Cozumel News August 9th, 2014: Cozumel says farewell to an “Angel” and to follow-up on the new Immigration requirements for a CURP, Important News for Mexico Real Estate Buyers & Sellers. Please participate in the fundraiser this Sunday to help the family of the young paramedic we lost this week! We are blessed to live in Paradise, remember to give back, Volunteer & Donate. The Horse Whisperer is here!
Cozumel Says Farewell to an “Angel”
This is so difficult to write, I can’t get past the tears to do a good job on this one, pardon me. If you heard sirens this morning, it was the procession for the young paramedic that lost his life this week. Today was the “last goodbye” to Luis Ángel Hernández Sandoval, who died Thursday after being struck on his motorcycle by a Taxi on Monday. He died of head injuries. Yesterday morning, dozens of paramedics, relatives and other emergency workers met the ferry that carried the remains of young “Luis Angel” back to his home in Cozumel. A procession escorted him to San Jose Casa Funeral were there was a vigil that lasted overnight, according to customs.
Today, emergency workers, friends and relatives, again paid their tribute to the young paramedic by escorting him to his final resting place. The sirens were blasting as they slowly once again escorted him to The Mansion de Paz Cemetery. I am sorry, I just could not bring myself to attend and report first hand. Instead, I said a prayer for him at Corpus Christi this morning and lit a candle at home, as is my custom.
The family needs funds, the young man was uninsured. Remember that this Sunday friends, family and paramedics will conduct a bazaar next to the Mexican Red Cross at 65 Avenue and 25 South from 9a.m. to 1p.m. and a Cook-out at Benito Juarez Park from 7 p.m.-11 p.m. All proceeds will be deposited to the account of the family. We offer our condolences to his family.

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Important News for Mexico Real Estate Buyers & Sellers
Yesterday’s article on the new immigration Law covered the impact on owning a foreign plated vehicle. If you do not have a CURP, you will not be able to renew the plates. Today, let’s look at the implication the Law has on buyers and sellers of Real Estate in Mexico.
On July 4, 2014, the Secretary of Hacienda and Public Credit, the Mexican version of the IRS or Revenue Canada, issued a miscellaneous fiscal resolution that as of September 1, 2014 will affect all buyer and sellers of real estate in Mexico, regardless of their nationality. If you are buying or selling real estate after September 1, 2014, you will need to have both the CURP and the RFC.
The notary public that will issue a tax-deductible electronic receipt (CFDI or Comprobante Fiscal Digital a través de Internet), will insist on having both buyer AND seller show proof of the CURP and RFC in order to fully complete the receipt or CFDI.
As we reported yesterday, if you happen to be a foreign national, you will need to have either a permanent or temporary residency card as well, as right now it is a precursor to obtaining the CURP. (In practice those with a tourist visa are not being allowed to request a CURP).
Those who do not have the residency permit must apply for the card at the nearest Mexican Consulate in the country of your origin and it should not take more than a few days. The card that you are issued should show the CURP. Once you have your CURP, you can apply for your RFC online.
As always, there is the possibility of changes as the law is implemented over time.
The RFC is your Tax Identification Number, needed if you are selling or providing services that create revenues. It is issued by SAT, Secretary of Hacienda and Public Credit, the Mexican version of the IRS or Revenue Canada. As of September 2014, it is needed in order to sell or purchase Mexican Property. It is my understanding that you can start the process by applying on line at www.sat.gob.mx using your CURP number. I applied at the SAT office on 30th. I took along all my copies of: CURP, Immigration Credential, Utility Bill, and Copy of my Passport front Page. In no time I was issued a tax ID number, (RFC) and handed a how to disk with instructions and informational pamphlets. You can make an appointment with their accountant who can assist you on a one to one basis if you run across any problems. I am able to issue and receive Facturas for my work with The Cozumel Sun. I am able to do it all on-line including filing my taxes every two months. An RFC number will enable you to receive facturas for your home improvements and repairs to offset your capital gains tax in time of sales.
The Cozumel Sun has a Section that explains what all the different documents are and how to apply for them. Please read this important information at: https://www.thecozumelsun.com/living-in-cozumel-guide/important-documents/
Please help me keep this information up to date! If you become aware of an address change for an agency or a procedural change in the application process, please let me know so I can make the changes.
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Blue Angel Resort Dive Shop: Local Rates Available Cielo Trips: Every Friday @ 1:00 p.m. Deep Sea Fishing Tours Your catch custom prepared with different flavors and pairings by the chefs at the waterfront Blue Angel Restaurant at no extra charge. Everything else included too (permits, taxes and licenses). Convenient pick up and drop off at the Blue Angel Resort.
COMING SOON to Volunteer & Donate in The Cozumel Sun, Friends of Cozumel, a group that just finished distributing backpacks with full complements of school supplies and individually fitted shoes for 300 students!
If you have not already done so, check out: Cozumel CAM School for Disabled Children, The Cozumel Sea Turtle Rescue Program, The Humane Society of Cozumel, Rancho Universo Horse Sanctuary and Horse Therapy Centre, The Cozumel Blood Drive, and the Three Kings Day Drive.
Note: If you are headed to Cozumel on vacation, or are returning to Cozumel from vacationing in the United States, check out the wish lists of the various non-profit organizations. Many of the items are not available in Cozumel and almost always, the items that are available are extremely expensive here due to the high cost of transporting goods to the island.
If you are already part of one of these wonderful organizations, please proof the information that I have taken from your website and Facebook page. Please contact me with any changes and updates. I am a one-woman operation and really need your help in order to provide my readers with the most current information available. Thank you for your assistance!

Las Catrinas at New Especias Saturdays: DJ 10 p.m. – 3 a.m.
Sundays: Salvador Formento 8:30 p.m. – 10:30 p.m.
Closed Wednesdays
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