Cozumel News May 27th, 2014: Motorcycle Deaths and Accidents, Another Beach Rescue, Investigating Albatros Reef Damage, and our Senior Nursing Home “Juan Pablo II” Needs Our Help.
Motorcycle Deaths & Accidents
On May 22nd, the same day I was reporting on the sinking of the Albatros, Por Esto reported “another” death of a tourist as a result of a motorcycle accident. The following day, the local radio station really went to town on the story, accusing the renters of the motorcycles on the island of criminal negligence for renting to inexperienced drivers.
First of all, I express my condolences to the family of Glenda Renay Pratt, 44 of Washington, United States. Mrs. Pratt lost her life after losing control of the motorcycle she was driving in the vicinity of the Iberostar Hotel on the transversal road. She was reported to be part of a seven motorcycle caravan touring the island. It was originally reported that her husband was among the friends that witnessed the tragic accident that caused her death instantly when she hit a tree. I was later contacted by a member of her party that her husband was not in Mexico and that no one witnessed the accident.
The radio personalities criticized the lack of regulations in the motorcycle rental agencies that DO NOT REQUIRE A MOTORCYCLE LICENSE OR ENDORCEMENT when they rent out the motorcycles. Inexperienced and unlicensed tourists are renting these motorcycles and are getting into life threatening accidents. Like automobiles, the businesses that rent the motorcycles require that their clients are liable for any damage to the vehicle. Before you leave town, you will be reimbursing them for any damage done to their vehicle, if you kill yourself on their vehicle your family will be charged the damages.
On May 25th, papers once again reported yet another motorcycle accident. A tourist, Robert Castro, 33 years of age from the United States lost control of his motorcycle while speeding in front of Hotel Fiesta Americana. The report stated he received minor abrasions and contusions, a possible arm fracture, none life threatening. He was reported to be taken by the Costa Med ambulance to Costa Med hospital. After his release he was taken to the” traffic yard” were he was assessed $2,000 pesos in damages to the motorcycle. (Read “The Cozumel Sun” Section on “Emergencies” in the “Living in Cozumel Guide,” if you have not already done so.) I am certain that the motorcycle expense was probably cheaper than the ambulance and medical care.
I normally do not report this type of story. I am doing so in an attempt to warn everyone that you must use common sense when traveling. Do not rent any vehicle that you are not experienced in driving! For heaven’s sake, if there is any chance that you might decide to have a cocktail during the day, let someone else drive. There are buses and cab services at your disposal to take you anywhere you want to go.

Another Beach Rescue
A Carnival “Paradise” passenger, Angela Cooper, 40, of Tampa Florida was rescued On Saturday May 25th. She was swimming at San Martin beach and I am not certain if on purpose or accidently she swam outside of the cordoned area. Strong waves and currents swept her away and placed her in a life threatening situation. Life Guard Emir Muñez administered first aid after she was pulled to safety at Playa Mia. She was taken by ambulance to General Hospital and later released to enjoy the rest of her stay.
Once again, common sense must be practiced when visiting our beaches. Always swim within sight of the life guards, and obey the signs that let you know if it is safe to enter the waters or not. The Sea is beautiful but dangerous with currents that can challenge even experienced swimmers.

Investigating Albatros Reef Damage
On May 23rd, the National Commission of Protected Natural Areas in Cozumel (CONAMP) reported that they are reporting to the Attorney General’s Office their results on their investigation of damages done by the Albatros to Cozumel Reefs.
They report minor damage done to the reef where the Albatros rested near Punta Sur. The damage was eight meters long by two meters wide. They stated the area did not have coral, but had sponges and complied with the characteristics of being a reef area.
Damage is reported to have been caused at lower Columbia Reef while the Albatros was being towed to land. The unspecified damage was allegedly caused by floating the albatros during low tide over the reef. They did imply that this damage was also minor.
The Albatros was raised out of the water at Meridian Marina by a travel lift machine, I think of them as cranes. The CONAMP representative noted that one of the two propellers was bent as if it had collided with something solid. CONAMP does not determine fines or penalties, just gives their technical opinion to the Attorney General’s Office.
Needless to say, I will not be able to report on the salvage operation of the Albatros until this investigation is completed. I have, however, been contacted by the two tourists aboard the Albatros when it sank and look forward to writing about their experience in the near future. They are full of praise for the Albatros crew and Albatros Charters.

Cozumel Health
Located at the Barracuda Hotel in Cozumel across from MEGA WE’LL KEEP YOU DANCING & DIVING! Monday to Saturday: 9:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. Sunday by Reservations Only For reservations by phone, please dial 872-1122.Senior Nursing Home Needs Help
Our Nursing home, “Juan Pablo II” needs our help. The nursing home is under the care of the order of nuns, “Mariana Bajo el Signo de la Cruz.” There are four nuns that care for eight seniors twenty four seven. Only two of the eight seniors have families that can visit during the week and bring them groceries, toiletries, and clothing. They are unable to care for them because they must work. In this culture, seniors are care for by their families. There is no Nursing Home Culture as in the United States. The Senior home was started for seniors found living alone that had no living relatives to care for them.
The other six seniors are completely alone in the world. Their life is spent looking out the window for relatives that will never come to visit. There are no relatives to bring them groceries, clothing, or senior grooming necessities.
The Sisters at the Nursing home are calling for more help from the population. They need donations for their pantry, adult diapers and help to continue their fence. There is a BIG demand for visitors that can hug and give the biggest contribution of all, “Love.”

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