Cozumel News November 11th, 2014

Cozumel News November 11th, 2014:  Cozumel to Miami Flight Returns, Cozumel General Hospital Expansion, Cozumel’s Virgen Del Mar Returned to the sea, Cozumel Bee Attack, Cozumel’s “Dialogues Interrupted” an art exhibit by artist José Senties Nieto, City of Cozumel Discounts, and Cozumel Events Calendar.

miami cozumel 2Cozumel – Miami Flight Returns

American Airlines is once again providing a direct flight from Miami to Cozumel. The American Airlines flight is son an Airbus 319 with a capacity of 124 passengers. No Schedule or frequency was provided in the article.

general hospital expansionCozumel General Hospital Expansion

Cozumel General Hospital will be getting an expansion with the help of a 38 million peso grant. The Money will be used to add an outpatient eye clinic, general surgery, a neonatal intensive care unit in emergency, and some social services.  The article mentioned remodeling of the kitchen and dining area for staff and the potential move of the administrative offices to another location.  A portion of the funds will be used for training. The work is scheduled to start December 1st and be completed sometime in the first half of 2015. The new services will be available after the expanded task force is hired and trained for each of the new areas.

virgin of the seavirgen del marCozumel Virgen Del Mar Returned to Chankanaab

After visiting the various Catholic parishes for a little over a week , the image of the “Queen of the Seas” will return to the depths of the Caribbean Sea.  During a pilgrimage that made ​​nine  stops, the Virgin left the Church of Our Lady of Guadalupe on Sunday,  to be immersed in  the waters of  Chankanaab Park.

dogsCozumel Bee Attack

Last week a swarm of bees attacked several people passing by Tenth Avenue and Calle 3 Sur, Colonia Centro; and killed three dogs. Passer-by feeling threatened ran down the block, but unfortunately, three dogs owned by Christian “N”, who were in the yard of his home, could not escape the attack.  All three died because of the number of bites they received.

Why the bees were stirred is unknown; Firefighters rushed to the scene, proceeded to cut a tree in a vacant lot and dumped more than four thousand liters of soapy water on a Honeycomb. After controlling the situation, the nest was removed from the site.

Authorities ask that you report insect nests before they get to be giant size.

dialogos“Dialogues Interrupted” by artist José Senties Nieto

“Dialogues Interrupted” by artist José Senties Nieto, is the name of the painting exhibition which opened this past week at the Museum of the island of Cozumel.  The title refers to a marked disruption of the artistic process because of the death of his brother and after that pause, its resurgence as an artist.

Joseph Senties, based in Mexico City, has exhibited his work in the United States and Europe individually and collectively. The artist decided to present his work in Cozumel, as it is the site where his brother resided until his death in a plane crash in the United States, nearly a year ago.

Isela Cupul Carrillo, director of Mueso Cozumel, said the artist dominates the academic drawing, oil, pastel, pigments, acrylic, photography, as well as the realistic and abstract painting.

city council2City of Cozumel Discounts

On November 1, the City announced this year’s discount program: (Note if you have an INAPAN arid (senior discount), you qualify for a 50% discount on taxes! *To apply see instructions in The Cozumel Sun section on Important Documents:

Property Taxes

25% Discount if you pay November 18 – December 1.

20% Discount if you pay December 2nd –December 15th

15% Discount if you pay December 16th – December 31st

10% Discount if you pay January 1st – February 28th

Trash Collection Commercial and Home

10% discount if you pay November 18th – February 28th

Municipal Discounts during Buen Fin Sale

The City will be participating in the Buen Fin Sale to “increase revenue and assist the local economy” buy providing the following discounts during office hours on the 14th, 15th, and 26th:

 50% Discount on PAST DUE Predial Taxes, Past due Trash Collection, and Past due services performed by the City.
50% Discount on motorcycle, automobile, and chauffer licenses. 100% Discount on title transfers and “cedula Catastral.”


womens breakfast Girasol 002The Women’s Breakfast Group

This Wednesday November 12th, the Women’s Breakfast will meet at El Girasole at 9 a.m.

El Girasole is a lovely large restaurant on Calle 3 between Ave 5 and Ave 10. At present they have no sign out front as they have recently redone their entryway. It is now a beautiful stone foyer with a stone facade in the front and some nice woodwork. It is located right beside the Santander bank on the corner of 3 & 10. There is a parking lot for those who drive about halfway down the block towards 5th Ave. The restaurant will stamp your parking stub.

Come join us. This is a great place to network and exchange information! All Women are welcome to join us, even if you are just visiting our beautiful Island!


Dr Che Exhibit Exhibit November 6th – January 6th





Nov/23/2014 – Nov/23/2014

Join us on Nov 23, 2014 for a ride that you will never forget through the breath taking island of Cozumel. The Gran Fondo will take you all the way around the island, as you enjoy the spectacular views of this Mayan paradise. You will ride through 20 miles of coastline roads, which stretch along the tempting turquoise ocean, as you push yourself through the island’s challenging winds. GET READY– this will be a truly challenging and competitive race with some amazing athletes ready to conquer the island as the Mayans did 3000 years ago. Come see why Cozumel has become a top destination for many of the world’s most ambitious athletes.

Riviera Maya Jazz  Festival



About Aura Holguin-Resch 447 Articles
Welcome to the Cozumel Sun! Since 2006, TCS website, Facebook Group, and Facebook page has provided the latest news and information from Cozumel, Mexico. There are no paid staff. TCS is non-profit and non-government funded. Donations help pay for website expenses, taxes, and fees. Donations support our community assistance program. TCS Community Assistance TCS provides assistance to local individuals and families with emergency food, medical expenses and medication. We help with school related expenses for children in the immediate neighborhood (Colonia Independencia). We have a ""drop in" meal policy, we feed the hungry no questions asked. In addition we publish articles that feature community programs in need of donations and volunteers. We encourage both residents and visitors to give back to this island paradise by volunteering and donating to these existing community programs. TCS has successful matched those that want to help and those in need for many years. During the Pandemic, our resources go to the Community Kitchens that are feeding hundreds in Cozumel.