycle.Today’s news announced that in addition to the fine, the motorcycle will be impounded.

Cozumel News March 20, 2014The Water Taxi Dispute Continues

Responding to rumors that the water taxis will start in April, the head of the Port Authority of Quintana Roo in Cozumel, Victor Vivas González, said that there is no permission for the acuataxis to operate from the State or the City.

Cozumel News March 20, 2014

Whilst Fernando Martin Marrufo, taxi union leader of the Adolfo Lopez Mateos Union, said that while all this is a rumor, people close to Magna S. A de CV, known as Ultramar,  have reported that the overseas shipping company has acquired 35 small boats that can accommodate six to 10 people, so that they can offer the service of “acuataxis” from one  maritime terminal to another. Further, that according to unofficial sources, the fee for such a service would be between $6 and $ 11 dollars per person.

Now, while this dispute continues about what may or may not start next month, has anyone noticed these new boats? What is going on in this picture?

Cozumel News March 20, 2014



Home Maintenance in Cozumel

Cozumel News March 20, 2014 home-maintenanceThe first day of spring is the perfect time to review my guide for  Annual Home Maintenance in Cozumel. Whether you are a long term renter or a home owner there are things that must be done around your home when you live in Cozumel. The process can be costly by island standards and time consuming. Here are the tasks my family undertakes each spring:

Inspect and clean the roof tops: Debris accumulates on the roof tops that will fly around in a storm and cause damage as well as clog your drains. The cement roof will wear with age and eventually cause leaks that can weaken the walls and ceilings in your home. Resurface/Seal Roofs when necessary: Last year we resealed the first floor roof of a room we had built only 3 years earlier, as well as the second floor roof. Resurfacing and sealing both roofs cost about $5,000 pesos.

Clean, repair, and replace (if needed) the drain pipes:  It is not as simple as cleaning the gutters around the roof back home. We have unattended property on two sides of our home, dirt, sand, and leaves make their way into the tubing very quickly. Cutting overhanging branches is necessary. Take great care to avoid cables and wires.

Inspect all the doors: Replace the weather-stripping around the doors as needed, check your locks, door handles, and hinges.

Inspect all caulking around windows. Last year we found all the window caulking held well, but some glass bricks in one bathroom wall allowed rain in when the storm was coming in from the south.

Inspect the walls: The south side of our home is totally inaccessible from the outside. The owners of the property next door keep their gate locked. The property consists of some crumbling structures with weeds, bushes, and trees that  had been left unattended the three years we had lived here, possibly for many years. I obtained permission to enter and got the key to their gate for what I thought would be a simple caulking task.

Wrong, that entire side of the house had to be reinforced with cement. That wall was deteriorating to the point that serious damage could be caused by the next hurricane that came along. I contacted a cement worker and had a crew reinforce the south side of the house.

The procedure on the island is to get an estimate for the labor, a list of supplies and a start and end date. You buy your own supplies and have them available for the workers. The day they finish the project, you give the workers  lunch and beers.

Inspect window protectors: The neighboring property is an eye sore and that side of our home had just been out of sight, out of mind.  There is only one small window that sits high on our bedroom wall on that entire side of the house. To our dismay, we discovered the Window Protector was held in place with screws! Anyone could have come along, unscrewed the wrought iron protector, and entered our home in our absence. I promptly contracted the “Iron Man” to cement in the window protector and inspected the installation of all the window protectors in our home.

Check all screens for holes and tears, it is dengue season. Normal wear and tear will enable the little creatures to get in your home.

Inspect the hurricane shutters; make certain they close properly and find the keys.

Inspect everything metal and iron: We are on an island were everything rusts due to the salt water. A thorough inspection of everything that is metal is a must annually. If maintained annually, the wrought iron gates, window protectors, and patio furniture will only show a minimal amount of rust and will just need to be touched up. By touched up I mean sand it down, apply rust proofing paint, and then the color paint.

Last year I discovered that the two new overhead fans we purchased and had installed only months earlier had metal blades. What I thought was a little dust on the edges was rust. The inside lid to our washing machine and almost all major appliances had small rust spots. A little sand paper, rust proofing and a touch of metal paint will extend the life of everything, prevent major expenses, and save time in the future. (Note that we also own our gas tanks, their upkeep will prevent having to buy a replacement.)

The water tanks or Tinacas must be cleaned annually. Even though they are kept closed, stuff grows in there that you do not want to be bathing and washing with.

Air conditioners need annual maintenance to keep them operable and running efficiently.

Cozumel News March 20, 2014Have handyman inspect all plumbing: Plumbing should be inspected for slow leaks you might have not noticed. Faucets and fixtures need replacing often on the island, I do not know if it is because of the wear and tear or the quality available. The shower heads need to be soaked in a special solution periodically to unplug clogged holes.

Get out the Generator: Run your generator to make certain all is well.  Change the oil and buy a new spark plug.

Paint or Touch up the Outside of the house: When you paint your home, you can save money by purchasing a good quality of paint. Spending more money on the paint initially will save you the cost and labor having to paint annually. We have been lucky the last few years and have only had to touch up some spots that were stained, discolored or had been newly cemented.

Clean storage areas and rooms: Pull everything out of storage areas for a good cleaning. It does not matter how clean you keep your home, the humidity affects everything on the island and we have critters that will find their way into your home. A Clorox bleach solution is a must for disinfecting and fighting mold.

Last but not least I want to mention that you should Oil everything wood on a regular basis, especially wooden handles on knifes brought from the States. Fumigate regularly, we fumigate monthly because of the unattended lots on either side of our property.


Contact The Cozumel Sun if you have any home maintenance suggestions I might have missed. Readers are always welcome to contact us with questions.You can find these instructions year around in the “Living in Cozumel Guide” section of this Newspaper.  Happy First Day of Spring!

The Cozumel Sun.2

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Welcome to the Cozumel Sun! Since 2006, TCS website, Facebook Group, and Facebook page has provided the latest news and information from Cozumel, Mexico. There are no paid staff. TCS is non-profit and non-government funded. Donations help pay for website expenses, taxes, and fees. Donations support our community assistance program. TCS Community Assistance TCS provides assistance to local individuals and families with emergency food, medical expenses and medication. We help with school related expenses for children in the immediate neighborhood (Colonia Independencia). We have a ""drop in" meal policy, we feed the hungry no questions asked. In addition we publish articles that feature community programs in need of donations and volunteers. We encourage both residents and visitors to give back to this island paradise by volunteering and donating to these existing community programs. TCS has successful matched those that want to help and those in need for many years. During the Pandemic, our resources go to the Community Kitchens that are feeding hundreds in Cozumel.