Cozumel News September 17th, 2014: Cozumel Boat Adventure for Disabled Children: All about the wonderful boat trip the children of DIF Cozumel were treated to on Sunday, September 14th, 2014
On Sunday September14th, the Children of DIF and their families were treated to a boat ride courtesy of Ronnie Lippert. Some fifty DIF children and family members enjoyed a boat ride and the experience of bottom fishing. For many of these children the boat ride and fishing was a first!
State of Quintana Roo’s First Lady, Gina Marrufo, was there to see them off. In addition to DIF staff, there were two paramedics on board and a couple of clowns for entertainment. A Marine rescue boat followed along s an extra safety measure. Thank you to Hayzeus Joplin for the wonderful pictures and to Cary Butler for bringing this story to my attention! From all of us in Cozumel, Thank you Mr. Ronnie Lippert. He donated his boat, staff, and fuel for this wonderful event. Congratulations to all of you who volunteered to make this event happen. Now, that’s what I am talking about when I say we must all do our share to give back to this wonderful community.
For More Pictures see:Link to the pictures: https://www.facebook.com/hayzeus.joplin/media_set?set=a.750936718306413&type=1
New Cozumel Sun Sections! Automobile Parts & Terms in Spanish, Three new Updates under Mexican Immigration Plus, “How to Move Money” added to the Bank Section.
Remember to give back to our wonderful Island! The Volunteer & Donate Section of The Cozumel Sun has information on Volunteer opportunities for you: Juan Pablo II Senior Home, Friends of Cozumel, Cozumel CAM School for Disabled Children, The Cozumel Sea Turtle Rescue Program, The Humane Society of Cozumel, Rancho Universo Horse Sanctuary and Horse Therapy Centre, The Cozumel Blood Drive, and the Three Kings Day Toy Drive.
Note: If you are headed to Cozumel on vacation, or are returning to Cozumel from vacationing in the United States, check out the wish lists of the various non-profit organizations. Many of the items are not available in Cozumel and almost always, the items that are available are extremely expensive here due to the high cost of transporting goods to the island.
If you are already part of one of these wonderful organizations, please proof the information that I have taken from your website and Facebook page. Please contact me with any changes and updates. I am a one-woman operation and really need your help in order to provide my readers with the most current information available. Thank you for your assistance!
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