Cozumel News June 6th, 2015: Cozumel PROFECO Ready for Summer Holiday, All About PROFECO, The Cozumel Children and Youth Fishing Tournament Winners, The Quintana Roo Shipping Company, United Caribbean Granted License to Cuba, The Cozumel Free Glass Project, Cozumel On-Going Garage Sale, The Cozumel Men and Women’s Breakfast Group and more!
Cozumel PROFECO Ready for Summer Holiday
State Delegate Sara Latife Ruiz Chávez announced that PROFECO is ready for the summer holiday season. A PEOFECO module will be installed and operating from July 15 to August 11, 2015. The Federal Consumer Protection Agency (Profeco) module will be located at the Port of San Miguel terminal and operate daily from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
PROFECO is urging citizens to compare prices before purchasing any product or services. Vendors and tour operators are required to post prices in a manner visible to the public, respect special offers and promotions, and display the prices in both dollars and Mexican pesos.
Procuraduria Federal Del Consumidor
On February 5, 1976, the Federal Law of Consumer Protection was passed enriching the social rights of the Mexican people, and for the first time establishing rights for the consuming population. Out of this the National Institute of the Consumer and the Federal Attorney’s office of the Consumer were born. This social service with a juridical component functions with the administrative authority to promote and protect the interests of the consuming public. Mexico is the second Latin-American country to have a Federal Law of Consumer Protection and the first one to have a special Attorney’s office.
Protect and promote Consumer’s rights, ensuring the equity in trade relationships that strengthen a culture of responsible consumption and access to better market conditions for products and services, ensuring reliability, lawfulness and legal certainty with the regulatory framework of Human Rights for consumers.
Become an amicable institution, effective in the protection and defense of consumers, known for its strict enforcement of the laws, able to promote citizen participation and education for responsible consumption.
Protect and defend the consumers’ rights.
Promote consumers’ rights.
Foment a culture of intelligent consumption.
Promote equity in trade relationships.
Ensure legal certainty in trade relationships.
Improve Institutional performance
PROFECO Cozumel:
Plaza Del Sol building
upstairs on the center courtyard
on the east side of the plaza.
Local tel. no.: 987-872-1257 or 987-872-0180.
Federal Attorney’s Office of Consumer:
Cozumel Children and Youth Fishing Tournament Winners
The first lady of Cozumel, Mrs. Gina Ruiz de Marrufo, and the first lady of the State, Mrs. Mariana Zorrilla de Borge were on hand on June 27th to see off the 28 boats with 154 children and adolescents between the ages of 8 and 17 years who participated in the children and youth fishing tournament. The winners were as follows:
First Place winner was Naomi Arjona Flores with a 4.6 kilo Barracuda.
Second Place winner was Karol Enrique Parra with a 3.2 kilo Dorado.
Third Place winner was Dilan Chalet Chulim and Nathanael Melendez each with a 3 kilo Dorado.
First place winner was María Fernanda Rejón Díaz with a 7.2 kilo Barracuda.
Second Place winner was Andrea Villanueva with 1.8 kilos Sawfish and 1.8 kilos Barracuda.
Bottom Fishing Category “Infantil”:
First Place winner was Hansel Aguilar caught 13 kilos.
Second Place winner was Jiromi Núñez caught 10 kilos
Third Place winner was Matt Quijano caught 8.6 kilos.
Bottom Fishing Category “Juvenil”:
First Place winner was Marco Paz caught 33 kilos.
Second Place winner was Sebastian Uh caught 16 kilos.
Third Place winner was Juan Silveira caught 11.6 kilos
Special recognition was given to María Fernanda Rejón Díaz for having made the greatest catch of the day.
– Door to Door shipping of less than container loads to Quintana Roo, Mexico, from the USA
– Door to Door Shipping of Full container loads to Quintana Roo, Mexico, from the USA
– Door to Door shipping to USA from Quintana Roo, Mexico,
– Shipping of vehicles to Quintana Roo, Mexico,
– Shipping of boats to Quintana Roo, Mexico,
– Customs Clearance
– Custom Logistic solutions
We have a Special interest in customers relocating/retiring/moving to Quintana Roo, Mexico.
Date: 7 May 2015 15:24:17 BST
Dear Friends,
United Caribbean Lines is pleased to announce that we have been selected by the US government to be amongst the very first to operate ferry services between the US and Cuba by the U. S. Department of the Treasury.
UCL will serve Cuba and the US, reuniting its proud peoples with a service that will only bring immediate prosperity to Cuba, Florida and the region. We aim to deliver only the highest quality services, become the first choice in sea travel and transportation and always delivering more than we promise.
Plans call for ferry services from several of the main ports in Florida, such as Miami, Tampa, Port Everglades, and Key West, using modern overnight ferry vessels designed for international service. Our final sailing schedules, first voyage dates, and ship details will be issued after completing arrangements with Cuban authorities.
Of course, United Caribbean Lines will operate its daily passenger ferry service within the guidelines of the current US regulations for all travel to Cuba. We are thrilled that United Caribbean Lines is going to participate in this historic event and will continue to keep you apprised of new developments. We expect to have itineraries, schedules, and starting dates for the ferry service available on the website in the coming weeks.
UCL is also working hard to complete its plans for ferry service between Cancun and the Yucatan peninsula in the next few months.
Thank you for your continued interest in this exciting venture.
Alexander P. Panagopulos Bruce Nierenberg
Chairman, United Caribbean Lines President, United Caribbean Lines
Aurita’s Corner
My family and I attended Susan Bonnett´s Mass at Our Lady of Guadalupe Church yesterday. It was a beautiful service, standing room only, followed by a gathering of Susan´s children at a park to pay homage to Susan and enjoy some food and refreshment. The poor attendance by our community was an embarrassment. There were only five of us in attendance. Special thank you to everyone´s friend Alfredo Rosas for organizing the get together that allowed Susan’s children to pay tribute and say goodbye to Susan.
The vehicle ferry will have a special promotion for locals starting July 15th, not certain of the cost, but passengers ride free until the 24th. Nothing has been announced on the routes or fares for the passenger ferry, but the new company is certainly making life easier with extra routes and lower fares.
Cozumel Free Glass Project
I am still looking for takers of FREE GLASS! It would be wonderful if a church group took it upon themselves to come and build windows for the poor. As I reported, Peninsula Grand contacted me to donate free glass. They had replaced perfectly good glass on all their balconies with a stronger more weather resistant glass. I accepted the donation without completely thinking it through. It has cost me money for labor to move it and money to transport it. I have had to move it twice already. I have about 400 panes of nice quality glass size 70.5 by 76.5 centimeters. They are FREE to all local low-income families that need them for windows.
Now, if you are not a low-income family, they are yours for the cost of a donation to window project. We can utilize these funds to pay to have windows built and installed in homes. If you have any ideas of how else to distribute this glass, please contact me I am at a loss. You can reach me at auraholguin@thecozumelsun.com or 987-118-4453.
Cozumel On-Going Garage Sale
This week only my on-garage sale will be open Monday through Friday this week only. The store will be closed Saturday, July 11 until the first week of August.
I need donated second hand clothing and kitchenware, pots, pans, dishes, forks knives, etc. Go through your homes and give me everything that you do not need. I will send someone to pick it up if you wish, call me at 987-120-5903 (casa) or 987-118-4453 (cell) U.S. # 386-445-8702. On the other hand, even better, come by and visit! I am at #1081 35 Avenida entre Calles 17 & 15 Bis.
Note: Low-income families have access to the clothing, house wares and other items that I am selling FREE of charge. I will use the money I do make to subsidize the spending related to my projects in the community including food and other necessities
I have hundreds of paperbacks, DVD movies and VHs movies. I would love to have an exchange library in this area. Again, I need help getting all this done!
The Cozumel Women’s Breakfast Group
The Cozumel Women’s Breakfast Group is a great place to network and exchange information! All Women are welcome to join us, even if you are just visiting our beautiful Island!
This Wednesday the Women’s Breakfast will meet at Abuelo Gerardo. The address is Avenida 10 between Juarez and Calle 2 norte at 9 a.m.
Do not forget; if you have not signed up for the new email list and you would like to be included please contact Susan Elliot or Helen Ray at cozumelwomensbreakfast@gmail.com.
The Men’s Breakfast Group
We are re-instituting the ancient and revered tradition of “Men’s Breakfast”. At last, a vehicle for the passage of knowledge, wisdom and the Cozumel way. If you have some knowledge of “how things work” on the island, you should come. If you do not, you really should come.
Breakfast is every Friday at 8:30 a.m. at “Fogo do Brasil”, the Brazilian restaurant on the second floor. Fogo is located on Melgar Avenida just south of Calle 5. This is where the McDonalds used to be.
I am taking my first break since starting the Cozumel Sun. I will not be publishing a column until the first week in August. The plan is for some serious traveling around the mainland. I have no set travel route; I tend to stay away from tourist areas, so the availability of the internet is unknown. It is safest to plan not publishing during that period. I will keep in touch with the readers via the Face book pages of the Cozumel Sun as internet service allows. I should have quite an adventure to report. I will be paying my Finch family to stay at my home and babysit our small zoo of pets. This is a win win, I do not have to worry about them having food and being safe and our home and pets are secure.
The Cozumel Sun and all of my Community projects operate 100% on donations from our readers. Readers are encouraged to donate to the Cozumel Sun through PayPal, or an in-kind contribution such as a company gift certificate. Everyone is invited to advertise his or her business in my Face book pages and submit business coupons that you wish to make available to the public.
The Service Providers section of the Sun is comprised of your recommendations; please help keep it current by recommending your favorite providers. If you need my help advertising a special event, I will be more than happy to help you.
Have a good month of July everyone! Stay Safe and God Bless!