Cozumel News February 19th, 2015

Cozumel News February 19th, 2015 Now that Cozumel Carnival is over there are a number of events that took place during the past week to tell you about: Barcos Caribe have arrived in Cozumel, Cozumel to Close Parts of Melgar, Cozumel Campaign for Detection of Cataract and Pterygium, Braille machine donated to Integral Rehabilitation Center of Cozumel (CRIC), Cozumel Valentine Day Weddings, and an Update on Jaquilyne Carillillo Estrella by Corinne Allen.


Barcos CaribeBarcos Caribe have arrived in Cozumel!

The new Ferry Company, was inaugurated on February 17th.  The Governor of Quintana Roo, Roberto Borge Angulo and Cozumel Mayor Fredy Marrufo Martín, highlighted the efforts made by the group of entrepreneurs “Barcos Caribe”, a new shipping company. We now have a new option geared to give the residents of Quintana Roo discounted rates to and from Playa Del Carmen. The regular rates are also lower than the competition, this will hopefully encourage the other companies to offer more competative rates and attract more tourist from Playa Del Carmen. While I have not confirmed that the resident card with a proof of residence (CFE)  bill will work in place of the voters card they have accepted the INAPAM senior card for the $50 peso fare!!

melgarCozumel to Close Parts of Melgar

Effective yesterday, Cozumel will close parts of Avenida Rafael E. Melgar due to the installation of storm drainage from Benito Juarez Park. Public Works management reported that the task will be completed in approximately four weeks. The storm drain in Benito Juárez Park will direct water from rainfall into the sea.

The traffic will be closed at the height of Adolfo Rosado Salas Street, one block before first south. The first lane will be closed to vehicle traffic in the direction from south to north for two weeks and then north to south over a similar period. On Tuesday afternoon, the City of Cozumel issued a statement in which Public Works Director Humberto Suárez Castillo explained, “Nearby shops will not be affected”.


cataracCozumel Campaign for Detection of Cataract and Pterygium

The System for Integral Family Development (DIF) of Cozumel, chaired by Mrs. Gina Ruiz de Marrufo, will hold the Third Campaign for the Detection and Treatment of Cataract and pterygium on February 26 and 27. Evaluations are free and will be held in the facilities of the Center for Integrated Rehabilitation Cozumel (CRIC); from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., interested parties can register at the Office of the Coordination of Medical Assistance, located in the DIF building.

In the first two campaigns served about 400 people, so in this third occasion a good response is expected from the community that needs to be assessed in this specialty. The valuations are carried out by staff of “Clínica de Ojos” of Cancun, where surgeries will be performed for people who decide to take part in the program. After the evaluations staff of “Clínica de Ojos” can give a quote to those interested in surgery. They also offer a payment plan to make it affordable to heal the suffering of cataract or pterygium.

brailleBraille machine donated to Integral Rehabilitation Center of Cozumel (CRIC)

American couples Robert y Stella Valdéz and William y Kathy Mc Ginn, donated a Braille machine that will be used in the sessions offered in the area of auditory and visual therapy in the CRIC.

On behalf of the President of DIF Cozumel, Mrs. Gina Ruiz de Marrufo, and General Director Víctor Hugo Venegas Molina received the donation and thanked the donors for their generosity. This contribution will be of great benefit to the rehabilitation of persons attending therapy.

valentine weddingCozumel Valentine Day Weddings

valentine wedding2


On February 14, fifty couples legalized their relationship through the program “Collective Wedding” of the System for Integral Family Development (DIF). The free ceremony took place on the “Day of Love and Friendship” with Mayor Fredy Marrufo Martín and his wife señora Gina Ruiz de Marrufo, acting as witnesses.



Jaquilyne Carillillo EstrellaUpdate on Jaquilyne Carillillo Estrella

In our Cozumel News Special Edition of February 9, I told you about a little girl who had been struck by a car by a drunk driver. Her family was desperate for financial assistance for the medical costs and donation of blood. Before I give you the latest update on her condition, I want to say thank you to all the wonderful people that have come together in this community to help.

Special thanks to Corinne Allen who singlehandedly took on the task of coordinating fundraising though events, raffles and any means possible. She has been by the family’s side, and kept us updated on the progress we are making financially (Over $32,000 pesos and counting!). She has visited the hospital regularly and kept us all updated on Jaquilyne’s condition through the internet. Thank you Corki, you make us proud. As you will see, the battle is not over, the family still needs our help. Here is Corinne’s latest report on her condition:


Corinne Allen 11:42am Feb 19

This was just posted regarding Andrea’s accident almost two weeks ago by a drunk driver; she is in AmeriMed-IslaMed hospital….

Buenas noches… Andrea’s health report as of tonight at 11 pm

This time I heard a very long report from the pediatrician Dr. Villanueva lots of information given to Elsy and because of privacy I will only tell that Elsy is looking at a VERY long year ahead of her…

Andrea is staying awake for longer periods now, I have been mentioning a Reposet for quite a few days now… The hospital did not have one so they went out and bought it for her… The good news is that she may be going out of ICU tomorrow morning around 11 am. The hospital does not have intermediate care so they will condition a room as such and move her over… that will greatly reduce the cost of treatment. She will still have 24 hr care. Visits will be highly restricted. Right now Andréa is in a very delicate state as her body is still fighting the pneumonia and the antibiotics are very powerful, she does not need to be exposed to any kind of infection so even sick family members will be highly advised to do not visit. There is now a nutritionist added to the medical team, as she needs to up her calorie intake to have the energy to continue fighting the pneumonia. It’s a VERY long way for recovery… probably up to a month before she can leave the hospital… she must be pneumonia and any other infection free before she is released to go home… once she goes home then Elsy will have to handle her and that will be no easy task.

Andrea now needs a physiotherapist… there are lots of work to do and the doctor has advised the family to preferably get one themselves. If you are or know one that would be willing to help either pro bono or with very little pay please tell him/her to contact Elsy at the hospital. The soonest treatment is started the better.

Elsy and Carlos and of course Andrea live in a room at the automotive paint shop where Carlos works. The smells and normal fumes of an automotive paint shop are no big deal for a regular person but in Andréa’s health state, she cannot live there for now….

When Andrea leaves the hospital, they will need either an apartment or small 2-bedroom house so Andréa can have her own room… Very special care should be taken with her food and her contact with other people for about a year until she is physically recovered.

Therefore, if you know of anything that is or can be given to them temporarily at a very low cost or for free they are willing to pay for it either monetarily or with work.

Our prayers are being heard and Andrea is recovering nicely… we only need to pray harder to help her get rid of the stubborn pneumonia… please continue keeping her in your prayers…

City of Cozumel Discounts

On November 1, the City announced this year’s discount program: (Note if you have an INAPAN arid (senior discount), you qualify for a 50% discount on taxes! *To apply see instructions in The Cozumel Sun section on Important Documents:

Property Taxes

10% Discount if you pay January 1st – February 28th

Trash Collection Commercial and Home

10% discount if you pay November 18th – February 28th


About Aura Holguin-Resch 447 Articles
Welcome to the Cozumel Sun! Since 2006, TCS website, Facebook Group, and Facebook page has provided the latest news and information from Cozumel, Mexico. There are no paid staff. TCS is non-profit and non-government funded. Donations help pay for website expenses, taxes, and fees. Donations support our community assistance program. TCS Community Assistance TCS provides assistance to local individuals and families with emergency food, medical expenses and medication. We help with school related expenses for children in the immediate neighborhood (Colonia Independencia). We have a ""drop in" meal policy, we feed the hungry no questions asked. In addition we publish articles that feature community programs in need of donations and volunteers. We encourage both residents and visitors to give back to this island paradise by volunteering and donating to these existing community programs. TCS has successful matched those that want to help and those in need for many years. During the Pandemic, our resources go to the Community Kitchens that are feeding hundreds in Cozumel.