Cozumel News January 21st, 2015: Construction of Cozumel AeroGolf Complex Approved, Teaching Materials Donated To Los Tres Cendis, The Municipal President Fredy Marrufo Visits the City Market, Public Safety Implementing Carnival Operation, Cervical Cancer Scanning Available in Cozumel, and Cozumel Mayor Gives Key to the City to Contest Winner.
Construction of Cozumel Aerogolf Complex Approved
The Secretariat of Environment and Natural Resources (SEMARNAT) authorized the construction of a tourist-real estate project, the AeroGolf Complex last week.
819 million dollars will be invested in this project to be built on an area of 584 hectares in the heart of the island’s jungle. According To the website The Economist, the project includes the construction of an artificial canal, an 18 hole Golf Course, Clubhouse, a Mall, Sports Facilities, Service Facilities, Administrative offices and hangars, since the complex will be built around the Aerodrome Captain Eduardo Toledo.
Teaching Materials Donated To Los Tres Cendis
Committed to educating the children of Cozumel, Dayle Lynn Pomerantz, an educator from North Carolina, USA, donated educational materials to LOS TRES CENDIS Child Development Centers (CENDIS) belonging to DIF Cozumel, chaired by Mrs. Gina Ruiz de Marrufo.
Dayle Lynn Pomerantz has on other occasions given workshops at the child development center with the parents of the children to promote family unity and healthy coexistence between parents and children.
On behalf of Mrs. Gina Ruiz de Marrufo, Volunteer Coordinator, Paola Reyes thanked Dayle, the join actions that the system performs DIF Cozumel benefit the educational development of children from an early age. Way to go Dayle!
The Municipal President Fredy Marrufo Visits the City Market
During a tour of the Municipal Market “Benito Juárez García,” this week, Mayor Fredy Marrufo, greeted the tenants and Cozumeleños who regularly flock to shop at this place.
The Mayor explained that he is in continuous communication with the Department of Economic Development and is aware of local needs and the importance of organizing various activities to promote this landmark.
He was accompanied by Germán García Padilla, representative of the State Government in Cozumel; Director of Economic Development, Manuel Cota Becerra; Ricardo Espinosa Freyre, Technical Secretary of the City Council; Antonio Baduy Moscoso, City Treasurer, among others. The Mayor expressed his pleasure to find the market in excellent condition with an influx of the community who come to consume the various products on a daily basis.
He emphasized that one of the qualities the Municipal Market has is fresh produce, meats and fish, which has remained traditionally the preference of the community. He explained that tenants have managed to create strategies to compete, and that the Municipal Government has taken appropriate actions to support market traders.
Finally, he congratulated Veronica Hernandez Cordero, administrator of the Municipal Market, for the cleanliness of the market and urged continuity to the work of promoting the sector to benefit the families of Cozumel.
Cozumel Public Safety Implementing Carnival Operation
The Municipal Government through the Department of Public Safety, Traffic, Tourism and Mounted Police will be strengthening surveillance in each of the events for the pre carnival and Carnival activities without neglecting the safety of the rest of the population and in the neighborhoods.
Captain Pablo Luis Lopez, Deputy Director of the Agency, will lead the operation to maintain order in the entertainment center and on the roads to prevent them from becoming congested and thus provide a vehicular flow.
The operation will have the presence of the cadets for the first time, which as part of their training will be supporting Public Safety elements. He said that the cadets will be under the supervision and coordination of an instructor, who has given them information and knowledge about the actions that take place during mass gatherings The police presence will be in all the colonies. The community is urged to avoid excessive consumption of alcohol or choose a designated driver to prevent accidents.
Cervical Cancer Scanning Available in Cozumel
The State Government and the City of Cozumel implemented a program that will provide 500 free tests for the detection of cervical-uterine cancer, reported the Director General of Social Development, Marilyn Rodriguez Marrufo.
She pointed out that these actions reiterate the commitment of Mayor, Fredy Martin Marrufo, to health programs, especially those for timely detection of disease that thereby improve the health of the population.
She added that this program is in coordination with the System for Integral Family Development (DIF) Cozumel, with the support of the Ministry of Social Development (SEDESOL), along with the State Department of Health (SESA) and she appreciated the support of the medical staff of all the institutions.
She said the smear is a simple test to detect cervical cancer by DNA, that is sent to a laboratory outside the island. The results take about 15 days and will be delivered personally and confidentially to General Hospital or sent by email to the patient.
There is an open invitation to all women of 35-60 years of age to take this test in General Hospital from 08:00 am to 2:00 pm. Interested parties may obtain further information at the Social Development office or phone 8570310.
Cozumel Mayor Gives Key to the City to Contest Winner
The Mayor, Fredy Martin Marrufo, presented the “Key to the City” Georges Henri Bricard Yves Gonzalez, who is one of the winners of “The King of the Island” sponsored by the National Chamber of Commerce and Tourism Services Cozumel (Kanak-Servytur) in conjunction with the Alpura group.
Along with the young winner, the Mayor received in his office at City Hall the leader and the secretary of the KANAK, José Enrique Molina Casares and Eduardo Rivas Morales, respectively.
During the meeting, the Mayor acknowledged the efforts of the private sector to contribute to the promotion of Cozumel’s natural beauty that has the world’s incomparable second largest reef.
Martin Marrufo also spoke of the highlights on the island such as Carnival, a tradition of over 160 years, and sports competitions like the Ironman, and the pronouncement of the UNESCO as the “Island of Peace”.
For his part, Georges Henri Yves Bricard Gonzalez, who arrived from Mexico City accompanied by a group of friends Carlos Ramirez Soriano, Itzel Pedrozo Lara and Carolina Ruiz Bonilla, gave thanks for the reception and mentioned that is his second time visiting Cozumel.
After delivering the “Key to the City,” the Mayor gave him an encyclopedia of the state of Quintana Roo, which has important information of both the State and the island.
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