The Cozumel Sun News October 6th, 2014

The Cozumel Sun News October 6th, 2014:  Seven Cozumel Stores Suspended by PROFECO,  World Cup Triathlon (ITU) Cozumel 2014 Highlights including  ITU Cozumel 2014 Iron kids, ITU Cozumel 2014 Elite Men Results, ITU Cozumel 2014 Elite Women´s Results, Cozumel passed The Test, Cruz Roja Incident and Cozumel Calendar of Events.

storeSeven Cozumel Stores Suspended by PROFECO

To the relief of legitimate Jewelry stores and businesses in Cozumel, PROFECO has stepped in and inspected stores to identify and put out of operation some dishonest merchants in Cozumel. Following various complaints filed by tourists against some Cozumel jewelry stores, seven stores, including a leather goods stores had their activities suspended during an operation conducted by the staff of the Federal Consumer Protection (PROFECO).  The complaints against the jewelry store were that they had purchase products priced as gold, silver, platinum, and palladium that proved to be alpaca.

World Cup Triathlon (ITU) Cozumel 2014 Highlights

iron kids3Iron Kids

img_1406522288_fa716474427c26e4c2c6During the first triathlon event “Iron Kids 2014”, in Cozumel, more than 150 children ages between 6-15 years old participated. The categories were 6-13 years and 14 to 15 years. The children in this competition were all winners.

The first and highly anticipated event started around 11:50 am, when the first horn sounded out for the young athletes to start with swimming inside the Dolphinarium located near the Chankanaab Park,

The children were able to cover the route in the three sports: swimming, cycling and running within the vicinity of that park, under the care of the organizers and the parents.

They crossed the finish line as genuine athletes, where they were received by the Municipal authorities and family and event organizers with shouts of “You are Iron kids” and then received the prized medal.

Among the categories of 6-8 and 9 to 11 years, competitors did not record times, they were all winners, being recognized with medal Iron kids Cozumel 2014.  During these events, the smaller children found an atmosphere of fun and entertainment, while meeting the three disciplines that make up the triathlon and learn about the importance of physical activity in their lives.


itu 2014

European Athletes dominated the World Cup 2014 International Triathlon Union (ITU), and only two representatives of the Americas climbed the podium. Switzerland’s Nicola Spirig won the Elite Women’s event for the second consecutive time in  ITU. Cozumel Weather conditions were conducive to the competition, it was clear sky, sunny, and hot weather.

Elite Men

1              Etienne  Diemunsch                         FRA

2              Jarrod   Shoemaker                         USA

3              Joe         Maloy                                   USA

4              Crisanto Grajales                              MEX

5              Ron        Darmon                                ISR

6              Pierre    Le Corre                               FRA

7              Alexander  Bryukhankov                 RUS

8              Sergio   Sarmiento                           MEX

9              Miguel  Arraiolos                              POR

10           Irving     Perez                                    MEX

Elite Women

Pos         First Name          Last Name           Country

1              Nicola    Spirig                                     SUI

2              Lisa         Perterer                               AUT

3              Yuliya    Yelistratova                        UKR

4              Paula     Findlay                                CAN

5              Alexandra    Razarenova                RUS

6              Tamara Gomez Garrido                  ESP

7              Emma   Pallant                                  GBR

8              Amelie  Kretz                                     CAN

9              Hanna   Philippin                              GER

10           Julia       Hauser                                 AUT

Switzerland’s Nicola Spirig won the Elite Women’s event for the second consecutive time in  ITU. Cozumel Weather conditions were conducive to the competition, it was clear sky, sunny, and hot weather.


Antonio Alarco
Alarco Antonio

Cozumel Passed the Test

Alarco Antonio, President of the American Federation of Triathlons, considers Cozumel as an appropriate destination for triathlons and thinks it is a good option to hold the the World Triathlon 2016  on the island. The South American leader who was on the island on behalf of the International Triathlon Union, categorizes Cozumel as “wonderful, I think that anyone who comes here falls in love with this place. I was lucky to come here many years ago and it has changed a lot. As I said a moment ago, to organize an event of this type and of this magnitude requires the commitment of local government. We had a meeting with them and there is a total commitment, they want to support the event. “

Ill AthleteCozumel Cruz Roja Incident

While the above article says Representative Alarco Antonio passed Cozumel as a potential destination for the 2016 World Triathlon, another article speaks of an incident with a Cruz Roja ambulance that might be held against Cozumel hosting this huge competition:

It was reported that there was  lack of communication between the care coordinator for participants of the World Cup International Triathlon Union (ITU) 2014  and paramedics of the Local Red Cross. It raised concerns to the organizers of the event, since the island was under evaluation by the International Committee to decide the venue of the World Cup 2016, which Cozumel is a candidate. An incident occurred between the paramedics and Doctor with a Portuguese athlete that was described as fading. Whatever happened must have been obvious as it describes that the crowd was booing at the Cruz Roja team.

Overall, Por Esto Staff and others  noted that everyone they that they spoke to had fallen in love with our island Paradise and vouched that they would return for vacation.

What is Next:

dia de muertosGran Fondo NY Cozumelironman 70.3 swimcosta brava 8scuba fest

(For a full listing see calendar of events at:


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386-445-8702 USA
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Welcome to the Cozumel Sun! Since 2006, TCS website, Facebook Group, and Facebook page has provided the latest news and information from Cozumel, Mexico. There are no paid staff. TCS is non-profit and non-government funded. Donations help pay for website expenses, taxes, and fees. Donations support our community assistance program. TCS Community Assistance TCS provides assistance to local individuals and families with emergency food, medical expenses and medication. We help with school related expenses for children in the immediate neighborhood (Colonia Independencia). We have a ""drop in" meal policy, we feed the hungry no questions asked. In addition we publish articles that feature community programs in need of donations and volunteers. We encourage both residents and visitors to give back to this island paradise by volunteering and donating to these existing community programs. TCS has successful matched those that want to help and those in need for many years. During the Pandemic, our resources go to the Community Kitchens that are feeding hundreds in Cozumel.