Cozumel News February 7th, 2015: Cozumel Treasurer Antonio Bernardo Baduy Moscoso Recognized, Cozumel Holds Mexican Constitution Ceremony, Cozumel Pays Tribute to Lifeguards and Cozumel DIF Offers Affordable Workshops.
Cozumel Treasurer Antonio Bernardo Baduy Moscoso Recognized
IMDE (El Instituto Mexicano de Evaluación) awarded the “Maya 2015″ International Award to Antonio Bernardo Baduy Moscoso, the Municipal Treasurer of Cozumel in Washington D.C. The award distinguishes Mr. Baduy Moscoso as one of the top 25 treasurers in the Mexican Republic. The international recognition was “for his contribution to the development of Latin America and one of the best Municipal Treasurers in Mexico.”
Last year, Antonio Bernardo Baduy Moscoso received the “Tlaotoani 2014” National Award for his good performance in managing the finances of the City of Cozumel under the administration of current Mayor Fredy Marrufo Martín. Prior to his position as Municipal Treasurer, he has held important positions and excelled on the State level.
Cozumel Holds Mexican Constitution Ceremony
February 5th was 98 Anniversary of the Enactment of the Constitution of the Mexican United States. Mayor Fredy Marrufo Martín was accompanied by Comandante de la Guarnición Militar, General Brigadier D.E.M. Ricardo Flores González; Comandante del Sector Naval, Contralmirante Cuerpo General D.E.M. Marco Antonio Elías Cruz Barrita; Coronel de la Fuerza Aérea Aerologista, José Ángel Mata; and the Capitán de Puerto Alfonso Rodríguez Loaiza.
The ceremony was held at the “Explanada de la Bandera”, where students of the Escuela Secundaria General “Luis Álvarez Barret”, participated by reciting the poem “5 de febrero”, by Marisol Rodríguez Rodríguez.
Amir Cabañas Ortiz, read the ephemeris of the month of February in addition to the commemoration of the 98th anniversary of the promulgation of the Constitution of the United States of Mexico. He mentioned that February 8, 1935,was the date when General Rafael E. Melgar A took office as governor of the then Federal Territory of Quintana Roo; February 10th is the Day of the Mexican Air Force; February 12th, 1947, is recognized at the municipal level, the right of women to vote and be voted. He said that on February 16th, 1519 Captain Hernán Cortés arrived in Cozumel, head of the third expedition out of Cuba into Mexico. On the island he reviewed his troops, rescued Gerónimo de Aguilar and began the conquest of Mexico; February 19th is Mexican Army Day; the 20th is the World Day of Social Justice; the 23rd The Birth of Don Florencio Angulo Marfil (1874) Cozumeleño poet, teacher and practitioner of homeopathic medicine, great achievements despite suffering from blindness. He said that among other events held during the month, February 24th Flag Day is celebrated and in 1975 on that day, Queen Elizabeth II arrived in Cozumel aboard the “Ship Britannia”, accompanied by Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh and husband of the sovereign.
Also present were Representative of the State, Germán García Padilla; Congresswoman Perla Cecilia Tun Pech; Councilwoman Geny Canto Canto; head of the Dirección de Seguridad Pública y Tránsito Municipal, Comandante Sergio Terrazas Montes, the l Director Municipal de Educación, Luis Felipe Tello Herrera,and other members of the council.
Cozumel Pays Tribute to Lifeguards
February 4th was lifeguard day and the Municipal Government celebrated the day to acknowledge appreciation for the work performed by the people who watch the beaches of the island.
Lucio Alejandro Canul Andrade, Manager of Protección Civil, Bomberos y Guardavidas, said it is important to Mayor Fredy Marrufo Martín to recognize the work that each of the lifeguards perform on a daily basis throughout the year, in order to protect the physical integrity of families arriving at public beaches. He announced that his agency has five lifeguards, while the Fire Department has three lifeguards, all duly certified, and qualified in first aid and rescue techniques.
The “Day of Guardavidas” has been celebrated since 2007 adopting Argentina’s appreciation day. Argentina has recognized the Día del Guardavidas since1978 because on that date Argentinean Lifeguard Guillermo Volpe died in the line of duty. Día Del Guardavidas has also been adopted by the municipalities of Benito Juarez, Solidaridad and Tulum to pay tribute to the rescuers.
Cozumel DIF Offers Affordable Workshops
The System for Integral Family Development (DIF) of Cozumel, chaired by Mrs. Gina Ruiz de Marrufo, is offering low cost workshops on Dressmaking, Pastry Artistry and Cultural Beauty. (The course names can translate into Taylor, Cake Decorating, and beautician) The workshops each charge $50 pesos to register and a fee $ 50 pesos per month. There is space available; anyone interested can sign up for at the workshop location.
Three locations will offer the Dressmaking course:
Park María Viana Communinity Center, located in Colonia Emiliano Zapata, Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 9 a.m.-11 am and 7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
DIF Park Centro de Desarrollo Comunitario (CDC) located in Colonia Adolfo López Mateos, Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.
Taller CTM, located on Calle 37 & Avenida 85 Sur, Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.
The Pastry Artistry and Cultural Beauty Workshops will be at DIF Park, Centro de Desarrollo Comunitario (CDC), located in Colonia Adolfo López Mateos. The Pastry Artistry on Mondays and Fridays from 8:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. The Cultural Beauty on Mondays and Thursdays from 8: 30 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.
Many students who have participated in these workshops in the past subsequently established their own businesses. This generates revenue and contributes to the household economy.
On November 1, the City announced this year’s discount program: (Note if you have an INAPAN arid (senior discount), you qualify for a 50% discount on taxes! *To apply see instructions in The Cozumel Sun section on Important Documents: https://www.thecozumelsun.com/living-in-cozumel-guide/important-documents/
Property Taxes
10% Discount if you pay January 1st – February 28th
Trash Collection Commercial and Home
10% discount if you pay November 18th – February 28th