Cozumel News March 11, 2015: Today I decided to take the time to update the Cozumel Event Calendar with the latest information on upcoming events for spring, summer, and fall 2015. I have some winter events listed, and will complete the rest of December in the near future. I will update the details as they become available. This will help many of my readers that do not live with us in Paradise to decide when to schedule their next visit. The Calendar was time consuming, as is Aurita’s Corner, so I will do one large news article in a couple of days.
Aurita’s Corner
I am sorry to report that because of recent health problems, it has been impossible for me to follow through with my plan to publish The Cozumel Sun five days per week. As a matter of fact, I have even considered on bad days finding someone to take over the publication altogether, or ask for volunteers to assist me.
I have been unable to attend press conferences, and it is impossible for me to get around soliciting advertisers, even to collect from the few existing clients that I do have. I have made the decision to switch to a donation only format for the advertising. More on that subject at a later time when I think it through.
As far as continuing The Cozumel Sun, it has proven to be too valuable to the community to let it go. As an example, this past Sunday that was very appropriately International Women’s Day, I had the honor of meeting Debra Taylor and her husband Randy. They traveled to Cozumel from Canada armed with bags of Children’s clothing, dental supplies, hats, etc. to distribute to families in need. The impressive array of gifts was a joint effort of the Taylors, family members and friends. Fans of the Cozumel Sun, they honored me with their trust to see that their gifts were distributed to those in need.
We spend a beautiful day together. We started at my home where they met my family, then we took them on a drive to Las Fincas where they spent time with the Paredes family. They were able to observe firsthand the many improvements that dad Antonio has made to their home with the generous donations of my readers.
Their one room home, formerly just bricks with a thin roof, is now completely reinforced with cement and has a sturdy roof. There is no more rain and humidity seeping in. There is now a cement floor where the dirt used to be. He built a floor to ceiling cement closet with shelving to store their belongings. They now have a place to sit as a result of the table and four stools that my family donated. The project at hand is digging a trench for the sewage and building a retaining pond so they can install the bathroom fixtures. We provided the bricks that were left over from my recent emergency replacement of a roof, along with additional cement and sand.
This part of the project is going slow as Antonio is doing this himself after getting home from work. (At some point, we will need a tinaco and a water pump). Once the bathroom project is completed, we will purchase floor tiles to add to the donated floor tiles. All my photographs disappeared, thankfully, I am able to provide you with the photographs taken by the Taylors of our visit.
As far as their donation, to date I have outfitted ten children and still have a handful of size small children’s clothes, some hats, and a few dental supplies left to distribute. If anyone knows of a child in need, please contact me.
I want to take the opportunity to thank the Taylors, friends and family. Debra Taylor you have touched my life and inspired me.You have given me the strength to continue, lifted my spirits, and reenergized my soul. God Bless you!
Cozumel Event Calendar 2015
Cozumel Aero Show 2015 April 18
Info: http://aeroshowcozumel.com/
Playa Azul Invitational 2015 April 20, 21
Cozumel Underwater Digital Fiesta April 23 – 30th
Cozumel Feria Del Cedral April 26
Cozumel 7th International Cozumel Golf Tournament May 2
Web page not yet available
Cozumel Fishing Tournament May 15
Cozumel Sea Turtle Workshop May 15
Cozumel Sacred Mayan Journey May 21
Cozumel San Pedro y San Pablo Festival June 20 – 29
(Religious festival with fair, rides, food and craft shows).
Cozumel Baby Turtle Observation Workshop August 1
Cozumel Mr. Sancho’s Triathlon August 23
SPRINT: 750 m Swim, 20 k Bike and 5 k Run
OLYMPIC: 1,500 m Swim, 40 k Bike and 10 k Run
More info: triatlonmrsanchos@gmail.com
Mexico Independence Day Sept. 15
Cozumel Fiesta De San Miguel Archangel Sept. 21
Cozumel Grand Fondo NY Nov. 22
Dia De La Virgen De Guadalupe Starts Dec. 1 – 12