Cozumel News November 11th, 2015: Yucatan Ferry Update, Cozumel Scuba Fest, New Twenty-Peso Coin, Cozumel Property Discount Time Again!, Main Entrance of Cozumel´s Las Fincas Improved, Cleaning up the Image of Downtown Cozumel, Cozumel Banks to Close, The Mexican Revolution and Cozumel Celebrates Halloween, All Saints Day and Day of The Dead in Pictures.
Yucatan Ferry Update
Many of you are asking about the ferry service so here is the latest. Unfortunately, there is no good news. The Cuba situation is on hold due to issues with the Cuban government (nothing to do with the US government) so no time line at all on that route.
The financial backers behind the Mexico ferry have changed and Bruce is working to put together a new group. Therefore, he says they will not be sailing to Mexico until mid 2016 at the earliest.
So the waiting continues.
Tamara Magnusson
This year the fourth COZUMEL SCUBA FEST will take place from the December 8th – 13th. We hope you can join us for this outstanding event.
It is going to be exceptional with JEAN-MICHEL COUSTEAU and for the first time in Cozumel Dr SYLVIA EARLE, http://mission-blue.org/
Here is the link with the website, in English or in Spanish: http://www.cozumelfest.com/
Sincerely yours,
The Scuba Gamma team
New $20 Peso coin is being put into circulation! The commemorative coin for the centenary of the Mexican air force #fam
Cozumel Property Discount Time Again!
Starting November 17 thru the 30th there is a 25% early payment discount on property taxes (“predial”) and a 10% discount on trash collection. Usually the early payment discount is reduced each month, but continues through January. I will keep you updated. Remember, senior discount on taxes is a permanent 50%!
Main Entrance of Cozumel´s Las Fincas Improved
On October 29th the Municipal government reported that they through the Department of Public Works and Utilities, provided families of las Fincas, with the materials to improve the main entrance to the poverty stricken colony. Unfortunately, I have seen this improvement in the past. One day of heavy rains and the craters under the new loose material appear again.
Cleaning up the Image of Downtown Cozumel

Around 35 posts and various cables that were located in the Benito Juarez park and surrounding pedestrian streets were removed in the continuing effort to beautify downtown Cozumel.
Cozumel Banks to Close / The Mexican Revolution
Cozumel Banks will be closed on Monday November 16th, in honor of the celebration of the Mexican Revolution (November 20th).
The Mexican Revolution (Spanish: Revolución mexicana) or Mexican Civil War (Spanish: Guerra civil mexicana) was a major armed struggle that started in 1910, with an uprising led by Francisco I. Madero against longtime autocrat Porfirio Díaz, and lasted for the better part of a decade until around 1920.[5] Over time the revolution changed from a revolt against the established order to a multi-sided civil war with frequently shifting power struggles. This armed conflict is often categorized as the most important sociopolitical event in Mexico and one of the greatest upheavals of the 20th century;[6] it resulted in an important experimentation and reformation in social organization.[7]
After prolonged struggles, its representatives developed the Mexican Constitution of 1917 during Venustiano Carranza‘s term.[5] The revolution is generally considered to have lasted until 1920, although the country continued to have sporadic, but comparatively minor, outbreaks of warfare well into the 1920s. The Cristero War of 1926 (lasting until 1929) was the most significant relapse into bloodshed.
The revolution led to the creation of the Partido Nacional Revolucionario (“National Revolutionary Party”) in 1929; it was renamed the Partido Revolucionario Institucional (Institutional Revolutionary Party) (PRI) in 1946. Under a variety of leaders, the PRI monopolized power through the 20th century until the general election of 2000. (From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)
Cozumel Celebrates Halloween, All Saints Day and Day of The Dead in Pictures
Christmas Special
All Clothing on Sale
Lady´s Tops $ 50
Lady´s Dresses $ 75
Girl’s Blouses $ 50
Girl’s 2 Piece Sets $ 127
Novedades Y Papeleria
Mama Lilly’s
35 Avenida Entre Calles 17 y 15 Bis
Colonia Independencia 987-120-5903
Stop by and support our new store!!!