Cozumel News February 4th, 2015

Cozumel News February 5, 2015 ; The New Cozumel Ferries are here! Cozumel Carnival 2015 Children’s Costume Contest, Mountaineer Michel Pesquera in Cozumel, Cozumel Carnival 2015 Royalty Elected and in Aurita’s Corner a Thank you and update on The Kings Day  Project.

new ferryThe New Cozumel Ferries are here!

“Barcos Caribe”  really exists, they are shiny and new and parked at the pier. I still have not encountered any official and final information, but here is what was printed in Por Esto recently:

The start day is to be February 15th. Their cost is to be 20 to 25% cheaper than the competition.

The advertised fare of $69 pesos is for all residents of Quintana Roo, to help encourage travel to and from Cozumel to the rest of the State.

The ships have a capacity of  397 passengers and 375 passengers.

The trip to Playa will only take 30 minutes.

Tourists will pay 20 to 25% less than they currently pay the two other companies. I hope that this will bring in more tourists from Playa.

They are adding trips during  times that the other companies are not covering.

They keep referring to the proof of residency as the Voter card, I hope that our Residency card will be allowed as it is in other things. No mention of a Plan Locale type card. I will keep you informed, as more information is made available.


childcontest4Cozumel Carnival 2015 Children’s Costume Contest

As part of the carnival activities, the Municipal Government through the Organizing Committee makes a cordial invitation for infants from birth to age 12 participate in the costume contest in 31 different categories and types that are will be held next February 13.

child contest1City Director of Education, Luis Felipe Tello Herrera said that one of the contests he enjoys most is the community in which children participate dressed in various costumes, cartoon characters, mythology and fantasy, etc. that make them look spectacular.

child contest 3This competition is divided into three categories : “Maternal” for babies under three years; “Kinder” for infants from three to six years, and “Primary” for children from six to 12 years in the categories of “Individual” and “couples”.

He explained that those interested may register at the office of the Directorate of Education in the upper level of  Plaza del Sol in Colonia Centro. Parents or guardians must fill some forms  and be informed of the terms of this competition. Competition will be  held on February 13 starting at  10:00 a.m. at  “Moby Dick”.

child contest2He said that the competitor can complement their performance  with a musical theme. They must submit a CD with the recording  marked with the name of the disguise or group that can be identified by the sound operator. Tello Herrera said that competitors sometimes require transportation on a cart, which must also be adorned, as it will be considered as part of the costume.

He stressed that the judges  will be composed of individuals with extensive experience in the field,. They will judge based on  important concepts such as originality, splendor and glamour. He reported that they would recognize the first three places in each category in its various forms. The names of the contestants will be mentioned on the day of competition and the corresponding prize will be awarded  on Wednesday February 18 at the ceremony of the traditional “Burning Juan Carnaval “in Quintana Roo Park.

pioneerMountaineer Michel Pesquera in Cozumel

COZUMEL, January.- 31 Mexican climber Michel Pesquera in Cozumel again, and since his arrival the island is being promoted in social networks through their pictures and comments. In this regard, the Municipal Tourism Director, Juan González Castelán, announced that the outstanding sportsman and creator of “Reto 30 X 30, Cumbre X Cumbre” (“Challenge 30 X 30, Summit X Summit”), enjoyed the pre-carnival party. Castelán González added that besides enjoying the beaches and sites of interest, the Mexican climber also had the opportunity to attend the presentation of candidates for “Reyes de Carnaval” in his stage costume. Because of his popularity in the social media, the presence of Cozumel was strengthened in social networks since his arrival. Michel Pesquera arrived last January 22 and accompanied by experts took the opportunity to conduct a flight over the island where captured the natural beauty of Cozumel from above in pictures.

carnival winners2Cozumel Carnival 2015 Royalty Elected

After a close race Ana Paula de la Torre Cámara & Gabriel Jesús Espinosa Arévalo, were elected as maximum sovereign of Carnival 2015 on February 1st. The Great Night of Voting, was headed by the Mayor, Fredy Marrufo Martin and his wife, Mrs. Gina Ruiz de Marrufo at entertainment Center Moby Dick. Here are photographs of the spectacular show:

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carnival winners3



Susan Bonnet and NQC 2009

Aurita’s Corner:

Yes, this is my second edition out today! I am still two days behind on the news, so stay with me readers, there is plenty more news coming your way! Here is an update on Kings Day Project (You must see this video). Pictured above is my friend Susan Bonnet and one of her many children’s groups.


On behalf of Susan, here’s a giant THANK YOU for helping fulfill Susan’s wish to keep her King’s Day Projects going while she is in the U.S.  Susan is in an intensive therapy care facility right now and, little by little, she’s getting stronger every day.  Please keep her in your prayers so we can have her back on the island soon.

This year we had over 180 people donate cash, gifts and/or their valuable time to make sure the people of Cozumel knew how much we appreciate them.  Around 1000 gifts were shared with the CAM School, Juan Pablo II, the children of our Bomberos, Civil Defense and Life Guards and the families living in Las Fincas and 95th Street.  In addition to the gifts, 500 pounds of food, 400 oranges and refreshments were distributed, plus meals and treats during each of the parties.  Every one of you helped with this amazing feat and I hope this year’s video gives you an idea of what’s possible when a group of people pitch in together to help others.  Enjoy the fantastic photography donated by Mr. Compos and feel free to share the video with anyone who might want to see what you accomplished.
Susan’s 3 King’s Day Video: (click on the arrows in the lower right-hand corner for a full screen viewing)
Again – THANK YOU!!!
Kathy McGinn



About Aura Holguin-Resch 447 Articles
Welcome to the Cozumel Sun! Since 2006, TCS website, Facebook Group, and Facebook page has provided the latest news and information from Cozumel, Mexico. There are no paid staff. TCS is non-profit and non-government funded. Donations help pay for website expenses, taxes, and fees. Donations support our community assistance program. TCS Community Assistance TCS provides assistance to local individuals and families with emergency food, medical expenses and medication. We help with school related expenses for children in the immediate neighborhood (Colonia Independencia). We have a ""drop in" meal policy, we feed the hungry no questions asked. In addition we publish articles that feature community programs in need of donations and volunteers. We encourage both residents and visitors to give back to this island paradise by volunteering and donating to these existing community programs. TCS has successful matched those that want to help and those in need for many years. During the Pandemic, our resources go to the Community Kitchens that are feeding hundreds in Cozumel.