Cozumel News April 6th, 2015

Cozumel News today, April 6th, 2015: Another City of Cozumel First, Cozumel Puerta Maya Tourist Information Module, Cozumel Planetarium Logo Contest Awards, Cozumel Awards Scholarships, Cozumel City Government Firm against Sand Theft, Cozumel Events Calendar April 2015 and in Aurita’s Corner, Cozumel during Easter, a possible Religious Vacation Destination for Tourists. Read it all at

Cozumel AuditAnother City of Cozumel First

COZUMEL, 28 March. – With the firm purpose of showing total respect for the commitment to manage the public resources in an efficient and accountable manner, Cozumel became the first municipality in the State to deliver accounting records for the year 2014 to the Supreme Auditor of Quintana Roo.

After approval by the City Council during the XXXVII Ordinary Session of the cabinet, the Trustee, Miguel Alberto Alonso Marrufo and Municipal Accountant General, José Daniel Medina Chan, personally delivered the Public Accounts for the year 2014 to the Supreme Auditor of Quintana Roo in the Zona Norte of Solidaridad Municipality.

The accounts will be forwarded to the XIV Legislature of the Honorable Congress of the Free and Sovereign State of Quintana Roo for their respective review. It is noted that this action demonstrate responsible management by the City of Cozumel.

????????Cozumel Puerta Maya Tourist Information Module

COZUMEL, 3 April. – With the firm intention to provide official information about the natural beauties and attractions that has the destination of Cozumel, Municipal Government, through the Department of Tourism, an information module placed at the entrance the Puerta Maya cruise pier.

The Mayor, Fredy Marrufo Martin , accompanied by Cesar Trejo Vazquez, President of the Commission of Tourism and Ecology; Juan González Castelán, Director of Tourism and Jesus Mendez Rodriguez, General Manager of Puerta Maya Pier, who was in charge of overseeing the proper functioning of the module in its first day of trading.

The Puerta Maya pier is an important place because of the amount of tourists arriving through this Pier, the placement of the module in this strategic place in the spring will help promote tourism development in Cozumel.

There are now three modules in operation, one at the San Miguel de Cozumel Pier, the second in Fundadores Park in the neighboring Municipality of Solidaridad and   the Puerta Maya Pier. The modules are equipped with audiovisual material and printed brochures with innovative and cool design.

The modules that were placed earlier in the spring in San Miguel and the Municipality of Solidaridad have been success and have caught the attention of people interested in learning about the island of Cozumel.


concurso planetario2Cozumel Planetarium Logo Contest Awards

COZUMEL, 3 April. – The Mayor, Fredy Marrufo Martin, led the award ceremony of the Cozumel Planetarium “Ch’an Ka’an” Logo Design contest. Liliana Castillo Cruz, originally from the State Capitol was the winner.

The Mayor said that it was a difficult decision because the 94 entries were all professional and of good quality.

“We are very grateful to the Federal Government, the State Government, as well as each of the people who participated in the contest which resulted in finding the best logo for our planetarium,” said the mayor.

Awards and recognitions were awarded to the winners. First place winner Liliana Castillo Cruz, from Chetumal, was given a Mac Book Pro laptop. The second and third place winners Raúl Eduardo Martin Mex and Diana Brizuela Gutierrez, both of Cozumel, received an Ipad mini3.

David Escalante Trinidad (Cozumel), Efraín Tun Dzul (Chetumal), Odethe Bravo Pérez (Cozumel), Arturo Gómez Lara (Cozumel) and Alejandro Manuel García Castillo (Cancún) received honorable mentions.

pago de becas3Cozumel Awards Scholarships

COZUMEL, April 2 2015. – The Municipal Government through the Department of Education presented financial assistance scholarships for the second two months of the 2014-2015 school year to 224 students from different educational levels.

“Excellence” Scholarships were awarded to 68 students with an average of 10 to 9.5 and 156 “Economics” Scholarships to students with a 9.4 to 8.5 rating.

Scholarships of “Excellence” were given to 39 students in Primary Schools, 24 students in Secondary Schools, 4 students in Senior High and a local University. The “Economic” Scholarships were given to 83 students in Primary School, 39 students in Secondary Schools, 15 students in High Schools, 3 students attending local Universities and 16 students attending foreign Universities.

sand theft3Cozumel City Government Firm against Sand Theft

COZUMEL 1 April. – The Municipal Government is taking action against the responsible party that stole sand by placing the complaint in a timely manner before the Procuraduría Federal de Protección al Ambiente  (PROFEPA) “, released, Julio Dzay Aguilar, Director of the Zona Federal Marítimo y Terrestre (ZOFEMAT). Dzay Aguilar, said that from the moment it came to their attention that sand had been removed from  “Punta Morena”, located on the east side of the island,  ZOFEMAT staff was dispatched to the location. They discovered damage of more than 500 cubic meters on a dune.

Cosat del Sol Village
Cosat del Sol Village

After the visit, they were informed of a possible place where the sand could have been deposited. Evidence was gathered at that location and a complaint has been filed in Cancun. Evidence demonstrated that a fraction of this material is in the Costa del Sol Tourist Villages, but most of the sand remains in unknown sites. The City promises a firm hand in dealing with the theft to ensure they send a message that this will not be tolerated.

Cozumel Events Calendar April 2015


cozumel airshowCozumel Aero Show 2015     April 18


playa azul invitational 8Playa Azul Invitational 2015             April 20, 21

underwater festivalCozumel Underwater Digital Fiesta         April 23 – 30th

el cedral4Cozumel Feria Del Cedral                        April 26

???????????????????????????????Aurita’s Corner: Cozumel during Easter

Since the weather was perfect and everyone in the family was healthy for a change, my family participated in Corpus Christi Catholic Church Easter activities these past few weeks. Last week I posted pictures of the beautiful procession on Palm Sunday. I want to stop here and let my readers know that I am proud to be a Christian, but in no way do I write to convert anyone. It is part of who I am, so you will get glimpses of my beliefs as I write about my family life in Cozumel.  I do not believe one faith is better than another. I believe it is a personal choice and I do not judge

During my  first years in the United States I was enrolled in a Catholic boarding school, St. Johns Villa Academy, were nuns beat and humiliated the English Language into me to the point where I could articulate the language better than the Americans when I left. As mean as those nuns where, I walked out of that school years ahead of others my age. I can always find the positive aspect, child abuse aside. The Catholic Church services of my childhood were beautiful and in Latin.  In New York City, the Cathedrals were beautiful. The statues and stain glass windows were breathtaking.

In my opinion, the beauty of it all is what set the Catholic Church apart from other religions. When the services changed to English and nuns got out of their habits, it just was not the same.  The last straw came when, my daughter, only seven years old was killed in a tragic accident. I was very angry at the church and God. I wandered away from church altogether for about a year.  Then I reminded myself that it was my responsibility to introduce religion to my surviving son and the two daughters that I had recently adopted.

To me, without the Latin services, the Catholic Church was not much different from the Lutheran Church that I attended while my children were growing up. I enrolled them in a Lutheran Private School; it only made sense to attend a Lutheran Church. I encouraged my children to attend alternative church services with their friends of different religions. I taught them the importance of worship and left the choice of where up to them.

I was away from the Catholic Church for years, and then I came to Cozumel. The services in Spanish are beautiful and singing “ Our Father” in Spanish brought tears to my eyes, as do a few of the hymns. The Spanish Language, closer to the Latin I was raised with, brings back all those fond memories.

Here in Cozumel, the Stations of the Cross are acted out and spread about town at Easter. Processions of Catholics all over the island paraded to each station. Whatever your religion, it is a beautiful sight to observe or be part of. If you are in another country, plan your vacation during Easter week, you will not regret it! Here are some of the pictures:

Gelmy Camara March 2015 023Gelmy Camara March 2015 028Gelmy Camara March 2015 032Gelmy Camara March 2015 036Gelmy Camara March 2015 041Gelmy Camara March 2015 057The-Cozumel-Sun.2-300x102

About Aura Holguin-Resch 447 Articles
Welcome to the Cozumel Sun! Since 2006, TCS website, Facebook Group, and Facebook page has provided the latest news and information from Cozumel, Mexico. There are no paid staff. TCS is non-profit and non-government funded. Donations help pay for website expenses, taxes, and fees. Donations support our community assistance program. TCS Community Assistance TCS provides assistance to local individuals and families with emergency food, medical expenses and medication. We help with school related expenses for children in the immediate neighborhood (Colonia Independencia). We have a ""drop in" meal policy, we feed the hungry no questions asked. In addition we publish articles that feature community programs in need of donations and volunteers. We encourage both residents and visitors to give back to this island paradise by volunteering and donating to these existing community programs. TCS has successful matched those that want to help and those in need for many years. During the Pandemic, our resources go to the Community Kitchens that are feeding hundreds in Cozumel.