Cozumel News December 2nd, 2014: Cozumel Ironman 2014 results, Illegal Dive Operations in Cozumel, Official End of Hurricane Season and Aurita’s Corner: A warning About Contracting Workers and My Cozumel Las Fincas Family.
Cozumel Ironman Results
The Ironman Cozumel 2014 competition was another success. Two thousand nine hundred fifty three athletes competed in the swim, bike, and run triathlon. One athlete from the United States was in critical condition after losing control of her bike on the sharp curve by Mezcaliotos. There have been no updates on her condition, our thoughts and prayers are with her and her family.
News reports varied on the economic success of the event on the island. Although the Cozumel streets were busy with athletes and their families Saturday and Sunday, it appears many opted to stay in Playa del Carmen. Here are the results for the Pro division. All the results and details can be found at http://www.ironman.com/triathlon/events/americas/ironman/cozumel.aspx#axzz3KqkN1isP
Name Country Div Rank Gender Rank Overall Rank
Weiss, Michael USA 1 1 1
Chrabot, Matt USA 2 2 2
Alonso Mckernan,
Clemente ESP 3 3 3
Name Country Div Rank Div Rank Gender Rank Overall Rank
Spirig, Nicola CHE 1 1 20
Vesterby, Michelle DNK 2 2 21
Williamson, Kelly USA 3 3 27
Illegal Dive Operations in Cozumel
There is a claim that for every legal Dive operation company in Cozumel, there is one operating informally and illegally. It is estimated there are about 50 dive companies that operate illegally in Cozumel.
About 50 entrepreneurs in Cozumel pay taxes, wages, rents, electricity, telephone, internet, operating permit and undergo certifications. There are those who make money recruiting from a computer without paying taxes, remarked Cozumel businessperson Sergio Sandoval Vizcaino.
After a press conference announcing the agenda of the third edition of Cozumel Scuba Fest that will be held December 9 to the 14th this year, Sandoval Vizcaino explained how businesses are operating without permission in the field of diving in Cozumel. He commented that he is certain that this is known to the authorities on the island. He explained how it is done:
There are dive packages Sold from Cozumel or from Playa del Carmen. They rent a boat, equipment and buy the permit bracelets from water operation business giving them the permission to use the Cozumel Reef Marine Park; and return to the mainland without paying a single penny to the authorities.
Official End of Hurricane Season
The office of Civil Protection of the City of Cozumel terminated the period of surveillance for hurricanes. Lucio Canul Alejandro Andrade, office manager of this office, mentioned that the only emergencies occurred in May, June and October due to rain.
This year 10,000 leaflets were distributed with information on what to do before, during and after weather related emergency.
Cozumel has 10 shelters and temporary shelters with the capacity for 360 thousand people, plus three hotels and car shelters for their 670 guests.
Aurita’s Corner
Contracting Nightmare
Four years ago, I wrote an article sharing my woes after contracting a bogus contractor. The experience caused me months of heartache, money, fines and penalties. I thought this was behind me until I discovered that the roof on a room they built is ready to cave in. Since I was not experienced in the installation of a cement roof as is the norm here, I did not realize that their method would not hold.
I am now paying to have this roof completely removed and replaced. IT IS IMPORTANT THAT YOU DO YOUR RESEARCH BEFORE YOU BUILD OR REPAIR YOUR HOME! While there are many talented and good people in Cozumel that can do construction on the island, there are also those that are not experienced but need the money.
Our Fincas Family
Everyone knows that I adopted a Mexican family of four. We support them and we live together as family. It really has strained our finances, but I would not have it any other way. I accidentally discovered that they have relatives in Las Fincas that are struggling. I think struggling is a not a strong enough word. We contacted the father because he is a cement worker and I wanted a little cement pond for my turtles. One Sunday after Church, they all came over, Dad, Mom a four-year-old boy and a seven-year-old girl. Dad did an excellent job on my little pond and we invited them to stay for a meal of Pozole. The little boy ate three big bowls. We discovered they had no food at home, and sent them with leftovers and all the spare groceries that I could gather for the week.
Here is their story: They had worked hard to purchase their plot of land almost to the end of Las Fincas. They built a palapa, had a stove, refrigerator and washer. Because of the bad wiring, their Palapa burned down with everything in it. They had already saved up and built a large cement room. Thankfully, at the time of the fire, they were all with the Dad working on the room. It has a roof, no doors in the doorways, an unfinished floor, no windows, or bathroom. This is where they live with one small mattress and a hammock. They cook outside with wood that they collect. It is cold there at night, and after the rains, the mosquitoes look like small helicopters. They have no screens.They raise chickens and turkeys; have a pigeon that lives in the house, a three-legged cat, and a dog for protection. The pictures are of the family, Jesus Antonio Paredes Castillo, his wife Angellica Maria Cuxium Yami, Daughter Luz Aurora Paredes Cuxium, and son Jose Ismael Paredes Cuxium in their humble surrounding. They are very short little people, the motorcycle pictured is toy size and is falling apart. The buckets in the picture is the water they get from their well.
They have been regular guests every Sunday. Depending on the father’s success working that week, we have supplemented their food for the week as needed. This week the Father will have income as part of the crew that is replacing my roof.
They need a helping hand to get their room livable. I have a list that includes cable for electricity, floor tiles, cement, powder, and a bathroom set (toilet and sink). I have not hunted around for an estimate for these things.The dad is very industrious and can do the work himself, he just needs the supplies.
My funds are very limited, even more now with having to replace the roof. It is the Holiday Season and I have a family of seven to support on a fixed income, four more makes eleven. I am not too proud to ask for any assistance you can give this family. Email me or call me with any questions. I will be happy to take you out to Las Fincas to see this place for yourselves and meet the family.
I want to take the opportunity to thank Kathy Mc Ginn and her husband who donated groceries to us to share with the family. Kathy McGinn is heading the Three Kings Day project in Susan Bonnet’s absence; please do all you can to help her team make it a success again this year. They help the families in Las Fincas, the senior home and the children of the Firefighters.