Cozumel News May 8th, 2014

Cozumel News May 8th, 2014:  Labor Day March 2014, The price of Gasoline, Barracuda Beach for Sand, Handicapped Parking Spaces, Cozumel Anniversary Mass, Puerta Maya Extension, No Prostitution Law, and Escape to Cozumel. Do not forget that in addition to the latest Cozumel News, The Cozumel Sun has a Living in Cozumel Guide, Listings of Service Providers in Cozumel, Coupons and special Offers, and a regularly updated Events Calendar.

Labor March 2014Labor Day March

Thursday, Day 1, was “Dia de Trabajo,” Labor Day. The Labor Day March this year had  more participants than last year. The parade route was down Rafael E. Melgar Avenue to the Quintana Roo Park. At the head of the march was the Mayor, Fredy Marrufo Martin and municipal officials.   Upon arrival to the park speeches were made ​​by Miguel Juan Santa María Casanova,  CTM Union; Gabriel Moo Pech,  CTC Union,  Campos Montes, of the FESOC, as well as the Mayor. Workers representing 16 unions stayed to listen to their speeches.   During his speech, Campos Montes spoke of the low wages in the country. “The $64 pesos only serve to pay for our breakfast. How do we feed our family? He said the minimum wage should be extinguished. He said that the level of poverty in Mexico is 60% despite having a wealth of minerals.


The price of Gasoline

Por Esto Newspaper reported that gasoline prices once again increased this past Saturday, one of the reasons for the price increases in everything in the stores. The other major reason is the 16% IVA (Sales Tax). The article described the hardship this increase is causing the average Mexican family. Mexico had a 3.9% increase to the minimum wage in 2014. So my readers can come to their own conclusions, I decided to give you the facts and let you do the math. I looked up the MEXICAN minimum wage on-line and found the following information that pertains to our geographic area: The minimum wage in Zone B increased to $63.77 Mexican pesos (about $4.91 USD) per day. This zone covers the following states: Aguascalientes, Campeche, Coahuila, Colima, Chiapas, Durango, Guanajuato, Hidalgo, Michoacán, Morelos, Nayarit, Oaxaca, Puebla, Querétaro, Quintana Roo, San Luis Potosí, Sinaloa, Tabasco, Tlaxcala, Yucatán and Zacatecas. It also covers specific municipalities within the states of Chihuahua, Guerrero, Jalisco, Estado de México, Nuevo León, Sonora, Tamaulipas and Veracruz that are not included in Zone A. – See more at: Now that we have established that the average Mexican worker makes $63.77 pesos per day, here is the price increase per Liter: Magna gasoline was $12.59 increased 9 cents and is now $12.68 pesos. Premium gasoline was in the range of $13.23 is now at $13.34, 11 cents more. Diesel gasoline was $13.06 increased   11 cents and is now $13.17 pesos. Since January, Magna has increased 4.5%, Premium 5.4% and Diesel gas 5.1%. By the end of the year, gas will increase a total of 11%.

SandBarracuda Beach for Sand

Specialists reported that for reasons of ecology, logistics and economy, Barracuda Beach would be an ideal place to extract sand. The sand, needed for hotels and beach clubs, could be extracted from this area, north of Cozumel, in 2015. This alternative seeks to replace the 400 cubic meters that are pending because of the suspension of sand mining in Punta Molas Road. The Municipality suspended work because of the poor condition of the access road to the bank where sand extraction had been allowed. To remove the material now would need an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) with a cost of about 160 thousand pesos. As an alternative, there is a possibility of extracting the sand from an area of submarine banks in the north of the island, known as Barracuda Beach. On the average they will need to invest 90 billion pesos for the purchase of equipment and 70 thousand pesos for the rights of the EIS study.

handicap (1)Handicapped Parking Spaces

Elements of the City Traffic Branch are unable to fine drivers using handicapped spaces in parking lots of supermarkets and shopping malls. These parking lots are part of public space but are privately owned areas. According to Article 36 Section II of Regulation Ensures the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. Cozumel should establish mechanisms to make sure that access areas, ramps and parking spaces are used properly for vehicles that transported people with disabilities in both facilities and places of public access and public roads. However, a specific penalty for this breach of regulations is not set. The plan is to appeal to Social consciousness to not invade the parking spaces for the disabled. The municipal authorities plan to ask the managers of shopping centers to invite their customers to respect the handicapped spaces. Anselmo Castañeda García, Coordinator for the Inclusion of Persons with Disability in DIF explained that Municipal authorities are not authorized to ticket unauthorized vehicles that occupy handicap reserved parking spaces, if the space is in private property. He said that the  business staff should make sure the  disabled parking is used properly.

obispoCozumel Anniversary Mass

Monseñor Pedro Pablo Elizondo (Chetumal) officiated the Santa Misa (Catholic Mass) across from “Las Casitas” on the site of the very first mass in Cozumel. In this ceremony the bishop invited parishioners to preserve the story of the important role played by Chaplain Juan Diaz, who on 1518 first held a Eucharistic ceremony before a Mayan community. . In an interview, The Bishop explained that he wants to seek approval for Cozumel to host a grand ecclesiastical party in jubilee year 2018, to celebrate 500 years of Christian life in Cozumel and Mexico. He said he will seek permission from their religious superiors, who can approve a jubilee year 2017 to 2018. In anticipation of this grand event,   the community is expected to start preparing for a feast that will have everything from mariachi to praise and thousands of ministries of the Mexican Republic present for the celebration. In regard to the chapel, that they have tried to build for several years, he is hoping on that day to inaugurate the Chapel of the Holy Cross Sabán that would be built opposite the Casitas. He said: “I have the confidence and hope that soon the building of a chapel could be adopted. We do not want a huge property, we just want to have something that could represent that part of the history and that would also surely serve as a tourist attraction. ”  The project to build a small Chapel on that site would need permission from the Federal Government, that the City donates the land, then the state government approval, and finally an investment of one million pesos.

punta mayaPuerta Maya Extension

This is a projected extension of Puerta Maya announced on May 2nd by the Governor. The project will require an investment of  $20 million pesos, to be funded by Carnival Cruise shipping.

brothelNo Prostitution Law

Prosecutors argue about the proliferation of brothels in the colonies of the city, this is in large part because there is no law prohibiting prostitution. Local newspapers have covered for months reports of an uncontrolled increase in houses of prostitution in different parts of the city.   A block from the Oxxo store on 30th, on 25th Avenue and 19th Street, a police vehicle has been stationed on and off for months, supposedly with the intention of discouraging the un-licensed brothel across the street. Another article reported one on 27th South and 30th Avenue; I believe this is the one in the picture. The new administration has directed Public Safety to police these places as leverage with the goal of eradicating prostitution.  While they have boasted success in closing these brothels, sources say, they have just moved to a different place or rented a room. Continued expansion of  this type of brothel, can become a  serious health risk factor and there is a demand for a coördinated meeting with the ” Comisión Federal para la Protección Contra Riesgos Sanitarios” (COFEPRIS) The Director of Public Safety will continue following up on monitoring  these places as they are reported.

beauty1 Escape to Cozumel

Juan González Castelán, Director of Tourism announced in a press release that Cozumel is highlighted in the April issue of magazine “Endless Vacation.” The island was the subject, in recent months, of an article as the result of a visit by journalist, Sterling Kelso. He explained that during the journalist’s four-day stay in Cozumel , staff of the Department of Tourism,  facilitated his visit to the island’s attractions as well as the most picturesque and traditional locations. The article on Cozumel titled “Escape to Cozumel” recounts his visit to the island. He said the magazine has more than 2 million readers in the U.S. and Canada. The article can be viewed over the Internet at the following link:

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