Cozumel News March 24, 2014

Cozumel News March 24, 2014 features The Cozumel Hotels to take part in Tianguis 2014, the AMMJE Chapter of Cozumel announce the Princes & Princesses Race, the Rabies Vaccination Campaign starts in Cozumel, and a Raft is found on the Eastern side of Cozumel.

tianguis3Cozumel Hotels to Participate in Tianguis 2014

I had trouble finding the meaning of the word Tianguis when I first heard about it. I could not find it in the English dictionary. So let us start with the definition.

Tianguis is a word from the Nahuatl language (the language spoken by the Aztecs) which refers to an open-air market, particularly an itinerant market which may be installed in a different location on each day of the week. A wide variety of products may be sold in a Tianguis, from produce and dry goods to livestock and mass-produced items. Some specialized Tianguis will sell only one particular type of merchandise; for example, in Taxco there is a silver Tianguis every Saturday, at which silver jewelry is sold. Tianguis are common throughout Mexico, both in rural and urban areas. The term día de tianguis means “market day.” Pronunciation: tee-an-geese Also Known As: Mercado, market, open-air market, street market.

Cozumel’s hotel sector will share in the 39th Annual Mexico Tourism Tianguis 2014, to be held in Cancun this May. The manager of the Hotel Association on the island, Isela Jimenez Valenzuela, stated that the hotel partners are getting ready to take part in this promotion and business platform where the attractions of this tourist destination will be offered to domestic and international buyers. She mentioned that the hotel sector is excited to take part in the Tianguis, since large corporate hotel chains are working on planning the negotiation of agreements with travel agencies and other companies through which they intend to bid for the use of their facilities for the year, 2015.

She stressed that they are looking to independent hotels, i.e., that are not part of any corporate group to join and be involved in Tianguis. As of the day of the report, six association members confirmed participation, while hotel companies such as Occidental, Secrets and Meliá will have their corporation representatives promote each of its branches, or locations where they have facilities.

Valenzuela Jimenez explained that the Tianguis is an event between tour operator, airlines, travel agencies and hoteliers looking to build packages that can be offered in conjunction with various marketing and promotions. The doors do not open to the public, instead, business executives and representatives negotiated with Locations or facilities of the several States, Municipalities or Ports.

Governor Roberto Borge Angulo said on March 14th that he is confident that there will be a record number of attendees, exhibitors and business meetings. There will be participation from 50 countries and 150 Tour Operators and wholesalers. He also reported that. 100 percent of the Tianguis Turistico 2014 suites are already sold. A bulletin issued said that according to information from the Organizing Committee, there is a waiting list of companies hoping for a cancellation, that wish  to access a suite on site which has a capacity for 15,000 people.

The Governor reported that the theme of Quintana Roo’s pavilion will be “Quintana Roo, door to the Mayan World.”  There will be an area dedicated to this program that will be shared with the states of Yucatan, Campeche, Chiapas and Tabasco, which additionally have their own space within the LAKAM Center.

princesThe Princes and Princesses Marathon

Martin Ana Lilia Ortiz , president  of The Mexican Association of Women Entrepreneurs (AMMJE) Cozumel chapter, held a press conference last week to announce the details of  the 2014 edition of the “Race of the Princesses and Princes,” to be held on Saturday April 12 at 6 p.m.

Participation in this event is encouraged, as the proceeds will go towards good causes, the Cozumel Humane Society and to support the student athletes of Professor José Montes de Oca who will soon attend the national phase of the Olympiad. Additional funds will be raised by raffling prizes donated by participating companies.

There will be two categories and distance races. The Princes and Princesses category race will be for 5 kilometers for ages “open” and youth. The Children and Dogs with Owners race will be for 3 kilometers. The Race has the support of the Municipal Palace and the board walk will be closed for the event (Melgar), as the race will start and finish at City Hall.

Participants will all start at the City Hall courtyard in the Andrés Quintana Roo Park. The 5 kilometer “Open and Youth” participants will race to the Mestizaje Monument and back. The 3 Kilometer “Children and Dogs with their Owners” participants will race from the same place to San Miguel Pier and back.

Registrations can be made at the offices of AMMJE in the Plaza del Sol or the Municipal Directorate of Sports which is located at the sports complex “Independence.”

The cost is $200 pesos for “Free and Youth category “And $ 150 pesos for Children and Dogs with their Owners” Category. Participants will all receive an event shirt, medal, and number with special prizes for all the winners.


rabiesRabies Vaccination Campaign starts in Cozumel

City Hall announced the start of the “National Rabies Vaccination Campaign 2014, ” in Cozumel. In order “to maintain the status of a city with no cases of rabies,” vaccination modules were installed in different parts of the City.

On Sunday, March 23rd, Mayor Fredy Marrufo Martin arrived with his ​​children to vaccinate their pet “Nicky” at the module installed next to the monument “El Caracol “, on Avenue 65 and Avenida Benito Juarez. Nicky, their pet Schnauzer dog was given a dose of rabies vaccine.

Thus, Martin Marrufo highlighted the commitment required of citizens to care for their pets, seek timely medical care and give the affection they need. He also took the opportunity to greet and congratulate cozumeleñas families for their excellent participation and cooperation to make the National Vaccination Campaign in the island a success.

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Welcome to the Cozumel Sun! Since 2006, TCS website, Facebook Group, and Facebook page has provided the latest news and information from Cozumel, Mexico. There are no paid staff. TCS is non-profit and non-government funded. Donations help pay for website expenses, taxes, and fees. Donations support our community assistance program. TCS Community Assistance TCS provides assistance to local individuals and families with emergency food, medical expenses and medication. We help with school related expenses for children in the immediate neighborhood (Colonia Independencia). We have a ""drop in" meal policy, we feed the hungry no questions asked. In addition we publish articles that feature community programs in need of donations and volunteers. We encourage both residents and visitors to give back to this island paradise by volunteering and donating to these existing community programs. TCS has successful matched those that want to help and those in need for many years. During the Pandemic, our resources go to the Community Kitchens that are feeding hundreds in Cozumel.