Cozumel News June 8th, 2015

Cozumel News June 8 2015:. Cozumel Environmentalist Slams Lack of Environmental Protection, Cozumel City Workers Rode Bikes to Work, Election Day Training in Cozumel, Cozumel “Bernardo Alonso Canto” Fishing Tournament Results, Cozumel to Offer Free and Low Cost Health Services, Cozumel Planetarium Almost Ready to Open, and updates on Aurita’s Corner.

enviromentCozumel Environmentalist Slams Lack of Environmental Protection

President of Citymar and Environmentalist Guadalupe Álvarez Chulim stated that there was nothing to celebrate on June 5, World Environment Day in Cozumel.  In the opinion of the only conservationist in Cozumel, she has denounced environmental crimes and ecocide (the destruction of large areas of natural environment especially because of deliberate human action) in Cozumel to no avail. She stated that this day is like any other because little is done to take care of the natural environment, the main asset of the island of Cozumel that attracts tourist from all over the world.

“What are we going to celebrate? The looting of the sand dunes of Punta Morena? The mangrove logging? The construction of palapas in protected areas? Alternatively, the officials that are responsible for these situations are not punished. By going unpunished are setting a precedent for that happening again.  What about the illegal logging that is not controlled? I think there is nothing to celebrate,” said the conservationist.

She emphasized that there are people concerned about the environment because the authorities in the three levels of government do not act to prevent environmental degradation, not only in Cozumel but also throughout the country.

“There is no real action taken for the environment and if legislation was respected environmentalists like me would have no reason to exist,” she concluded.

Cozumel City Workers Rode Bikes to Work

On Friday Cozumel City, Council Members left their vehicles behind to use bicycles to get to work. This was done as a way to promote both physical activity and care for the working environment. The call for these actions had a good response from workers at all levels and the majority of the Municipal parking areas were occupied by bicycles.

Meanwhile, the ¨Dirección de Medio Ambiente y Ecología¨ convened Saturday June 6, to clean a beach on the boardwalk inspired by the organization Plant for the Planet.


voting2Election Day Training in Cozumel

The future voters of Cozumel had an opportunity to learn about the voting process yesterday. The Presidents of DIF Quintana Roo, Mrs. Mariana Zorrilla de Borge and DIF Cozumel, Mrs. Gina Ruiz de Marrufo, accompanied by a nephew and children, participated in the Child and Youth Consultation 2015. The event, sponsored by the National Electoral Institute (INE), was conducted in coordination with the elections held this Sunday, June 7.

voting5Mrs. Mariana Zorrilla de Borge stressed that it is important for parents to instill in children and adolescents at an early age that all adult citizens have a civic duty to vote in the elections.

voting1The Child and Youth Consultation was open to children and adolescents aged 6 to 17, to experience the voting process. Parents assisted the children when needed to complete a questionnaire that was comprised of three questions about their rights.  The children inked their right thumb and placed their mark on the response as done by their parents when voting. There were four boxes installed in different parts of the city.

voting3The two first ladies, wife of the Mayor and of the Governor attended the event located at the DIF Park. Mrs. Gina Ruiz de Marrufo said it was gratifying to see the initiative of parents to bring their children to participate in the child and youth consultation, a clear sign that they were there instilling the importance of fulfilling civic duties at an early age.

bernard2Cozumel “BERNARDO ALONSO CANTO” Fishing Tournament

The boat “Melissa” was awarded first place in the XVI Sport Fishing Tournament “Bernardo Alonso Canto”, the family of Eduardo Catzín Quiam received the award from Municipal President Fredy Marrufo and Mrs. Juana Marrufo, the widow of Martin Alonso.

bernard 1Accompanying Mrs. Marrufo were her children Juanita, Bernardo, and Miguel Alberto Alonso Marrufo. The Mayor together with the representative of the State Government, Germán García Padilla and the Director of Sport in the Municipality, Erik Villanueva Lanz, all participated in the ceremony, which presented the awards assigned by the organizing committee of this competition, to the corresponding first five place winners.

bernard3After about eight hours of fishing, the awards were presented by the event organized by the Alsonso Marrufo family. Held on Navy Day, the celebration is a tribute to Bernardo Alonso Canto, a man who was a great fisherman and a passionate diver.

bernard6The mayor congratulated the organizers of the tournament to honor the memory of an exemplary Cozumeleño, Bernardo Alonso Canto.

The Winners:

First Place                  “Melissa”                               2,500 points.

Second Place              “Sum Beach”                        2,265 points.

Third Place                “Casper the Ghost”              1,725 points.

Fourth Place              “Doki of the Seas”               1,550 points.

Fifth Place                 “Maji Maji”                            1,500 points.


“Best Captain” and “Best Sailor” was awarded to Julián “Chainas” Chablé and Pablo de la Cruz Buenfil, of the boat “Melissa”.


bernard5 “Best Species” Awards:

“Sum Beach”                                    36-pound Wahoo.

“Orlando¨¨                                          14.5 pound Sawfish.

“Melissa”                                           28.5-pound Tuna.

“Albatros”                                         41-pound Dorado.

“Company”                                        18-pound Barracuda.

“Captain Leo”                                   19-pound Coronado.

For the third consecutive year, the Cabrillas Store presented special awards to the captains and sailors of the boats to honor the men of the sea, and as well named and awarded as the “Fisherman of the Year” the Captain Julian “Chainas” Chablé.


health2Cozumel to Offer Free and Low Cost Health Services

The System for Integral Family Development (DIF) of Cozumel, chaired by Mrs. Gina Ruiz de Marrufo, a wide range of health services to the community in general during the coming weeks.

Health Care Coordinator, Jorge Cuauhtli Lojero, reiterated the commitment and interest of the President of DIF Cozumel to approach the general population, with specialized health services.

He said that this health program includes campaigns for Visual, orthopedic appliances, allergy clinics, urology, and podiatry, all to be offered on the premises of DIF Cozumel.

health3On the 18 and 19 of this month Visual Health and orthopedic appliances, Campaign will take place. Glasses and braces will be offered at affordable costs. On Thursday 18, the customer service hours will be 12 to 4 pm, and on Friday 19, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. free consultations will be offered.

On Sunday June 21, an Allergist will visit to attend to disorders of the immune system, specifically to people who have developed allergies. The hours will be 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.; the cost of the consultation will be $350 pesos. You must make a deposit of $100 pesos to request an appointment. Space is limited.

On Saturday June 27 an Urologist will visit, with a specialty in genitourinary diseases as well as problems related to urinary tract infections in women. The specialist will serve the public on a schedule of 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. The cost of the consultation will be $350 pesos. You must make a deposit of $100 pesos to request an appointment.  SPACE IS LIMITED.

health1On Friday July 3, a Podiatrist will be on hand to attend to patients with any conditions in relation to the health of their feet, such as ingrown toenails, sweaty feet, diabetic foot and fungi, among others. This service will be offered from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. seating is limited, the cost of the consultation will be $150 pesos paid in advance to get an appointment.

planetariumCozumel Planetarium Almost Ready to Open

The Cozumel Planetarium name, “Cha’anKa’an” in the Mayan Language means to observe or enjoy the sky. The new planetarium, third of its kind in the state, will open in Cozumel with the aim of offering science, technology and culture.

“This type of project is undoubtedly a good way to reach the community on scientific issues,” said Milagros Varguez Ramírez, the young cancunense at the helm to steer the direction of this new project.

This planetarium will offer projections in three dimensions for the first time in Latin America. The room will have six projectors with 3D immersion.  The scientific Complex took a total investment of 60 million pesos and has taken less than a year to create.

The Director said that the possible opening to the public might be as early as the end of the month. The team is working on scheduling workshops for children and youth.

One of the projects announced for this opening will talk about robots and how they have been present in human life, “these have played an important role in the discovery and support not only in people, but in the discovery of galaxies, planets, comets and asteroids, “said Varguez Ramírez. .

The planetarium will feature a museum of Mayan cosmogony and pick up the story of Cozumel. Offering summer courses for children is under consideration as well as other engaging contents for the entire community.

???????????????????????????????Aurita’s Corner

Yeah!!! The elections are over and I have already started receiving the press releases to ensure that I can provide you with the latest Cozumel News!

A wonderful reader provided me with funds to go towards the project of my choice. A wonderful, welcomed surprise came just in time for a family that has had no money for food. My sincere thanks, I prayed for this donation, as I just did not have the funds! My own family has been on rice, beans, and chicken diet so we can share with others less fortunate.

Telephone Pictures June 2 15 012If you recall, I went shopping for food and other essentials for this family last Christmas. They were over-due for another assist. The same afternoon of the donation, I went shopping for staples for the month.

Telephone Pictures June 2 15 025I purchased other things, that there is never enough money for such as pet food, shampoo, conditioner, body soap, laundry detergent, dish soap, etc. Without refrigeration, I purchased packaged foods and canned good. Such as rice, beans, pastas, tuna, a case of milk, etc.

Telephone Pictures June 2 15 024Then I purchased fresh fruit and vegetables for the week.  I am so happy I did not wait! When we arrived after six, the wife and two children were waiting to see what Dad and Grandpa manage to find for dinner. Before we left they arrived with a package of sweet rolls. The Lord works in mysterious ways!


Telephone Pictures June 2 15 031Free Glass Project

Peninsula Grand contacted me to donate free glass. They had replaced perfectly good glass on all their balconies with a stronger more weather resistant glass. I accepted the donation without completely thinking it through. It has cost me money for labor to move it and money to transport it. I have had to move it twice already.  I have about 400 panes of nice quality glass size 70.5 by 76.5 centimeters. They are FREE to all local low-income families that need them for windows.

Telephone Pictures June 2 15 032Now, if you are not a low-income family, they are yours for the cost of a donation to window project. We can utilize these funds to pay to have windows built and installed in homes. If you have any ideas of how else to distribute this glass, please contact me I am at a loss.

GARAGE SALE3My On-Going Garage Sale

telephone 6715 032Every Saturday from nine in the morning to three in the afternoon the last three weekends, I have held a garage sale in my little home office. With the exception of items from a couple of girlfriends, I am slowly going through my home and selling everything that I do not need. I found many things, I tend to hoard things and throw out nothing. With little advertising, it has gone surprisingly well.

telephone 6715 035Low-income families have access to the clothing, house wares and other items that I am selling FREE of charge. I will use the money I do make to subsidize the spending related to my projects in the community including food and other necessities.

telephone 6715 025telephone 6715 024I will eventually need more things! There is only so much that I can drag out of my house, I need donated second hand clothing and kitchen ware, pots, pans, dishes, forks knives, etc. Go through your homes and give me everything that you do not need. I will send someone to pick it up if you wish, call me at 987-120-5903 (casa) or 987-118-4453 (cell) U.S. # 386-445-8702. On the other hand, even better, come by and visit! I am at #1081 35 Avenida entre Calles 17 & 15 Bis.

telephone 6715 028telephone 6715 029I have hundreds of paperbacks, DVD movies and VHs movies. I would love to have an exchange library in this area. Again, I need help getting all this done!

Changes in the Cozumel Sun

I am slowly transitioning to becoming a truly retired senior citizen. I am considering two options. Finding someone that wants to completely take it over (dream on Aurita!) or get someone to volunteer to help, so I can continue providing this community service without neglecting my family and myself.

telephone 6715 031The Sun is such a labor of love for me that it is difficult to let go. The Sun has in no way provided any sort of viable income; it has not even paid for itself. However, it has enabled me to help many Cozumel families and connected me with others that also want to help. This has been a great tool for letting my readers know about my projects. As you know, I feed, clothed, and help the poor to improve their living conditions as much as my money will allow.  There are many people quietly doing so on the island, but the need is great. If you are interested in writing, or helping me with my projects, or know of anyone that might be interested, please let me know.

I will not be seeking to sell advertising for the Cozumel sun. I am removing the logo of sponsors currently in the Sun when their current contract ends. I will stop advertising for them on the Face Book pages.

I am switching to donations. I will place the company logo of any business that donates to the Cozumel Sun through PayPal, or an in-kind contribution such as a company gift certificate. Everyone is invited to advertise his or her business in my Face book pages. It was always my intention to help Cozumel Businesses free of charge, not try to make money of them. If you need my help advertising a special event, I will be more than happy to help you.

Have a good week everyone! Try to stay cool!


About Aura Holguin-Resch 447 Articles
Welcome to the Cozumel Sun! Since 2006, TCS website, Facebook Group, and Facebook page has provided the latest news and information from Cozumel, Mexico. There are no paid staff. TCS is non-profit and non-government funded. Donations help pay for website expenses, taxes, and fees. Donations support our community assistance program. TCS Community Assistance TCS provides assistance to local individuals and families with emergency food, medical expenses and medication. We help with school related expenses for children in the immediate neighborhood (Colonia Independencia). We have a ""drop in" meal policy, we feed the hungry no questions asked. In addition we publish articles that feature community programs in need of donations and volunteers. We encourage both residents and visitors to give back to this island paradise by volunteering and donating to these existing community programs. TCS has successful matched those that want to help and those in need for many years. During the Pandemic, our resources go to the Community Kitchens that are feeding hundreds in Cozumel.