Cozumel news July 13th, 2014: Today, the story of a little girl who won the City sponsored Children’s Fishing Tournament yesterday and Seguro Popular, another plus for permanent residents in Cozumel. First and most important, I want to apologize for the delay in getting articles out this week; we had a family member in the hospital. As I have explained in the past, in Mexico this requires a member of the family to be with the patient, 24/7. In my family, it is my job as I speak both Spanish and English. As always in my life, there is a silver lining, I discovered yet another health insurance, called “popular,” the topic of my second article today.
She dedicated her win to her father
On Saturday, July 12th, Sarai Núñez Cupul won first place in the children’s branch of the fishing tournament organized by the city. She is the daughter of Gilmer Núñez Azueta, the fisherman diver that was lost at sea while fishing last April 8th. To date, his body has not been found. Sarai dedicated the tournament win to her father.
Dozens of children participated in the event that began at eight in the morning at the esplanade of the flag. The important program is representative of the sport that is part of the island’s culture and is instilled by their parents, the fishermen and fishermen divers who make their living at sea each day.
Sarai Núñez Cupul, just nine years old, went fishing in a whaling type boat, with friends of her father, her mother and siblings. Her winning catch was a result of “trolling” for four hours, in the north and south zones of the island. Sarai, who has great experience, was taught by her father, the famous fisherman diver Gilmer Núñez Azueta, who in the fishermen’s guild was called “Charly.”
When interviewed, Sarai mentioned that she will continue to appreciate the work that her father did, that she was fishing in his memory. She recalled that every morning before going fishing he would come to her bedside to give her a kiss and urge her to do well in school and every evening he would return smiling and happy telling them that night they would be savoring the fish that he caught for them.
She won first place in the tournament with her catch of 9 kilo 800 grams of fish known as “Escochin.” She received a fishing rod as a reward for the skill that she demonstrated in fishing, which she will share with her family. Sarai expressed feeling happy to have obtained this achievement, by applying the knowledge that was instilled in her by her father.Gilmer Núñez Azueta.
Seguro Popular
I spent all Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday at Cozumel General Hospital (CGH) Emergency. Family member Sharon Miller was admitted on Tuesday, but there were no beds available in the wards, so we got to stay in Emergency. There was no difference in the care, in fact; I believe we lucked out by the arrangement. She had a regular bed, meals were brought in, and we were right across from the nurse’s station. There was always a Nurse and a Doctor in our sight, usually more than one of each. There was no problem walking in and out, no need to turn in identification in exchange for a visitor’s pass. Unfortunately, their rule of only one visitor at a time was still enforced.
Our friends Isabel and Guadalupe stopped by to visit Sharon on Wednesday. While Isabel went in to visit with Sharon, Guadalupe went to drop off some documentation at the “Seguro Popular” office that as it turns out is located right across the street from CGH emergency. Thinking that this would be a great opportunity to get some work done, I asked her to find out what foreigners needed to have to apply for this insurance.
I thought it would be great to offer another alternative in The Cozumel Sun’s Living in Cozumel Guide. To date, I have only the instructions on applying for IMSS insurance which is through Mexico’s Social Security System. I have insurance agents listed free of charge, but have wanted to have more information on options available. I have asked the popular insurance agents on the island for information on their insurance packages for years unsuccessfully. They must really have a good business going if they do not need the free publicity.
To my delight, Guadalupe came back with the following information: FM2, Birth Certificate, Passport, CURP, Utility Bill for proof of residence, and that Election document that none of us have since we are not citizens. Now, this really perked my interest now for more than just a story. Last month I applied for IMSS Insurance for Charles and I but was unable to get insurance for Sharon. They do not have single coverage, and family coverage must be documented blood relatives only. This sounded promising!
At eight in the morning Thursday, I was at their door with all of Sharon’s documentation, original and copy. I explained she was across the street and would be able to come over and sign (and give her finger prints) after she was released from the hospital that afternoon. They were absolute sweethearts. First of all on both my visits when they saw me walking with a cane, they ran and got me a chair. Then they processed the documents and allowed me to sign as Sharon’s guardian so that we would have coverage effective that very day. The young woman that processed the application asked just basic questions: Name, Address, Own or Rent, phone number, Birth Date, Age, Marital Status, Working or Not. THEY NEVER QUESTIONED INCOME.
She scans all your finger prints one at a time into the computer for their records starting with the thumb on your right hand. After all this information gets put into the computer, she prints out two copies of your insurance policy. You sign in three places. She stamps some official seal on everything, hands you one of the originals and wham, you have insurance for the next three years FREE OF CHARGE.
You must make many copies of your policy, as you are to give a copy to the service provider at each visit. They have a clinic with General Practitioners that you must go to for care Monday to Friday either at eight in the morning or at one in the afternoon. I am assuming it is first come first serve, no appointments. If you need a specialist, they refer you to one. If the specialist is not on the island, they send you to the mainland. If you have an emergency, you go to Cozumel General Hospital. The hospital and ambulance ride if necessary are free of charge. I understand there is dental and eye care at this clinic. There is a pharmacy on the same block a CGH with limited medicines, also free of charge.
I checked Sharon out of CGH that afternoon. The invoice for Tuesday and Wednesday was $1,146 pesos. The invoice for Thursday was $906.00 pesos paid in full by Seguro Popular. Do not get your hopes up on the pharmacy, the only thing that Sharon was prescribed that they carried was the Omeprazol, and it was out of stock. Also, for whatever reason CGH is not doing all the laboratory work, so we paid out of pocket for some lab work at an outside clinic.
They give you a handbook of rights and description of services that is in Spanish, but there is a website: http://www.seguro-popular.gob.mx/ that has all the same information. It is also in Spanish; remember to use the Google Chrome Translation feature.
Tomorrow, I will venture over to the clinic at eight in the morning to have Sharon looked over and will have more information on the Seguro Popular system for my readers.
As I mentioned earlier, I applied for IMSS Medical insurance last month. The annual cost is based on your age, (see all rates and requirements in The Cozumel Sun at: https://www.thecozumelsun.com/living-in-cozumel-guide/health-insurance/ ). In the next week we should be able to go in for our physical exams and I will have more information on IMSS process for my readers.
The picture of CGH in this article is of the main entrance on 11th (Calle). The Emergency Entrance is on the other side of the block on Calle 13 between 20th Avenue and 15th Avenue Bis “C”. Walk directly across the street for the Seguro Popular Office, glass door far left.
Many Thanks to Ian at This is Cozumel for allowing me to use their beautiful picture on several occasions!
This is Cozumel
News, information and travel bookings from Cozumel Island in the Mexican Caribbean.
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