Cozumel News June 17th, 2014: An update on the new Westin Hotel, A Health Alert for weather related illnesses, Parents to Pay, a way to make parents take responsibility for their children’s criminal activities, CAPA to Fine people found stealing water and at last, a Pet Ordinance to be implemented in Cozumel.

Westin Hotel Update
A week ago papers reported that all was set for the new hotel from the Westin Hotel chain to be constructed on the North Hotel Zone. It is expected that the official placement of the foundation/cornerstone would take place sometime this month. The first class hotel is to be 15 stories tall, have 150 rooms, green areas, and a pool. Permits call for a two year project, but construction could be completed in a year and a half.
La Rumba Cozumel #121 10th Avenida entre Adolfo Rosado Salas y 1st Sur Tuesday- Sunday 2:00 p.m. to Midnight Closed Mondays Live Music: Salsa & Cuban 8:00 to 11:00 p.m. June Special Mention “The Cozumel Sun” & Get FREE order of Avocado FRIESFogo Do Brazil Steakhouse
Rafael e Melgar & 5 Avenida sur Open 7:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. Home of the $59 peso Complete Breakfast $260 peso All You Can Eat Buffet
Health Alert
Arturo Villanueva Marrufo, Director of General Hospital issued a health alert due to various temperature swings that have dominated the island. While the high temperatures have not caused the usual increase in the town of outbreaks of Aedes Aegypti mosquito, respiratory illness or possible cases of dengue fever (classic or hemorrhagic), he acknowledged that it is the season that predominate diseases of the upper respiratory tract such as tonsillitis, pharyngitis, among others.
Marrufo emphasize the need to raise awareness among citizens for both adults and for infants to participate in vaccination programs, plus warn people against self-medication, particularly in those patients with the classic fever or dengue hemorrhagic fever, pneumonia or severe colds. Medical specialists can give a true diagnosis, prescribe appropriate medications, and monitor your condition. Suggestions or recommendations by the neighbors are discouraged.
I want to take this opportunity to explain to my readers that in Mexico we tend to do things differently than back home. Neighbors and friends tend to have home remedies for everything you can think of. Many medicines can be purchased without a prescription and it is tempting to self medicate for symptoms that you have had the prior year or a friend of yours had last month. What seems like a bad cold or cough can turn into a respiratory illness that can kill you if not treated properly. Health care is very affordable here, go see a Doctor!
Parents to Pay
Last Thursday the Cozumel City Council and local police started procedures to enable authorities to charge parents with fines and even possible jail time for crimes committed by their under aged children. Under age fights, disorderly conduct and vandalism have gone unpunished and authorities want to place the responsibility where it belongs, on the parents.
Despite having approved the amendment it will not become effective until it is published in the Official Gazette of the State, tentatively this could be in a month. It will depend on when the payment is made to cover the publication and on the scheduled agenda in Chetumal.
New SPECIAS Restaurant
Seafood Specialties
Chef Francesco
3rd South between 5th & 10th
Thursdays – Tuesdays 6 p.m. to 11:30 p.m.
Closed Wednesdays
SUNDAYS: Salvador Formento 8:30 p.m. – 10:30 p.m.
CAPA to Fine
CAPA is sending a warning that it will prosecute anyone stealing water. Apparently, this is a problem in new colonies and new constructions. People are illegally tapping into CAPA water sources to avoid contracting for water service and paying a monthly fee. There is to be a $4,500 peso fine for offenders, plus a fee for the required contract of $2,612 pesos, bringing the total cost to the offender of $7,113 pesos. In addition, CAPA can file charges of theft.
Buccanos Bar & Grill Buccanos at Night Playa San Juan Km. 4.5, Cozumel Beach Club Open Daily 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Buccanos at Night Friday and Saturday night from 6:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. Reservations: 01 987 872 0100 Email buccanos@yahoo.com
Pet Ordinance
Raúl Villanueva Sauri, Director of the legal department of the district, noted the existence of a system which he defined as “Ecological Civility.” He explained that it involves the implementation of a financial penalty on the person, whose pet has defecated in a public area, (and the owner does not collect the feces). He defined the fine to be in the range 10 to 30 times the minimum wage.
The new pet ordinance is focusing towards pet owners who often take their dogs for a walk to public places such as streets, parks and beaches. He explained that just as there are people who clean the excrement of animals, there are those who choose not to do so, and those people will now be sanctioned.
Among the new provision, pet owners have to forcibly restrain their animals on a leash, if you take them out for walk. Dogs are not allowed to wander the streets unaccompanied and without a leach. Cozumel Pet owners must have their dogs on a leash and carry bags to collect stool after their pet defecate in a public area.

0 p.m. Purchase a Seafood Platter and get 1 bucket of your favorite beer *Promotion only valid with printed promotion. Seniors EXTRA 15% discount just by showing your INAPAN card! Sunday Live Music: KAOBA band playing rock in English & Spanish
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