Cozumel News June 29, 2015: Cozumel Campaign for Cataract and Pterygium Detection, Cozumel Participates in Fumigation Campaign, Tai Chi Course for Cozumel Seniors, The Children and Youth Symphonic Band of Cozumel Concert a Success and in Aurita’s Corner, An Increase in the cost of fast foods in Cozumel, Cozumel House break-in Alert, and lots more.
Cozumel Campaign for Cataract and Pterygium Detection
The System for Integral Family Development (DIF) of Cozumel, chaired by Mrs. Gina Ruiz Marrufo, announced that The Campaign for Detection of Cataract and Pterygium is to be held on July 9 and 10, from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
DIF Medical Assistance Coordinator, Jorge Cuauhtli Lojero, invites anyone interested to come to register at DIF. He said the Evaluation Exam Campaign is for the public and is free of charge, but that space is limited. There will be a charge for any necessary surgeries, but the cost will be determined case by case.
He said that as in the past, a team of specialists will arrive from the “Clínica de los Ojos” in Cancun, led by Dr. Joaquin Lozano Guasch, to evaluate patients in order to detect those that are in need of some type of surgical procedure.
He stressed that this program is the result of the President of DIF Cozumel reaching out to the Ophthalmological Foundation “Give a Little Light” Program to make the health service available to the community whereby patients can have the operations at a lower cost.
Recap: The Evaluation Eye Exams will be on July 9 and 10 10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
The evaluations will be free. Those interested can register in the DIF. Low Cost Surgeries Available.
Cozumel Participates in Fumigation Campaign
At an official Ceremony on June 25 the Cozumel Director of Health, Jaime Mariles Torres announced the participation of Cozumel in the State´s Strengthening of Fumigation Campaign. The Director credited Mayor Fredy Martin Marrufo´s cooperation with the State Government on preventive health actions. The campaign takes place simultaneously in all of Quintana Roo including the Cozumel urban sprawl, schools, sports fields and public buildings. Here are the details:
The spray is intended to control the Culex mosquito and discomfort it causes, and to specifically attack the Aedes Egypti carrier of dengue and chikungunya.
The fumigation is performed between 5 p.m. and 8 p.m. They are seeking the support of the population when the fumigation vehicles come by to open the doors and windows of their homes, so that the insecticide reaches throughout the home. This smoke (insecticide) is biodegradable, and only works against mosquito so it does not affect living things, or pets.
“Dengue is a viral disease that causes symptoms such as fever, malaise, muscle pain, headache and bone pain. Anyone with any of these symptoms must go to a health Institution to confirm or rule out this condition; and if found to be positive start treatment immediately, “said Mariles Torres.
Tai Chi Course for Cozumel Seniors
The Integral Family Development of Cozumel (DIF), chaired by Mrs. Gina Ruiz de Marrufo, invites seniors to enroll in a Tai Chi course, which will be held at the Senior Day Center.
The course will be taught on Mondays and Wednesdays from 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. by Master Jesus Antonio Matos Ceballos, who noted that the discipline of Tai Chi is beneficial for elderly people both spiritually and physically.
Those interested can register or make inquires Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m, at the Senior Day Center, located in the DIF Park ( 50 Avenida & 3 Sur) Adolfo Lopez Mateos Colony..
Seniors have been enjoying Yoga classes at the same location. Tai Chi or Tai Chi Chuan is an internal martial art to improve the quality of life both physically and mentally. Tai Chi is increasingly seen as a physical and spiritual practice, which on one hand is very helpful to health, while on the other is a meditation technique.
Recap: Classes will be held Mondays and Wednesdays from 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 am.
Those interested can register at the Senior Day Center, located in the DIF Park (50 Avenida & 3 Sur) Adolfo Lopez Mateos Colony.
The Children and Youth Symphonic Band of Cozumel Concert a Success
The Children and Youth Symphonic Band of Cozumel has been considered a success in the city, since in 2013, at the Convention of ¨Asociación Internacional de Ciudades Educadoras¨ held in Barcelona, Spain, it received nominations along with three other international recognition.
On June 27, to commemorate the third anniversary of the creation of the Children and Youth Symphonic Band of Cozumel, the Municipal Government headed by Mayor, Fredy Marrufo Martin, through the Department of Social Development, in coordination with the State Government and the National System of Musical Works, held a gala concert to demonstrate their progress.
The forum “Sergio Gracia Aguila” of the House of Culture Ixchel was the scene where children and youth who make up this community musical group, performed masterfully. They performed the works of authors considered among the most influential and prominent figures of classical symphonic music, such as Ludwin Van Bethoveen, Johann Sebastian Bach, Georges Bizet, and Mozzart, among others, thus earning the standing ovation from the audience.
Before the concert, Social Development Director Marilyn Rodriguez Marrufo, on behalf of Mayor Fredy Marrufo Martin, expressed congratulations to the musicians and teachers for their efforts. Also thanked were the parents for trusting in this project, and enabling and supporting their children to be part of the Children and Youth Symphonic Band of Cozumel.
The concert was attended by a representative of the State Government, Germán García Padilla, the head of the House of Culture Ixchel, Minerva Marí Hadad, and Luis Felipe Telloin Herrera who is in charge of “Commitment that Unites Us” and is the City Director of Education. In this third anniversary, the band was given 16 musical instruments so more children and youth can have the opportunity to learn to play.
The Children and Youth Symphonic Band of Cozumel, which is led by Abraham Silva Castro, Joyce Oliveira Nascentes and Roger Daniel Mendez Balam, is composed of 60 children and youth. Thirty percent are original members (three years) and 70 percent have participated in this musical training for two years or less. They play wind instruments and percussion, such as keys, flutes, clarinets, saxophones, trombone, oboe, French horn, tuba, drum, and cowbell.
During these past three years, they have had 90 performances, between local concerts and concerts in other municipalities such as Solidaridad and Benito Juarez. They have participated in State events in Morelos, Guerrero, San Luis Potosi, Hidalgo, and State of Mexico. They also had the opportunity to show their talent in important places such as the National Auditorium 2013, where some members of this group were integrated into the Youth Symphonic Band of Mexico.
It is noteworthy that in recognition of the best exponents of the band, they will be part of the Youth Symphony Orchestra of Quintana Roo, which is made up of children and youth from other municipalities in the State. They will tour from July 16 to 20 starting in Cozumel on the 16th, in Playa del Carmen on the 17th, in Tulum on the 18th and on the 20th in Cancun.
Aurita’s Corner
On July 1, you will see a 16% sales tax on all your fast foods. It has been the law, but was not implemented until now. This will increase the price of all your favorite foods sold by the small merchants such as empanadas, hamburgers, tacos, hot dogs, pizza, etc. This is another blow to the already struggling population!
There is a house break-in or robbery reported almost daily in the local chat boards. They are becoming bolder, while people are home. The locals are outraged about the lack of action by the authorities. They are speaking about taking the law into their own hands, and have in some cases. The culprits seem to be juvenile delinquents.
There was a report last month of some sort of gas that was being sprayed into homes in the mainland that put the residents to sleep. When they awoke, they had been cleaned out. The woman that does my nails said it happened to a relative here on the island. There is lots of vigilance in the tourist areas, so this does not affect the visitors.
We are still in the safest place in Mexico, and safer than in most places back home. NEVERTHELESS, exercise common sense do not let strangers in, keep your door and window protectors locked and get a dog or two. My noisemakers (schnauzers) work wonders, they sound like the hounds from hell if a strong breeze blows.
The Cozumel Campaign for Detection Cataract and Pterygium is a great opportunity if you are wondering about cataracts and do not have the funds to pay for an eye specialist. Sign up at DIF located at the end of 30th (past the CFE offices) for a free exam. Bring copies of you usual stuff with you just in case (Visa, INAPAM, and your utility bill).
The Fumigation Campaign: I guess they were waiting to fumigate until the official start of the campaign! This explains the helicopter size mosquitoes on the island a few weeks back. Seriously, I guess that I have been doing it all wrong for almost 10 years. When we hear the truck coming we are suppose to open all windows and doors to make certain everything gets the spray. I have been rushing and closing everything. This smoke (insecticide) is biodegradable, only works against the mosquito so it does not affect other living things, and pets.
Tai Chi: I can finally have something in common with my girl friends out there that go to the gym on a regular basis, do water aerobics, swim like little mermaids at the crack of dawn and dance their little hearts out all night! Tai Chi baby! I am signing up at the DIF Park on 50th across from Doctor Garcia’s office to do Tai Chi with the local senior women. Eat your heart out Cindy Trautwien and Eva Kristine Rasmussen; look out Myrna C. and Betty Lee I will be posting pictures of me exercising in my chair on Facebook in no time. Do not get jealous if I attract the attention of some Abuelo playing dominos in the park, after all I am a married woman!
The Children and Youth Symphonic Band: I posted the information on this concert on Facebook as soon as I received the press release. As usual, no street address or directions were given for the House of Culture Ixchel. Can someone please track this place down and forward the information for future use. It is out at one of the far Colonies.
Last but not least, My Projects:
We have been contacted by many for the Free Glass, but only two have turned up. People have not shown up as scheduled, say they will be back and disappear, etc. It has been time consuming for Bartolo (son) and I, I trust that things will pick up and we can start moving the glass for a worthwhile cause.
My Finca Family is doing great, still moving along on the house as time and money allows. I had the wife and two children attend my granddaughter’s birthday at Hotel Cozumel. It was a memorable experience for them. I am going to employ the wife the end of August once school starts. This should enable them to have grocery money on a regular basis. I hope to be able to see them on their feet financially and adopt a new family in need by the end of this year.
I adopted the Mexican family that lives with us, and together we work to help others in need. We help individuals and families with food clothing, and school supplies and fees on a one on one basis. Through our Church, Corpus Christi, we help the Senior Home, and emergency projects as they arise. We have someone buried in our Family Mausoleum whom I know nothing about; except that he was an elderly man who is family did not have enough money to buy a plot.
I have helped programs in the past, but since I have managed non-profits in my previous life, I am meticulous about accountability. Many programs that are popular (like the orphanage) are saturated with volunteers and funding, some are being mismanaged by well meaning people that just do not know what they are doing. I do not have the patience at my age, I just move on and do my own thing, and Lord Knows there is enough need to go around.
Many people have asked how I pick who to help and how I know it is being used properly. First, as long as I can remember, I am a magnet for people in need. They have gravitated to me all my life, even as a child. I do not go out looking for them they find me. I have the advantage of my Mexican son Bartolo who seems to know most of the island and can identify the authentic needs. WE DO NOT GIVE CASH. We go to the house or hospital, we buy the groceries, the medicines, we provide transportation, and we purchase the school supply from the school list, and pay the invoice for the school or test fees.
I want to stress that we are far from rich; we have found ourselves eating rice and beans for a week at a time, because we had spread ourselves too thin. We also rarely go anywhere or do anything (movies, bars, fine dining, beach clubs, etc.), the times that we have is usually courtesy of a visiting friend or family.
The praises and thanks that I have received from readers here and abroad for my efforts in The Cozumel Sun News in English failed to inspire enough revenue either in advertising or donations to help with my causes. I think that my failure here was not being able to get out physically to sell advertising and not hiring a sales person to do so.
Out of my desire to turn a new leaf and start enjoying my retirement, came an idea of an on-going garage sale to finance my community projects. I have really enjoyed this! I have met new people and made new friends in the community.
I decided to make my little “goodwill store” a permanent part of the residence. It would give employment to Bartolo’s wife Gelmy. It could be the answer to how they are able to support themselves (family of 4) once I die.
The Garage sale portion will still be on going as the poor get first dibs at the clothing and supplies. I want to add Gelmy’s Designs (She makes knitted purses, hats, table decorations for parties and other crafts to sell) and find some new things that will sell well on the island. In my travels, the second half of July, I hope to make some purchases in Merida, Vera Cruz, etc. that we can sells here. We will have a grand opening of The Cozumel Sun store August 1. What do you think readers? What should I call the store? Send me your input please!
Finally, Rancho Universo AC Horse Sanctuary and Horse Assisted Therapy Centre in Cozumel needs your help. Where are all you horse lovers that protest the treatment of horses in Cozumel? Liliana rescues them and needs your help with a roof and other things. Put your money were your mouth is animal lovers. Look them up on Facebook and donate money or time. The money donated to the Humane Society does not include the horse sanctuary!
Do not forget Susan Bonnett´s Memorial Mass Sunday July 5th, Lady of Guadalupe Church on Calle 8 north between Avenidas 60 and 65 at 10 a.m. I will see you there!
Note: Last minute information on events come my way in between postings. Please stay tuned to last minute events on my Facebook pages: Cozumel Sun, The Cozumel Sun (page), and The Cozumel Sun group. Until next week, God Bless and stay safe everyone!