Cozumel News April 13th, 2015

Easter vacation or Spring Break as it is now called is over and things on the island will be back to normal this week. Cozumel News today, April 13th, 2015: Cozumel Enjoys Last Day of Easter Vacation, Cozumel April Flag Ceremony,  Cozumel “Luum-Ha” Folk Ballet to Represent State in International Event, Cozumel Mayor Unveils Program for “The Cedral 2015″ Fair, Cozumel El Cedral Ticket Sales and Cozumel Events Calendar April and May 2015.


chen rioCozumel Enjoys Last Day of Easter Vacation

COZUMEL, 12 April. – Chen Rio, San Martin, Punta Morena, Mezcalitos, Rastas, Playa Bonita, among other spas in the eastern part of the island, were crowded yesterday. It was the last Sunday of the Easter holiday period, so hundreds of swimmers visited the beaches with their coolers and umbrellas for a last vacation dip.

Bathers, a combination of locals and foreign and national tourists, enjoyed the temperatures that prevailed in the morning and Sunday afternoon. Anticipating the harsh rays of sun, many arrived early to find spaces that provided shade.

img_1428901078_0d91306a622cda82b773(1)Like other places in the Riviera Maya, the Cozumeleño community and visitors from other countries, decided to enjoy the warm beaches and clear waters. Local families decided to move to the beaches of the eastern part of the island complete with pots of food as well as snacks.

The presence of snacks, botanitas and slush, sellers was evident; their products were consumed at an early hour before the intense heat that prevailed on “the other side of the island.”

Beaches such as Chen Rio, San Martin, Punta Morena, the Mirador, among others, recorded a great number of swimmers. Lifeguards from Civil Protection and the Ministry of the Navy of Mexico, among others, were conducting tours and walks along the coast to be vigilant of swimmers in that area.

izamiento1Cozumel April Flag Ceremony

COZUMEL, 6 April. – In order to promote civic values and patriotism, the Directorate of Education, in coordination with the Armed Forces, conducted the “Raising of the National Flag” for the month April.

In the civic event, held at the Explanada de la Bandera, student Pedro Jesús Rejón Díaz of the “Jorge México Ojeda Novelo” Elementary School, morning shift, recalled important days in April:

 April 1 of 1829, Vicente Guerrero, took office as President of the Republic

April 3, 1943, Dr. Adolfo Rosado Salas died. He was a selfless doctor who served             the community.

April 7, World Health Day is commemorated.

April 10, 1789 the birth of Leona Vicario is remembered. She is a heroine of the Independence of Mexico.

 April 17, 1695 the death of poet and writer Sor Juan Inés de la Cruz is remembered.    

April 30 the celebration of Children’s Day is commemorated.

izamiento7Different educational institutions are summoned to participate in this ceremony the first Monday of each month. While the protocol is performed, the audience sings the National Anthem and the Hymn to Quintana Roo, as part of the solemn ceremony that plays as important part of Mexican identity and the State of Quintana Roo.

In attendance: Edwin Argüelles González, Secretario del Ayuntamiento de Cozumel; el General Brigadier Diplomado de Estado Mayor, Ricardo Flores González, Comandante de la Guarnición Militar; Capitán de Navío, Gonzalo González Núñez de Cáceres, en representación del Sector Naval de Cozumel; Coronel Meteorólogo, Juan José Alarcón Olivares, en representación de la Base Aérea Militar Número 4; Capitán Alfonso Rodríguez Loaiza, titular de la Capitanía de Puerto, among others.

cultura viaje luum ha1[1]Cozumel “Luum-Ha” Folk Ballet to Represent State in International Event

COZUMEL, 6 April. – The young members of the folk ballet “Luum-Ha” of Cozumel will represent Quintana Roo in the “International Folk Dance Festival”, to be held in the State of Jalisco.

The Mayor of Cozumel sent off the 24 dancers and urged them to give their best in the name of Cozumel and Quintana Roo, and urged them to enjoy the experience and take advantage of the cultural exchange to learn the variety of styles and dance performances of other regions and countries.

“You are the pride of the city and the state”, he said, as they are the only folk group of Quintana Roo to attend. The Mayor told them that they are an example for young people, and that it is important to recognize the work of their parents who are their supporters in all these activities.

Manuel Alcocer Angulo, head of the Dirección de Cultura in Cozumel, said the group will present a mosaic of dances at the International Dance Festival, as one of the states that will represent Mexico, along with the States of Chihuahua, Nuevo Leon, Tamaulipas, Veracruz and Jalisco. The group is expected to return today, April 13th.

el cedral 2015Cozumel Mayor Unveils Program for “The Cedral 2015″ Fair

COZUMEL, March 31, 2015. – Mayor Fredy Marrufo Martín announced the program and details of the activities of “El Cedral 2015” fair to be held in tandem with the religious festival in honor of Santa Cruz de Sabán from April 29 to May 3.

el cedral 2015 posterHe also presented the official poster, the 2015 Queen, Mariana Zapata Suárez and Godmother of the festival, Xiomara García de García, who will be crowned on April 29 to officially kick off the show. The mayor first thanked the invaluable support of the Governor, Roberto Borge Angulo, for this festival, like the presiding Commissariat of Ejido Villa Cozumel, David Pinto Silva, through whom he has joined efforts for the realization of this festival that has a tradition of 167 years.

Cozumel El Cedral Ticket Sales

Monday through Friday

Municipal Palace                 8 a.m. – 3 p.m. and 5 p.m. – 8 p.m.

Desarrollo Social                 9 a.m. – 4 p.m.

Casa de la Cultura              9 a.m. – 8 p.m.

On days of the event, tickets will only be sold at the above locations until noon! After that time, you must purchase your tickets in Plaza de Toros at El Cedral.

La Feria de El Cedral in Cozumel is a tradition that dates back to 1848. It is one of the oldest celebrations in Mexico and is held on the island of Cozumel, Quintana Roo. Legend tells a Casimiro Cárdenas came to Cozumel during the Caste War fleeing a massacre and persecution that survives. He made a promise to celebrate the power of the cross every year, creating what is now known as the Fair of El Cedral. The fair coincides with the Festival de la Santa Cruz. Included in addition to celebrations and religious rites is a fair, dances, music, regional food, rodeos, cockfights, bullfights and rides. The event aims to provide the population and the many tourists that visit the island of swallows with options for aesthetic and intellectual enjoyment.

Cozumel Events Calendar April and May 2015


cozumel airshowCozumel Aero Show 2015     April 18


playa azul invitational 8Playa Azul Invitational 2015             April 20, 21

underwater festivalCozumel Underwater Digital Fiesta         April 23 – 30th

el cedral4Cozumel Feria Del Cedral                        April 26

golfCozumel 7th International Cozumel Golf Tournament            May 2

Web page not yet available

fishing tournamentCozumel Fishing Tournament                   May 15

turtle rescueCozumel Sea Turtle Workshop              May 15

sacred4Cozumel Sacred  Mayan Journey               May 21




About Aura Holguin-Resch 447 Articles
Welcome to the Cozumel Sun! Since 2006, TCS website, Facebook Group, and Facebook page has provided the latest news and information from Cozumel, Mexico. There are no paid staff. TCS is non-profit and non-government funded. Donations help pay for website expenses, taxes, and fees. Donations support our community assistance program. TCS Community Assistance TCS provides assistance to local individuals and families with emergency food, medical expenses and medication. We help with school related expenses for children in the immediate neighborhood (Colonia Independencia). We have a ""drop in" meal policy, we feed the hungry no questions asked. In addition we publish articles that feature community programs in need of donations and volunteers. We encourage both residents and visitors to give back to this island paradise by volunteering and donating to these existing community programs. TCS has successful matched those that want to help and those in need for many years. During the Pandemic, our resources go to the Community Kitchens that are feeding hundreds in Cozumel.