Happy Earth Day Everyone! The Easter Holidays or Spring break as they say back in the United States has been paradise perfect! Beach weather every single day and activities galore everywhere. In Cozumel news this April 22, 2014:
- Cozumel Preparing to Hire 30 Police Officers
- First Annual World Day of the Bicycle a Success
- Dory and Nemo Buses Report Increase
- Pine of the Sea Threat to Coastal Flora
Cozumel Preparing to Hire 30 new police officers
The Department of Public Safety and Traffic is planning on hiring 30 new police officers this July. According to a press release, the requirements to be met by those wishing to be part of the Department of Public Safety, is a high school education and to pass the psychological and physical tests. It was also noted that they are looking for candidates that have roots in the island, in order to have the necessary knowledge of the urban area and the problems that exist in certain parts of the population.
First Annual World Day of the Bicycle a Success
Around 250 people of all ages and walks of life participated in the first “World Day of the Bicycle” celebration. Bike lovers traveled a route through streets and avenues of the city to encourage the use of bicycles. Along the way some people joined the platoon of riders to the end destination of the Quintana Roo Park, across from City Hall. “Cozumel Bicicletero”, organized the event that began at five in the afternoon in the parking lot of the Bicentennial Sports facility. The organization wants to promote the daily use of a bicycle as a benefit to health as well as an environmentally friendly and sustainable transport. By encouraging the use of bicycles authorities seek to avoid the city being saturated by motor vehicles in the coming years. There are 47 thousand vehicles of which about 22,000 are motorcycles. Although it is increasingly common to see cyclists in the city, the number of these is unknown since most are not registered.
Dory and Nemo Buses Report Increase
Both companies that run the buses named and decorated as “Dory” and Nemo” reported record increases in passengers this Holiday Season. The first week alone earned them an 80% increase in profits as local residents, and tourists took to the beaches “Chen Rio, San Martín, Mezcalitos, Bonita Beach and Punta Morena. The Nemo bus charges 10 pesos for children and 20 for adults. The Nemo bus make five to six laps daily to the beaches from ten in the morning until seven at night. Both buses carry insurance in the event of an accident and are not allowed to “overcrowd” a bus. Both companies offer the service from their base on Juarez Avenue between 70th and 75th Avenue. They hope that people continue to use their services after the holidays.
Pine of the Sea Threat to Coastal Flora
The National Forestry Commission (Conafor) must invest two and a half million pesos to control a plague named “casuarina” or Pine of the Sea” in the northern side of the island. The presence of this type of flora, which is not native to the island, is affecting 18 kilometers of coastline and has spread in the last 20 years, according to studies conducted by the National Commission of Natural Protected Areas (Conanp) in Cozumel. The presence of this plant causes loss of sand, up to 20 meters of beach. Cristopher González Baca, Director Conanp of Cozumel, said Pine of the Sea interrupts the flow of water to mangroves and sea reefs, and causes displacement of native species.. The maritime pine, popularly named for their similar appearance, is native to Australia and Southeast Asia. They arrived in Cozumel by wind, ocean current or human intervention. Today they can be seen mainly in the north in the Isle of Passion. Local species displaced by the maritime pine: – Riñonina – Lavanda de playa – Ciricote de playa.
Cozumel Events & Activities 2014
Playa Azul Invitational Tournament April 21st & 22nd
El Cedral Festival April 28th, 2014 – May, 3rd
6th International Cozumel Island Golf Tournament May 3rd
Taste of Cozumel – Swim, Bike and Run Festival 2014 May 9th, 10th, & 11th
Sea Turtle Workshop May 15th – August 31st
Cruz Roja Cozumel Bazaar May 16 & 17th
Cozumel Fishing Tournament May 16th, 17th, & 18th
Cozumel Aero Show 2014 May 17th & 18th
Sacred Mayan Journey May 22nd, 23rd,&24th
San Pedro y San Pablo Festival June 19th – June 29th
Baby Turtle observation workshop August 1st – October 31st
Clinic with Horse Whisperer Martin Ochoteco August 9th & 10th

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