Cozumel News October 31st, 2014 Aurita’s Corner with Cozumel News recap of the last week that includes an Update of the Ferry from the United States to Mexico, Cozumel Rescue at Sea, Cozumel Nice, Cozumel Ambulance Update, The end of the Cozumel Slow Season, Get ready to shop Cozumel, The Cozumel Early Bird Tax Program, and Cozumel Calendar of Events November 2014 .
Aurita’s Corner
Happy Halloween everyone, I am back! First, thank you for your patience. It has been a difficult two weeks for my family; I want to thank all of you for your messages of condolences and encouragement. Surprisingly, very little took place in Cozumel that is newsworthy, but I will give you a recap of the news. As is always the case, motorcycle accidents were in the news virtually daily. The heavy rain warning, arrival, and effects on the low-lying areas of Cozumel was the highlight of a number of headlines. Last Sunday we set the clocks back one hour and this week is the official end of our dreaded low Season.
Update on Ferry USA to Mexico
“I wish I had better news. I have not been able to get everything finalized yet to the level that I can establish a start date. Lots of issues with Europe and the ports. In reality, I do not think we will get started as I had hoped this coming April 2015 so I would say that the practical time schedule to shoot for is the end of the summer 2015. That would allow us to hit the peak travel south for the fall when all your friends go back to Mexico after the summer. I will make sure you know the latest. Thanks for all your support. Bruce”
Cozumel Rescues at Sea
There were three men rescued from the waters around Isla de Pasión around the 22nd. Authorities are frustrated with the smaller fishing vessels that do not carry Marine Radio to call for help in emergencies. The local anglers were not harmed. On the 26th, a Vessel named Maire got loose in the strong winds and ran aground. The crew took her back out where she started sinking because of the damage. The Navy was called to the rescue to tow her to safety and repairs.
Cozumel Nice
Our family happened to be driving up Melgar and saw a small crowd watching the rescue. While the Navy was busy towing that vessel, another vessel farther up the boardwalk was struggling to keep from crashing into the rocks on the northern end of Melgar. We parked and watched in horror as it registered that three young men were in the water attempting to control the boat. The waves trashed the boat like a toy and tossed it up in the air, it was coming down at times inches from the men in the water. The winds and waves were pushing the vessel towards the rocky shore and in a southerly direction where there was even bigger rocks and cement waiting to crush it
A crowd was building that included a couple of women that had been in the troubled vessel, as well as long time friend Luis Erosa and his family. Luis and Cristine Erosa own and operate Fishing Bandidas Charter. Luis is a Captain with many years of experience. Luis jumped over the sea wall, ran to the water’s edge and shouted instructions to the one man in the troubled vessel. They followed his instructions, managed to get the motors of the boat pointed to sea and tossed a line to shore. Immediately some fifteen to twenty other men including my son Bartolo joined Luis. They grabbed a hold of the line and started pulling the boat to shore. A man standing next to me shouted to pass the line up to him. That done, another six to ten men added their muscle power from the street to assist. I have no clue where they found a huge tree branch, but men came running with a tree branch (trunk) and placed it in front of the boat. Then they pulled in unison lifting the front of the boat up and over the tree trunk and ensuring the vessels stayed put. My apologies, we were out on a whim, no camera, no paper or pen! The telephone videos and photographs were all dark.
The experience was uplifting. I was again reminded why I fell in love with this island. While the island is beautiful, so are other places in this world. What I fell in love with are the people of Cozumel.
Cozumel Ambulance Update
One of the issues in need of serious organization and possible legislation in Cozumel is the ambulance service. Hospitals and clinics own their own and some are said to pay premiums to ambulance drivers that bring them business. This has raised concerns about unsuspecting patients being taken to hospitals not covered by their insurance companies. At one point all, the ambulances were parked at Cruz Roja, who owns an ambulance of their own. Then Cruz Roja started charging the other hospitals to park their ambulance in their lot. Hospitals and Clinics rallied to have their ambulances parked at their own location.
This apparently has caused more of a problem with the competition. When an emergency call comes in, the emergency operator assigns an ambulance based on proximity and in turn I assume, yet another ambulance beats them to the scene. Anuar Garcia Garcia, Director of C4 ( I am assuming C4 is Emergency Services), met with the hospitals and Clinics last week to discuss the problems and attempt to regain control of the 066 Emergency dispatch system. The ambulances are all now required to be stationed at C4 headquarters at Unidad Deportiva Bicentenario.
This will resolve their problem of ambulances taking turns; however, it will not help you get to the right hospital or clinic. Readers get those emergency cards prepared if you have not already done so!
End of Cozumel Slow Season
Víctor Vivas González, Director of the Port Authority of Quintana Roo (Apiqroo) in Cozumel announced that the low cruise ship season is over. Cruise ship arrivals have picked up one month earlier than last year. In 2014, an unprecedented number of cruise ship passengers have visited our island paradise. Projected with the ships that are due to arrive in the next two months, 3 million cruise ship passengers will have visited Cozumel setting an all time record.
Get Ready to Shop Cozumel
This is a reminder, if you have special shopping to do or even Christmas shopping, you might want to wait until November 14th. That Friday, Saturday, and Sunday is “Buen Fin” Sale. Spanish and short for the Good Weekend Sale, it is Cozumel’s version of the United States Black Friday Sale the day after Thanksgiving. Savings of ten to fifty percent off merchandise and in some cases services. Hotel and ferry will be available as part of the sale, this might be a good time to invite friends to visit from the mainland!
Early Bird Tax Discount Approaching
As soon as it is officially listed I will post it in the Sun, however, get ready to pay your house and trash taxes for 2015 and enjoy a huge discount. Historically the program starts November 15th with a 25% discount for early payment of house taxes and trash fees. The announcement should come soon, the City made a big show last year promoting it as part of the Buen Fin sale.
Great Night of Catrinas CarnavalerasHumane Society of Cozumel Island Halloween Party at the Hotel Cozumel Friday, October 31 at 8:00pm Hotel Cozumel & Resort Cozumel, Quintana Roo, Mexico
The history of the Day of the Dead dates back over 3,000 years ago. Life was seen as a dream and it was believed that only in dying was a human being truly awake and the soul set free. For the Day of the Dead, special altars are made with flowers, candles and food and are displayed in hotels, restaurants and other public places. The bakeries on island are filled with sweets shaped in the symbols of skulls, and flowers and memorials fill the cemetery. Particularly popular are marigolds, a sacred orange flower that represents death.
November 1, Día de Todos los Santos (All Saints Day) is known as the day when the spirits of children are expected to return and Mexicans pay homage to the souls of the children who have passed on. Tradition states that the departed descend from the heavens on this day, so family members prepare for their arrival by leaving sugar skeletons, skulls and treats on altars specially made for the occasion. On November 2, Día de los Muertos (Day of the Dead), a celebration for all the adults that have passed away takes place. Families leave the favorite food and drink of the deceased on a special altar constructed in their home or on the tomb of the departed ancestor.
Maya Road Race November 22, 7 p.m.Gran Mundo Maya Museum Merida # 21k # 10k and 5k #
Nov/23/2014 – Nov/23/2014
Join us on Nov 23, 2014 for a ride that you will never forget through the breath taking island of Cozumel. The Gran Fondo will take you all the way around the island, as you enjoy the spectacular views of this Mayan paradise. You will ride through 20 miles of coastline roads, which stretch along the tempting turquoise ocean, as you push yourself through the island’s challenging winds. GET READY– this will be a truly challenging and competitive race with some amazing athletes ready to conquer the island as the Mayans did 3000 years ago. Come see why Cozumel has become a top destination for many of the world’s most ambitious athletes.
The Cozumel Sun Sponsors make this publication possible. Through their support, I am able to offer our readers with Cozumel News in English. Their support has made it possible to provide and keep updated “The Living in Cozumel Guide” and Listing of Service Providers. If you live in Cozumel, show your appreciation by visiting them. If you are visiting Cozumel in the future, make it a point to stop by these wonderful establishments. Be certain to mention that you read about them in The Cozumel Sun!
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