Cozumel News August 24th, 2014:
Cozumel Firefighters Celebrate Their Day, Cozumel Beaches Not Certified; PROFECO suspends Pawnshops, and a Cozumel Pier 24 Update.
Cozumel Firefighters Celebrate Their Day
This Friday was a day of celebration for firefighters in Cozumel. In the morning, the city authorities conducted a formal ceremony at its facility on Juarez Avenue & 60th South, where firefighters were given 16 complete uniforms acquired through resources of the restaurant-bar “Wet Wendy’s”, owned by Karla and Chad Gustaffson. The Gustaffsons purchased the helmets, boots, gloves and masks, while the council acquired the 16 custom made jackets. They later enjoyed a breakfast at a nearby restaurant.
The Cozumel firefighters were also visited by the musical group “Los Caracoles”, as part of the celebration. They congratulated each fireman, shared a meal of tacos and refreshments, took pictures and signed autographs. The group’s leader “La Sombra” mentioned that it has been 25 years since he visited Cozumel and Playa del Carmen. He was impressed with the many changes and growth and the focus on National and Foreign Tourism. He mentioned the hospitality of the people of Cozumel as well as the Natural Beauty of the island, and recalled that in their musical repertoire they have a song dedicated to the island.
Cozumel Firefighters receive between four to six thousand pesos per month in wages. They have not had a salary increase since 2008, and have no life insurance policies due to the economic state the City is in. The new uniforms are the first they have received in twenty years.
The Mayor, Fredy Marrufo Martin said that “(because of) the financial situation it is difficult for the City to give them life insurance, but we are aware of the risk of their craft and are in full support for acquiring (insurance) eventually.” About the project this year to have a fire station in the southern part of the island, he revealed that the state government has an interest, but is still being analyzed.
The Mayor acknowledged that the economic situation makes it difficult to address the needs of the un- sung heroes that did have life insurance for up to 50 thousand dollars through 2008, the same year when they received the last wage increase.

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The Township of Cancun is the most advanced in having certified beaches with ramps and spaces for people with special abilities, bathrooms, and lifeguards. Isla Mujeres is trying to achieve certification of two beaches, according to Alberto Alvaro Magaña Galué, Municipal Treasurer of Isla Mujeres. Cozumel, for now, does not have any certified beaches.
Magaña Galué was in Cozumel taking part in the session of the Committee for Clean Beaches Cancun and Riviera Maya, speaking of the actions that are performed to maintain clean beaches and attain certifications, citing that Cancun has at least three, and possibly five beaches certified by the Blue Flag. The Blue Flag symbolizes great quality in the services offered by the beach to everyone, sufficient lifeguards , access for people with disabilities, not just wheel chairs, but also walkers, rescue services, and bathrooms, among other things. The Blue Flag is an international organization that has a very high standard.
Months ago, people from the Blue Flag organization came to inspect San Martin Beach on the east coast. However, at this time they do not have bathrooms, ramps and access for people with special abilities, and it is uncertain when or whether they will proceed to make the necessary changes to attain accreditation.
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Cozumel Pawnshops Suspended by PROFECO
The Federal Consumer (PROFECO) suspended nine pawnshops on the island after an inspection this past Thursday. According to management personnel of Municipal Revenues 25 pawn shops operate in Cozumel. As part of the actions of the National Surveillance Program Verification and Pawnbrokers 2014, PROFECO inspected nine of these establishments and placed them all on suspension for various infractions of the Federal Consumer Protection Law (LFPC).
Inconsistencies detected during the nine inspections include no display of the price per gram for the determination of precious metals, not having the requirements posted for pawning jewelry, not posting the rights of the consumer, not posting the process or requirements and conditions for the marketing process of the merchandise and no membership contract registered with PROFECO, among other irregularities.
PROFECO staff made the inspections in the colonies Gonzalo Guerrero, Emiliano Zapata, San Gervasio, Independencia and centro, and suspended the following shops: “Casa de Empeño Cozumel”, 2 locations of “Realice Empeños y Más”, “El Puerto”, “Empeño Fácil”, “Cayambi”, “Bertha”, “Cash América”, y “San Gervasio”.
According to sources within the federal agency, those establishments are not to receive further merchandise (pawns) until they correct the infractions. They could receive a fine ranging from 222 pesos and 16 cents to 2 million 496 thousand pesos.
There have been many articles protesting the expansion of what is called Pier 24 due to the damage said construction is causing the coral reef. The City apparently was successful in halting construction in late July for not having a building permit. This week the Mayor announced that “These jobs will be in the body of water, in concession to the company by the Municipal Port Authority of Cozumel (APIMCOZ), where permissions are of a federal nature, so that the local authority cannot interfere.
The mayor said that, since the work is in accordance with permits issued by the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources (SEMARNAT), it is outside of the City’s area of intervention; only the federal authority can act. The Shipping Company announced earlier this year an investment of 50 million pesos and to build a spa and other services in that area.

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New Cozumel Sun Sections! Automobile Parts & Terms in Spanish, Three new Updates under Mexican Immigration Plus, “How to Move Money” added to the Bank Section.
Remember to give back to our wonderful Island! The Volunteer & Donate Section of The Cozumel Sun has information on Volunteer opportunities for you: Juan Pablo II Senior Home, Friends of Cozumel, Cozumel CAM School for Disabled Children, The Cozumel Sea Turtle Rescue Program, The Humane Society of Cozumel, Rancho Universo Horse Sanctuary and Horse Therapy Centre, The Cozumel Blood Drive, and the Three Kings Day Toy Drive.
Note: If you are headed to Cozumel on vacation, or are returning to Cozumel from vacationing in the United States, check out the wish lists of the various non-profit organizations. Many of the items are not available in Cozumel and almost always, the items that are available are extremely expensive here due to the high cost of transporting goods to the island.
If you are already part of one of these wonderful organizations, please proof the information that I have taken from your website and Facebook page. Please contact me with any changes and updates. I am a one-woman operation and really need your help in order to provide my readers with the most current information available. Thank you for your assistance!
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Aura Holguin-Resch 987-119-4956 Cell 120-5903 Casa 386-445-8702 USA auraholguin@thecozumelsun.com