Cozumel News October 1st, 2014

The Cozumel Sun News October 1, 2014:  Headlines in Cozumel News September 23 – September 26, The Cozumel Prison Situation, Domestic Violence in Cozumel, Artificial Reefs in Cozumel´s Chankanaab Park at Testing phase, and a Complaint filed against Cozumel cruise ship “recruiters.” Aurita’s Corner features Cozumel Events for October and November 2014.


San Miguel Archangle Festival
San Miguel Archangle Festival

Headline Cozumel News September 23rd September 26th

My apologies for the time span between issues of The Cozumel Sun. I did not want to turn the focus of the news that I report to statistics on the local economy and senseless crimes. Here are the headlines that ruled last week in Cozumel

September 23rd: Madman Kills wife in front of two young children, and an Increase in hotel occupancy and in Public Security Presence. (The increase due to Ironman will quickly be a detail of decrease in tourist arrivals, sales, and hotel occupancy in later issues).

September 24th: More on the lunatic, a motorcycle accident involving a mother and daughter and a truck that veered off the road.

September 25th:  More on the lunatic, and the tragedy of a homeless man that was spotted floating by the passenger ferry drowned. The autopsy later revealed alcohol consumption. To the best of my knowledge, the body has not been identified nor claimed by anyone to date.

September 26th-28th: Novedades reported it was National Adolescent Week in Mexico, and alas, something worth reporting,(Novedades) the Cozumel Prison Situation, (Por Esto) an article about domestic violence on the island,  Artificial Reefs in  Chankanaab at Testing phase, and complaint filed against cruise ship “recruiters.”

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prisonersCozumel Prison Overcrowded

This article reported that the first stages of expansion of the Cozumel Prison had started, but the authorities had refused to give further details.

The Cozumel Prison was designed to hold up to 64 prisoners in 16 cells. That would be four prisoners sharing a cell. Currently there are 130 prisoners in 16 cells. The cells consist of concrete slabs for beds. Six of the 130 prisoners are women that together share one of the 16 cells. Because of the overcrowding, there is no separation between the thieves, murderers, and rapists. According to my calculations, that leaves over double the number of men in the remaining fifteen cells.

LESS THAN HALF OF THE SETENCED CRIMINALS SERVE TIME. The article stated only 30% are sentenced. I assume that the reason is the prison overcrowding.

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domestic_violence2Domestic Violence in Cozumel

In the days following  the lunatic that brutally murdered his wife in front of his young children, attacked two policemen, then failed an attempt to kill himself, another domestic attempted murder and suicide was reported. (Thanks heavens, this other woman survived the attack) Por Esto interviewed Angel Vazquez, commander of the Judicial Police in Cozumel about the growing problem of violence against women in Cozumel.

The commander says that many attacks against women are because of economic, emotional, and stress is coupled with the consumption of alcohol and sometimes drugs. |The husband loses control and bullies the wife, and unfortunately, the children pay the price of watching their father abuse their mother.

He would not specify the number of domestic assaults handled in Cozumel every week. However, he did say that two of five assaults are against women. He describes the issue of alcoholism in Cozumel as, “a condiment of all dishes” because the arrest of persons who commit ordinary crimes such as assaults, robberies, and fights with injuries, due so under the influence of alcohol.

The authorities try to motivate people with alcoholism to join self-help groups to overcome their problems. He believes that the suffering from alcoholism or a high propensity to consume alcoholic beverages are a kind of time bomb because no one knows when they may become aggressive and react violently.

Before closing, he mentioned that there have been very unfortunate cases like Last Sunday, when the two children of a couple witnessed the violence that led to the death of their mother.

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artificial reef2Artificial Reefs in Chankanaab

Once again the artificial reefs are in the news. About $800,000 pesos will go to immerse artificial reef in Chankanaab Park.  The project is expected to receive the necessary permits from federal environmental authorities to allow immersion of at least 90 pieces that added to the natural reefs will give more life to the marine park environment considered crown jewel of the Foundation of Parks and Museums Cozumel (FPMC).

An Interview with Eduardo Novelo, President of the FPMC, confirmed that the project of almost five months has already submerged a part for testing. The part  is coated with marine flora and inhabited by species. He noted that the decisions rest with the federal authorities of the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources (SEMARNAT), the Federal Attorney for Environmental Protection (PROFEA), and the National Commission of Natural Protected Areas (CONANP) in order to realize the project.

Regarding economic issues, he established that the intention to invest the amount of 800,000 pesos is to use half of the resource for the construction of the reef and the other half for a special process to secure and anchor the pieces to the seabed  to avoid having them torn from the rock  in weather such as a hurricane.

While no concrete date has been set, he estimates that 90 blocks of stone in the form of coral just less than two meters tall will be placed in the park.

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cruise ship44Cozumel Leader files Complaint against Recruiters

The President of the Employers Confederation of the Mexican Republic (COPARMEX) in Cozumel, Luis Alcérreca Balmes formally filed a complaint against the port recruiters before the Federal Consumer (PROFECO), and other appropriate bodies. The complaint is because cruise passenger recruiters who work for two different shipping lines, are stealing customers from local businesses to take them to commercial chain Jewelers, because supposedly these are “trustworthy” and the locals are not.

The advertising company that works for Carnival and its subsidiaries, PPI Group, has employees enter the port area to engage groups of cruisers and invite them out to the exclusive Jewelers where “ they give better prices and other benefits,”  thus leaving the people of that place without sales all day.

The other company is Royal Media, whose employees work for Royal Caribbean and its subsidiaries. They also perform the same action by convincing customers that they are better off  buying from a certain company gemstones and watch brands, concentrated in atleast five specific jewelers on Rafael E. Melgar Avenida.

Alcérreca Balmes said that upon learning of the complaint, he proceeded to notify the Cruise Committee and seek advice from Sara Ruiz Chavez,  the delegate of the Federal Consumer Protection (PROFECO) in Quintana Roo.

Aurita’s Corner





 kids race

street closures Oct 4


street closures Oct 5



carrera maya

Maya Road Race November 22, 7 p.m.Gran Mundo Maya Museum # 21k # 10k and 5k #



Riviera Maya Jazz  Festival



The Cozumel Sun Sponsors make this publication possible. Through their support, I am able to offer our readers with Cozumel News in English. Their support has made it possible to provide and keep updated “The Living in Cozumel Guide” and Listing of Service Providers. If you live in Cozumel, show your appreciation by visiting them. If you are visiting Cozumel in the future, make it a point to stop by these wonderful establishments. Be certain to mention that you read about them in The Cozumel Sun!


Thank you The Cozumel Sun Sponsors!
Aura Holguin-Resch
987-119-4956 Cell
120-5903 Casa
386-445-8702 USA



About Aura Holguin-Resch 447 Articles
Welcome to the Cozumel Sun! Since 2006, TCS website, Facebook Group, and Facebook page has provided the latest news and information from Cozumel, Mexico. There are no paid staff. TCS is non-profit and non-government funded. Donations help pay for website expenses, taxes, and fees. Donations support our community assistance program. TCS Community Assistance TCS provides assistance to local individuals and families with emergency food, medical expenses and medication. We help with school related expenses for children in the immediate neighborhood (Colonia Independencia). We have a ""drop in" meal policy, we feed the hungry no questions asked. In addition we publish articles that feature community programs in need of donations and volunteers. We encourage both residents and visitors to give back to this island paradise by volunteering and donating to these existing community programs. TCS has successful matched those that want to help and those in need for many years. During the Pandemic, our resources go to the Community Kitchens that are feeding hundreds in Cozumel.