Social Media Food Sale Criticized
Established restaurateurs have asked the authorities to regulate businesses that sell food only through social networks. On June 25th the President of the National Chamber of Restaurant Industry and Spicy Food (Canirac) on the island, Damián Morales Miranda, says that there are about a thousand businesses engaged in the sale of food only through social media. He stated that it is unfair that these businesses do not pay taxes, do not pay for an operating license, or for refuse, or for wages, and other expenses that most registered businesses pay to comply with the law.
Regarding meeting compliance of hygiene standards, he stated that the lack of regulation could cause health problems. Restaurateurs that are bonded in Canirac fulfill these requirements and know how to properly operate a food service business and provide quality service to the diner.
New ESPECIAS Restaurant
Seafood Specialties
Chef Francesco
3rd South between 5th & 10th
Thursdays – Tuesdays 6 p.m. to 11:30 p.m.
Closed Wednesdays
Las Catrinas (At New Especias)
SATURDAY: DJ 10 p.m. – 3 a.m.
SUNDAYS: Salvador Formento 8:30 p.m. – 10:30 p.m.
Who says there is no night life in Cozumel!
End of Meters on the Waterfront
Baduy Antonio Moscoso, Municipal Treasurer, announced that the City of Cozumel and the company “Olympus Meters SA de CV”, owned by Victor Manuel Negrete Villalobos, are in talks to cancel the contract for the parking meters along Melgar. According to him, cancellation of the contract will not involve a financial penalty to the City of 9 million 900 thousand pesos.
It was reported that Antonio Baduy Moscoso, on instructions from the Mayor, Fredy Marrufo Martin, met with Victor Manuel Negrete Villalo last week to propose the terms of cancellation. He gave Negrete Villalo a document to review that was prepared by the legal department of the City that if agreed to, would remove the financial penalty for cancellation.
The article in Por Esto indicates that everyone is in agreement and all that is needed is a second meeting to set the date that the meters will be removed. There was emphasis placed that the contractor was not asking for more funds. There is a mention for a master plan for Melgar Avenue parking that would involve better control of downtown parking, but he said that the Mayor would tell us about the plan at the proper time.
La Rumba Cozumel #121 10th Avenida entre Adolfo Rosado Salas y 1st Sur Tuesday – Sunday 2:00 p.m. to Midnight Closed Mondays Live Music: Salsa & Cuban 8:00 to 11:00 p.m. June Special Mention “The Cozumel Sun” & Get FREE order of Avocado FRIES Fogo Do Brazil Steakhouse Rafael e Melgar & 5 Avenida sur Open 7:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. Home of the $59 peso Complete Breakfast $260 peso All You Can Eat Buffet
Use of Breathalyzers Initiated
Public Security and Traffic has announced that as of yesterday, they will use of Breathalyzers, and impose punishment by imprisonment and fines for drivers who are caught driving under the influence. A lawyer interviewed last week stated that people driving vehicles while intoxicated with alcohol or alcohol on their breath are committing a state crime. “the Penal Code Article 186 in Chapter Two about Crimes Against Traffic Safety Vehicles, quote who drives a motor vehicle and commits any breach of the Traffic Regulations, being intoxicated or under the influence of narcotics, psychotropic substances or other substances that prevent or interfere with its proper conduct shall be liable to the equivalent of a twenty-five to two hundred day fine and the extent of treatment necessary, as needed.”
Drivers who are detected driving under the influences of alcoholic beverages shall be subject to arrest and must pay a fine and the penalty for having breached some other article of traffic regulations before they can regain their freedom. Calculating the lowest fine, the twenty five day equivalent fine would be $1,594 pesos and maximum fine of the 200 day equivalent would be $12,954 pesos.
It was announced that drivers of cars and motorcycles that are caught driving with just alcoholic breath or first grade of intoxication will be punished with imprisonment of a minimum of 12 hours.
Drivers arrested for second degree of intoxication will be in jail 24 hours and those arrested for third degree of intoxication, will be in jail 36 hours. All must pay all fines and penalties before being released.
Any minors arrested will be turned over to their parents. The parents will be required to pay the penalties and fines arising from the incident and minors will be channeled to the Municipal DIF system to receive “therapies.”
According to Public Safety, “leaders” of political parties nor Municipal Officials may help someone to avoid prosecution, imprisonment or the payment of the fines and penalties. There are two breathalyzer units and 600 disposable mouth pieces available for the start of this operation.
I believe this is a great step towards saving lives; it is something needs to be done. However, drivers beware, my suggestion is if you are going to drink at all, catch a cab. There is not much information to go on as far as what exactly are the limits and what do they mean by alcoholic breath. If I drank a strong-smelling beverage and forgot my breath mint, can I be arrested? I certainly would not chance it.
Playa Azul Hotel Restaurant: Breakfast buffet 2 x 1 from 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m.*Promotion only valid with printed promotion.
Just 5 minutes away from Main Square and pier. Monday to Saturday from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Sundays from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. See the “The Cozumel Sun” Coupon Section to print out your coupons! Playa Azul Beach Club: Purchase a Seafood Platter and get 1 bucket of your favorite beer *Promotion only valid with printed promotion. En la compra de una mariscada obtén gratis un cubetazo de tu cerveza favorita. *Promoción valida con la hoja impresa de la promoción Seniors EXTRA 15% discount just by showing your INAPAN card! Sunday Live Music: MAcrophonics band playing rock in English & Spanish
The Miami Cozumel Connection in Danger
It appears we might lose the direct flight from Miami to Cozumel due to lack of expected demand. An article in Por Esto stated that travel agents felt that Cozumel Hotels were not offering competitive prices as the cause of the lack of business.
On November 21, 2013 the flight was inaugurated between Cozumel and Miami with great fanfare, which would be conducted by the American Airlines through a Boeing 737-800 with a capacity of 160 seats in economy class and first class cabins. Laura Pineapple Fernández, State Secretary of Tourism to the island, along with American Airlines then said they would seek to support the flight to this destination through attractive promotional strategies.
After seven months of operation of this flight, it seems that is at risk of being lost due to this lack of competitive prices compared to other places or other routes as travel agents have expressed to the president of the Hotel Association of Cozumel, Beatriz Tinajero Tarriba.
Beatriz Tinajero Tarriba shared her version, that being that there have been tourists arriving from Miami, but have chosen to travel different routes due to better prices. She hopes to address this major issue with the President of the Trust for Tourism Promotion of the Riviera Maya and Cozumel.
Cozumel Health Located at the Barracuda Hotel in Cozumel across from MEGA WE’LL KEEP YOU DANCING & DIVING! Monday to Saturday: 9:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. Sunday by Reservations Only For reservations by phone, please dial 872-1122
Last month I applied for IMSS medical insurance for Charles and I. The process was quite painless, but time consuming. Their office is in Plaza Del Sol (The Yellow building in Juarez Park) go up the flight of stairs that is closest to the parking lot. Here is a refresher article on how to apply. If you have any questions or need me to go with you to translate, please contact me. IMSS Medical Insurance is available to foreigners holding Immigration credentials. THE INSURANCE IS OFFERED FOR FAMILIES ONLY. It must be a husband and wife, or parent and child. The documentation they need must confirm the relationship of the two applicants. The cost is quite low, although it has risen annually. You will need to complete a questionnaire and bring:
ORIGINAL Birth certificates & Copy ORIGINAL Marriage license & Copy CURP Card Proof of residence (Utility bill etc.) Copies of you Immigration documentation Copies of your passports Two infantile size pictures in color They need the birth certificates and marriage license be translated by an approved translator. Copy of your Social Security Number assigned to you at:www.imss.gob.mxNEW: They need you present all the above documents before giving you the medical questionnaire. Depending on the medical questionnaire results, they might need a physical exam before approval. Coverage of pre-existing conditions is complicated, but if you are approved, you are covered:
The first six months there is no coverage. The second six months only minor things such as colds are covered. The second year everything is covered except broken bones and orthopedic.
The third year covers everything including medication as long as you get them from IMSS. You will not be reimbursed for drugs purchased at other pharmacies. The drug benefit is the only negative I have heard, as they are many times short of medications.
The Annual rates Per Person for 2014 are as follows:
Ages 0-19 $1,600 Pesos
Ages 20 – 29 $1,900 Pesos
Ages 30 – 39 $2,000 Pesos
Ages 40 – 49 $2,850 Pesos
Ages 50 – 59 $3,050 Pesos
Ages 60 – 69 $4,400 Pesos
Ages 70 – 79 $4,600 Pesos
Age 80 and up $4,650 Pesos

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