Cozumel News February 12th, 2015

Cozumel News February 12, 2015: Restoration of the Mangrove “Laguna Colombia”, Change in time for Cozumel Paint and Run 5K, The Cozumel Kings of CENDIS Crowned, The Cozumel “Coronation of Magna Reyes Carnival” tonight, Public Transport Services During Cozumel Carnival, and Cozumel Carnival Schedule.

wetlandsRestoration of Cozumel Mangrove “Laguna Colombia”

COZUMEL 03 February.- Under the “Día Mundial de los Humedales”  (World Wetlands Day), the State Governor, Roberto Borge Angulo, and the Mayor Fredy Marrufo Martín led the groundbreaking ceremony of the restoration of the mangrove ecosystem “Laguna Colombia”  in Punta Sur ecological park.

The Governor announced that the project has an investment of just over 20 million pesos and aims to demonstrate that the combined efforts of society, government and private enterprise can perform restoration actions to the mangroves that were damaged by the onslaught hurricanes  “Emily” and “Wilma”.

In the presence of federal and state authorities, the Mayor, meanwhile, reiterated his commitment to work with the State Government and the Federation, for a Green Quintana Roo.  He noted that Cozumel is rich in natural beauty and has a vast area of basic wetlands for generating resources for freshwater supply, climate change mitigation and habitat for various species and wildlife.

“Today we take a step further in favor of a green Quintana Roo that is marked on the State Plan of Governor Roberto Borge Angulo. We begin the work of the mangrove restoration project Laguna Colombia in Punta Laguna Park, that covers 800 hectares, “said Marrufo Martín. He reported that the work is projected to take place over the next four years.


Cozumel “Paint And Run” 5K Change in Time

The DIF Cozumel reports that the race “Paint and Run”, to be held on Monday February 16, will be at 4 pm, not 3 p.m. as originally announced.

It is important to note that this change is due to logistical issues and will be the only thing that changed, and everything else as points of ticket sales, delivery kits and place of beginning of the race, remains the same.

 The “Coronation of Magna Reyes Carnival”

Here is another change in time. The Coronation of Carnival Royalty will be tonight T 9 P.M. AT Quintana Roo Park.

jr royalty2The Cozumel Kings of CENDIS Crowned

In a truly carnival, family atmosphere, the Chairperson of the System for Integral Family Development (DIF) of Cozumel, Mrs. Gina Ruiz de Marrufo, crowned Kings of the three Child Development Centers (CENDIS) yesterday.

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The First Social Worker of the Municipality girded crowns on the temples of the Kings of Cendi I, “Isis and Daniel”, of Cendi 2, “Mariana and Gael” and of Cendi 3, “Niusly and Daniel” before audience gathered in Moby Dick Entertainment Center.

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She said, “For my husband the Mayor, Fredy Martin Marrufo and me, to promote children’s carnival is to promote in each of them a sense of identity, to give the value of the history and traditions of Cozumel, and to build on the past, present and future of the island.”

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She stressed that for this reason, the Governor, Licenciado Roberto Borge Angulo and his wife, Señora Mariana Zorrilla de Borge, ask for coordination, so that cultural identity can be projected to the new generations with pride. “As quintanarroenses, you must have the roots, festivals and traditions”.

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The President of DIF Cozumel reiterated their commitment to continue promoting the traditions, since activities such as carnival serve as a means of family unity.“Intensely celebrating this feast of light and colors next to those we love is leaving an indelible mark that will remain in their minds and hearts forever.”

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Kings of Cendi I was subsequently presented with his troupe “Lion King”, those of Cendi 2 “Adas and Pirates” and the Cendi 3 “Arabian Fantasy”, then gave way to the intervention of teachers with a number of “Friday Rumba”. The Children’s Carnival Reyes 2015 “Dineli” and Alan “and Reyna Child of Joy,” Gameba “were also presented with their respective troupes.

State and Municipal authorities and all the Kings of the Carnival 2015 accompanied Mrs. Gina Ruiz de Marrufo.

buses1Public Transport Services for Cozumel Carnival

Public transportation will modify their schedules for Cozumel Carnival per Municipal Director Ricardo Lizama Escalante. He explained that Mayor Fredy Marrufo Martín met with transportation officials from UNIPER and the Taxi Union “Adolfo López Mateos” to implement alternate boardwalk stops for the carnival activities February 14, 15 and 17. The changes will take place from 4 p.m. to one in the morning on those days. The changes were accepted by Edwin García Valdez , President of UNIPER and, Jorge Basto Estrella representing the Union of Taxi Drivers ” Adolfo López Mateos “.

Passenger will be picked up and dropped off at Avenida Xelhá between 5th and 10th, , as well as Avenida 10 on   Xelhá and  17, Colonia Andrés Quintana Roo. He added that also have stops at the Tenth Avenue between 9 and 11, on the roads of North-South Side of the Municipal Cemetery, in addition to the tenth avenue and Juárez, opposite the “San Miguel” Church,  Colonia Centro.

carnival winners8COZUMEL 2015 CARNIVAL PROGRAM

Magna Coronation of Kings Cozumel Carnival 2015
Location: “Quintana Roo Park
8:00 PM Coronation of the Kings of the Carnival Mayor, Youth, Sexual Diversity, Special, child and Emperors.

Competition troupes junior category
Location: “Moby Dick Entertainment Center
10 a.m. Presentation and troupes contest category K
5:00 PM Presentation and competitions between groups of primary category

Maternal costume contest category, kindergarten, primary and pets.
Location: “Moby Dick Entertainment Center
10 a.m. Presentation and maternal costume contest category, kindergarten,
Primary and pets

Troupes Contest Category youthful and free.
Location: “Entertainment Center Moby Dick”
9:00 PM Access BGM people
10:30 pm Presentation of Ballet Carnival 2015
10:40 PM Presentation Carnival driver
10:50 PM Show of the emperors of the Carnival 2015
11:10 PM Home Contest troupes free program and youth category
1:00 a.m. tropical Dancing with Stravaganza group.

First great ride Carnival 2015 and dances outdoors
Location: Av Rafael E Melgar (from City Hall and Airport Blvd. up.
6:00 PM Starting the first ride of floats, parades and costumes
9:00 PM folk dancing in Quintana Roo Park
Second Carnival fancy dance and masks (costume contest)
Place Entertainment Center Moby Dick
9:00 PM Access BGM people
11:00 pm Presentation of the Ballet de Carnaval 2015
11:10 PM Presentation Carnival driver
11:20 PM Show of Special Reyes del Carnaval 2015
Starts 11:40 a.m. individual category costume contest, couples and groups
1:30 a.m. stellar Introducing the International Singer Alejandra Guzman

Second great ride and Dance Carnival 2015 Popular.
Location: Av Rafael E Melgar (palace until Blvd. Airport and back).
6:00 PM Starting the second walk of floats, parades and costumes
9:00 PM Quintana Roo Free Folk Dancing Park
Great Race of Color
Location: Q Park, Roo
3:00 PM Start of the Race Color

Third and Final Carnival dance contest dance to the rhythm of Carnival
Location: Center Moby Dick Show
9:00 PM Access BGM people
11:00 pm Presentation of the Ballet de Carnaval 2015
11:10 PM Presentation Carnival driver
11:20 PM Starts Caribbean dance and Tropical Dance Contest
24:30 Presentation of Merenglass Stellar Group
Third large walk Cozumel Carnival 2015 & Dance Popular
Location: Avenida Rafael Melgar (municipal palace until Blvd. Airport and back).
6:00 PM Starting the third ride floats, parades and costumes
9:00 PM popular in Quintana Roo Park with Super Lamas Dance Group.

Awards Ceremony and burning of Juan Carnival
Location: Quintana Roo Park.
7:00 PM Start the awards to the winners of the Carnival 2015
Reading side and burning Juan Carnaval.




About Aura Holguin-Resch 447 Articles
Welcome to the Cozumel Sun! Since 2006, TCS website, Facebook Group, and Facebook page has provided the latest news and information from Cozumel, Mexico. There are no paid staff. TCS is non-profit and non-government funded. Donations help pay for website expenses, taxes, and fees. Donations support our community assistance program. TCS Community Assistance TCS provides assistance to local individuals and families with emergency food, medical expenses and medication. We help with school related expenses for children in the immediate neighborhood (Colonia Independencia). We have a ""drop in" meal policy, we feed the hungry no questions asked. In addition we publish articles that feature community programs in need of donations and volunteers. We encourage both residents and visitors to give back to this island paradise by volunteering and donating to these existing community programs. TCS has successful matched those that want to help and those in need for many years. During the Pandemic, our resources go to the Community Kitchens that are feeding hundreds in Cozumel.