Cozumel News June 24, 2015

Cozumel News June 24, 2015: Mass for Susan Bonnett in Cozumel, Cozumel Mayor Promotes Dog Parks, Wedding and Honeymoon Tourism Promoters in Cozumel, Cozumel Offers 20% Discount in CENDIS Registration, Cozumel Pullmantur Ceremony, Cozumel Civil Protection Urges Beach Safety, Cozumel Public Employees Fishing Tournament, Cozumel CENDIS Celebrates Father’s Day,  Cozumel Bicycle Sale, and Cozumel Events Calendar for June and July 2015.


susan bonnettMass for Susan Bonnett

There will be a Catholic Mass in memory of Susan Bonnett on July 5th, 2015 at 10:00 a.m. The mass will be held at Our Lady of Guadalupe Catholic Church located at Calle 8 north entre Avenidas 60 and 65.  I first placed this information on all my Facebook pages. The only local (in Spanish) Facebook page that I belong to is a group called Chisme, Noticias y Cultura de Cozumel ( so I also placed it in there, concerned that Susan´s many local friends might not know of the coming Mass, nor of her death as far as that goes.  I had no response from the postings in English. The local Facebook page immediately came alive with wonderful praises of Susan, condolences for her family, prayers and few shocked people that had not heard the news.  The outpouring of love for Susan made me once again cry. The love and support that she gave this community has left a void in her absence. She has left us a legacy of community involvement and action to be proud. She has set an example for us to follow.

dog park1Cozumel Mayor Promotes Dog Parks

On instructions from the mayor, Fredy Marrufo Martin, a first meeting between Humberto Suarez Castillo, Minister of Public Works and representatives of dog institutions such as the Humane Society, Animal Control Center and the Association of Veterinarians was held to develop a place of recreation for pets.

Mr. Castillo Suarez said that in order to create a project based on a need, the professional opinions of experts was needed. The Director of Public Works explained “This first meeting is to listen to ideas and various proposals and we as a  planning department will create a project jointly with the social institutions, citizens and authorities.” He explained that during the conversation a variety of opinions were received regarding the Municipality proposal of a green area in “Quintana Roo” Park where the canines can perform their recreational activities.

The Director of Public Works said that after listening to Ernesto Alvares, Lisa Ramirez, and Laura Alcala of the Humane Society; Damián Tun Burgos of Animal Control and Osbaldo Cruz of the Association of Veterinarians of the island of Cozumel, it was decided to consider a structured partnership for the project mentioned above. Steps will be taken starting with a feasibility study to adapt the idea and carry it out.

For their part, representatives of institutions emphasized that Cozumel is required to have a site dedicated to pets, as well as fostering a culture of caring for the animals and hygiene that should be maintained when walking pets in the public places.


wedding PromotersWedding and Honeymoon Tourism Promoters in Cozumel

COZUMEL, 18 June.-  In order to promote the arrival of Wedding and Honeymoon tourism in Cozumel, Mayor Fredy Marrufo Martin, welcomed 40 tourism promoters from different parts of Mexico who toured the island to view the history, natural wealth and services available.

In welcoming this group of 40 developers, the Mayor wished them a comfortable stay in this island that is considered one of the largest and most populated of Mexico;  the most beautiful island with a natural environment that leaves a mark to Visitors,as does the friendliness of its inhabitants.

He also told them about the culture and history of the island where it was seen by the ancestors as a sacred place to worship Ixchel, the Mayan goddess of fertility and the moon.

Marrufo Martin, thanked the support of Dario Flota Ocampo and Pablo Aguilar Torres, owner and manager of the Fideicomiso de Promoción Turística de la Riviera Maya-Cozumel, respectively, who have worked closely with the Municipal Government to continue working to promote tourist activity.

Under this tenor, Juan Gonzalez Castelán, Director of Tourism Cozumel, reported that a familiarization tour given to the 40 travel agents was to promote tourism and to consolidate the Municipality as a preferred destination for people looking for a place to get married or honeymoon.

Mr. Gonzalez Castelán said   tourism promoters arrived on the island from Monterrey, Nuevo Leon; Tuxtla Gutierrez, Chiapas; Mexico City; Campeche and Yucatan. They visited the Isle of Passion, conducted recreation activities, enjoyed the natural beauty of the island, and viewed some accommodation centers.

In the afternoon they enjoyed a dinner at the Restaurant of the Hotel Playa Azul, where they viewwed a promotional video of Cozumel that explained the different ecotourism, diving, culture and sports this tourist destination has to offer..

“This sector is important because Cozumel is ideal the type of market that is looking for a place with an optimal natural environment for organizing weddings or a quiet and relaxing honeymoon” concluded Juan Gonzalez.


cendisCozumel Offers 20% Discount in CENDIS Registration

In order to contribute to the family income, the System for Integral Family Development (DIF) of Cozumel, chaired by Mrs. Gina Ruiz Marrufo, granted a 20% discount on registration for the Child Development Centers (CENDIS) 2015-2016 school year, for the months of June, July and August.

The Coordinator of the CENDIS, Pilar Zetina Sabido, announced that on instructions of Mrs. Gina Ruiz de Marrufo a 20% discount will be granted as a way of supporting the family economy and to encourage parents to enroll their children in any of the three CENDIS, where they can be certain that they will receive excellent care.

She stressed that in the CENDIS is staffed with people who constantly are being trained to give children a quality service in their care. Earlier this year all three buildings were remodeled to improve the facilities.

Those interested can go to any of the three CENDIS in the city, which are located in Juarez Avenue, CTM and San Miguel II colonies for more information and requirements to qualify.

pullmanturCozumel Pullmantur Ceremony

June 21, Cozumel: There was an official ceremony for the start of operations of the “Monarch”  “Mayan Caribbean” cruise route.  At the ceremony, Governor Roberto Borge Angulo recognized the shipping company for the creation of this route and choosing Cozumel as the port of embarkation and disembarkation. He stressed that if this route is successful, Pullmantur has promised to expand its operation next year with activities that will last for almost six months in the port of Cozumel.  Cozumel Mayor Fredy Marrufo Martin thanked the Governor for his efforts in making it all happen. He agreed with the Governor that the operation of the cruise route would bring a greater influx of tourism in Cozumel that will mean a significant economic benefit.

Judith also Palleiro Nayar, CEO of Pullmantur Mexico, thanked the State Governor and the Mayor for their support. She reported that the route of the “Monarch” Pullmantur is promoted in various states of Mexico and other Latin American countries like Colombia, Argentina, Brazil and Chile, among others, besides in the United States, Spain and other nations. The shipping executive said the ship has 12 decks, 1,193 cabins while its dimensions are 268 meters long and 32 meters wide, with weights of 73, 930 tons, with capacity for 2,766 passengers and 858 crew-members.

As part of this protocol of welcome, Mayor, Fredy Marrufo Martin and the State Governor Roberto Borge Angulo, gave recognition to the Spanish ship Captain, Amadeu Alburquerque, who in turn did the same.

lifeguards5Cozumel Civil Protection Urges Beach Safety

The City of Cozumel, headed by Mayor Fredy Marrufo Martin, through the Directorate of Civil Protection, Fire and Lifeguard, conducts ongoing prevention efforts to safeguard the physical integrity of local, national and international swimmers who visit the beaches and resorts of Cozumel.

Director of Civil Protection, Lucio Canul Andrade says there is vigilance at the most popular public beaches by lifeguards, who also are instructed to orientate the swimmers about the risks of the tide on the beaches such as “Las Rocas”, “Casitas “, ” Caletita “as well as” Chen Rio “and” San Martin located “the east side of the island, where There have been more rescues.

He stressed that it is essential that those who go to those beaches heed the instructions and recommendations given to them by the lifeguards and the posted signs. They are there for their protection and ignoring them could endanger their lives.

“At the points of greater risk we have placed instructions illustrating preventive measures you should take when entering the water such as the distance from the shore to which you can swim without running great risk, avoid going in if you cannot swim, not having just eaten foods or drank alcohol beverages, Should you be at risk, techniques for escaping ocean currents. In the more dangerous areas because of the presence of ocean currents and undertows areas, we have placed red flags that indicate the danger and therefore prohibit entering the sea, “explained Andrade Canul.

He stressed the importance that people understand that they should be the first ones to be interested in protecting themselves, so it is essential that heed and take all preventive measures

Finally, he mentioned that they are working on the Plan of Tourist Aid to strengthen preventive actions during the approaching holiday season. Municipal, State and Federal agencies, the Military, Aid groups, Hospitals, Clinics, as well as unions and other volunteers are working together in order to protect the people who visit island.

fishing employeesCozumel Public Employees Fishing Tournament

On June 20th, to promote coexistence and camaraderie among employees of federal, state and municipal governments, the City of Cozumel through the Social Development, carried out with total success the second tournament inter dependencies Bottom Fishing “commitment that unites us”, with the participation of about 160 employees.


CENDIS Celebrates Father’s Day

The children of Child Development Centers (CENDIS), celebrated Father’s Day, with a mini Olympics between parents and children.


bike saleCozumel Bicycle Sale

This is an example of the downfall of only reporting once per week. Last Friday the City sold 207 repossessed bicycles for a mere $200 pesos each. There was only a few days advance notice for the sale, by the time that I realized it was so soon it was too late to get the word out. The bicycles came with certificates of ownership.



Cozumel Events June and July 2015


Assist CONANP (Comision Nacional de Areas Naturales Protegidas) with protecting the turtles of San Martin. There are Tours every Tuesday Night.

Calle 4 Norte Entre Avenidas 15 & 20. Centro Colonia 987-872-4689.

San Pedro y PabloCozumel San Pedro y San Pablo Festival          June 20 – 29

(Religious festival with fair, rides, food and craft shows).

PESCA4Cozumel Children and Youth Fishing Tournament 2015

June 27th 8:30 a.m. Start

WORK IN  ART4Cozumel Sea Wall Festival: Murals for The Ocean 2015

July 17 – 26

baby turtles


About Aura Holguin-Resch 447 Articles
Welcome to the Cozumel Sun! Since 2006, TCS website, Facebook Group, and Facebook page has provided the latest news and information from Cozumel, Mexico. There are no paid staff. TCS is non-profit and non-government funded. Donations help pay for website expenses, taxes, and fees. Donations support our community assistance program. TCS Community Assistance TCS provides assistance to local individuals and families with emergency food, medical expenses and medication. We help with school related expenses for children in the immediate neighborhood (Colonia Independencia). We have a ""drop in" meal policy, we feed the hungry no questions asked. In addition we publish articles that feature community programs in need of donations and volunteers. We encourage both residents and visitors to give back to this island paradise by volunteering and donating to these existing community programs. TCS has successful matched those that want to help and those in need for many years. During the Pandemic, our resources go to the Community Kitchens that are feeding hundreds in Cozumel.