Cozumel News April 26, 2014 has Exciting news and updates: Modernizing the Cozumel Museum – The Cozumel Planetarium is Confirmed! – Free Children’s Concert at El Cedral – Recovery of Seawall Beaches – Playa Fishermen Expelled – El Cedral 2014 is open! – Cruz Roja Bazaar – Día Del Niño
Modernizing the Cozumel Museum
Museum board President, Eduardo Novelo López and the members of the Foundation Board of Parks and Museums of Cozumel have come together to work on the first draft of a proposal to modernize Cozumel’s Museum. In their proposal, they agreed that they must keep the identity of the island, but must modernize the information services offered. Their plan is to preserve the building as it is on the outside, but to renew and modernize the inside. The cost of the renovation to be funded by the Federal Government is estimated at 40 Million pesos.
Cozumel Planetarium Confirmed
As we reported last year, Cozumel is next in line to have a planetarium. The Council for Science and Technology (Coqcyt) confirmed that they will invest 59.7 million pesos this year for the construction of a new planetarium on the island of Cozumel. According to the director of that department, Víctor Sánchez Alcérreca, they are only waiting for a change in the permit for the use of the land to start building. “We have the resources, the project is approved, and we have the land in Cozumel. The work begins during the month of May,” said Sanchez Alcérreca.
The Cozumel planetarium would be unique with the only system of 3D technology, in Latin America.
Quintana Roo will then have three planetariums, with the two already in Chetumal and Cancun. They are also working on a fourth project, whose location would be in Playa del Carmen or Tulum. The projection for the current state administration is six properties of this type.
Free Children’s Concert at El Cedral
The DIF announced the free presentation of the children’s group Megabait to celebrate el “Día Del Niño” (Children’s Day). The President of DIF Cozumel, Mrs. Gina Ruiz de Marrufo, announced a free concert on Children’s Day. The concert will be held in La Plaza de Toros in the El Cedral Fair at 5 pm April 30th, but the access doors into the bullring “La Española” will open at 3:30 pm. The Group of little giants is of composed Megabait Magaby, Monserrat, Jorge, Miguel Angel, Darina and Hiroshi. All participants of the first generation program “Little Giants.”
Recovery of Seawall Beaches!
The City of Cozumel has entered the final design of extraction and dumping of sand to restore one kilometer of beach on the boardwalk in Cozumel. It is estimated that the plan will cost 150 million pesos and will be completed in 2014. David Viana Alfonso Martinez, Director of Coastal Planning and Federal Maritime and Terrestrial Zone (Zofemat), made the announcement of this project that has been in the works since 2010. The plan, which was submitted to the Ministry of Tourism (Federal Tourism Ministry), contemplates pouring 35 cubic meters of sand in the area spanning from Rafael E. Melgar Avenue and 2nd Street North to the public beach “Las Casitas.” The material will be removed from the sandbar located in the northern side of the island. The 35 thousand cubic meters of sand will be distributed in a strip 40 meters from the sea shore to create the beach. Beach clubs, bath areas, changing rooms and showers will be built. This will all be run by the City, not the private sector. To avoid erosion, a containment system will be installed.
Playa fishermen Expelled
Just when I discovered the most inexpensive place to purchase our fish, the Federales closed them down. It has been reported that for over 40 years fishing boats from Playa Del Carmen have come to Cozumel in the early morning hours to sell their catch. Since there is less competition to sell their catch in Cozumel than in Playa del Carmen, this has been a way of life for these men. Last Wednesday, the Federal prosecutors and Police ran them all off citing complaints of unfair competition from the local fishing union and the Malecon Market. The article also cited health issues with them cleaning the fish close to shore and needing a permit to sell on Federal land.
On Thursday, Juan Quian Uc, owner of the vessel “St. Lucia of Fatima II, ” from Playa del Carmen went to city hall to obtain permission from the municipal authorities to continue their activity. He has traveled three times a week has for three decades to sell his catch in Cozumel. However, obtaining permission from the Federal Maritime Zone (Zofemat) is not a simple process. It is not known if it will be approved, how long the process takes, or if they can be allowed to sell until the matter is cleared up.
Quian Uc said the fishermen are willing to make payments to have their permits in order to work without problems. He said they sell 100 to 150 kilos of fish allowing him to support his family, pay a salary to his four employees and pay operating expenses. He finished by saying that for 30 years he has come to the island, because Playa del Carmen has too much competition. They have established a large client base in Cozumel over the years. The complaint against these fishermen was filed by the Fisheries Cooperative Cozumel and Isla Cooperative Passion plus tenants of the municipal market dedicated to selling fish.
El Cedral 2014 is open !
The schedule is listed in: http://www.cozumel.gob.mx/cedral/
April 30th will be the next Holiday in Mexico. In Mexico there are three major kinds of holidays: Statutory, Civic, and Festivities. Here are the descriptions and dates of all the Mexican Holidays:
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