Cozumel News November 30th, 2015

Cozumel News November 30th, 2015: Cozumel Hosts Career Fair for High School Students, Cozumel’s Recycling Waste for Food Program, Cozumel to Celebrate Our Lady of Guadalupe, Cozumel’s Campaign on Detection of Cataract and Pterygium a Success, Cozumel Ironman 2015 Results, Cozumel Calendar of Events,  and in Aurita´s Corner Cozumel Giving this Holiday Season.

Career Fair 2015

Cozumel Hosts Career Fair for High School Students

In order to guide students who will graduate this year from Centro de Bachillerato Tecnológico Industrial y de Servicios (CBTIS) 28, the Fifth “Career Fair 2015”, was held in Cozumel last week. On hand to present their educational offerings were public and private universities, technology institutes and the armed forces.

waste for FoodCozumel’s Recycling Waste for Food Program

Beneficiaries of the weekly program “Recycling Waste for Food” thanked State Governor Roberto Borge Angulo and Mayor, Freddy Marrufo Martin for their support at a gathering on November 27th in the sports complex “Addy Joaquín Coldwell.”

The program allows citizens to exchange discarded cardboard and aluminum, for foodstuffs such as rice, beans, lentils, tuna, sardines and crackers, as well as hygiene products such as paper, aluminum, detergents, bleach, fabric softeners fabrics, wipes and diapers, among other things.

eye careCozumel’s Campaign on Detection of Cataract and Pterygium a Success

The Director of the Eye Clinic and President of the Foundation “Da un poco de luz “(Give a little light), Joaquín Lozano Guash, presented certificates of appreciations to Mayor Freddy Marrufo Martin and the President of DIF, Mrs. Gina Ruiz de Marrufo for their efforts to bring the eye care campaign to Cozumel.

Joaquín Lozano Guash said that thanks to the support that the Municipal Government and the DIF Cozumel system have given him he has been able to come to the island on several occasions to conduct campaigns Detection of Cataract and Pterygium. The campaign served approximately 800 people on the island of which about 500 received operations.

As part of this appreciation, Lozano Guasch donated three free surgeries. Waldemar Avilés Avíles, José Concepción Kuk y Mukul and Víctor Huchim Cardoso, will travel to the eye clinic to be surgically treated free of charge.

lady of guadalupeCozumel to Celebrate Our Lady of Guadalupe

Cozumel will celebrate Our Lady of Guadalupe Holiday on December 12th. However, you will see processions in honor of Our lady of |Guadalupe starting next Tuesday, December 1st. Mexico and Central America celebrate this holiday in honor of Dia de Nuestra Senora de Guadalupe (Our Lady of Guadalupe). Our Lady of Guadalupe is a tradition that started in the 1600’s.

Our Lady of Guadalupe is also known as the Virgin Mary and is the most popular religious and cultural image in Mexico with titles such as “Queen of Mexico”, “Empress of the Americas” and the “Patroness of the Americas”. “Guadalupe Day” is the most important religious holiday for many, as it honors the Virgin of Guadalupe, the patron saint of Mexico.

In Cozumel, as in all of Mexico, you will see processions on their way to Church to pray from every colony in the island. It is a beautiful sight to behold. Many pin Milagros or “miracles” and paper or real roses near the statue of the Virgin of Guadalupe to pay homage. These Milagros are small silver or tin objects in the shape of hearts, arms or legs that symbolize the givers’ thanks for the cure of those articles. Festivals include eating along with praying. Mexican television will broadcast the event that takes place in the Basilica of Guadalupe live. Thousands of people travel from all over Mexico to attend the beautiful Service.

juan diegoHow It Started: On the morning of December 9, 1531, Juan Diego, a simple peasant, saw a vision of a young woman in the early morning while walking home on the hill of Tepeyac near Mexico City, Mexico. The young woman was surrounded by light and told Diego that she wanted a church built in her honor at that site.  Diego recognized that she was the Virgin Mary. When he told a bishop of his vision the bishop asked Diego to return to the Lady and ask her to show a miraculous sign for proof. Diego returned to the Lady and she told him to gather flowers from the hill. It was winter and the flowers had not bloomed.  Yet, that day Diego found flowers of every sort. Upon returning, the Virgin fashioned the flowers into a peasant cloak. Three days later the when Diego opened the cloak for the bishop the flowers fell to the floor and an imprint of  the image of the Virgin of Guadalupe showed miraculously on Diego’s cloak. Today the cloak is displayed in the Basilica of Guadalupe.


ironman 2015 winnersCozumel Ironman 2015 a Success

1,586 athletes came to our island paradise to complete in Ironman Cozumel 2015 held yesterday, November 29th. The triathlon brought athletes from all over the world to complete in the swim, bike, and run competition. State Governor Roberto Borge Angulo, the head of the National Commission of Physical Culture and Sport (CONADE), Alfredo Castillo Cervantes and Mayor, Freddy Marrufo Martin handed the medals to the top three winners. Here is a listing of the top 102 winners. Full details and all the top winners are listed on the ironman official site:

NAME                                                    Country  #            SWIM        BIKE         RUN                 FINISH

Schmid, Stefan                                      GER       1             00:47:02    04:26:55   02:53:44           08:12:27

Russell, Matt                                          USA       2             00:49:41    04:32:17   02:47:49           08:14:10

Weiss, Michael                                       AUS       3             00:49:40    04:29:41   03:00:13           08:24:24

Brandon, Barrett                                    USA       4             00:43:18    04:44:16   03:02:47           08:35:11

Tejada, Raul                                           GUA       5             00:48:56   04:50:39   02:56:12            08:39:14

McDonald, Chris                                    AUS       6             00:49:45   04:50:31    03:04:08           08:48:30

Shearon, Jonathan                                USA       7             00:49:42   04:42:24    03:14:25           08:51:21

Lyatskiy, Andrey                                    RUS       8             00:46:51    05:04:34   03:02:23           08:58:47

Gajardo Sutherland, Alex                   CHL        9             00:54:19    05:03:43   02:58:59           09:01:51

Trujano, Alfredo                                    MEX       10           00:58:14    04:53:41   03:06:06           09:02:36

Hanson, Matt                                          USA       11           00:49:49    04:53:05   03:17:09           09:03:56

Butterfield, Tyler                                    BER       12           00:43:59    04:58:58   03:13:40           09:05:35

Abraham, Corinne                                  WEL       13           00:53:49    05:01:15   03:07:38           09:06:40

Valencia, Juan                                         COL       14           00:48:13    05:07:55   03:07:15           09:08:11

Arroyo Bugallo, Victor                           ESP        15           00:54:32   05:13:16    02:58:59           09:11:41

Alfaro Arango,Fernando Antonio        PAN       16           00:48:20   05:06:15    03:13:52           09:13:02

Cave, Leanda                                            BRI         17           00:47:21   05:05:22    03:16:17           09:13:29

Pedersen, Camilla                                   DAN       18           00:48:50    05:06:25   03:14:14           09:14:08

Hemet, Nicolas                                       FRA        19           00:49:53    05:09:12   03:14:58           09:18:24

Boschian, Alejandro                              VEN       20           00:54:23    05:05:49   03:11:31           09:19:45

Salas, Eduardo                                      MEX       21           00:54:13    05:12:11   03:10:23           09:21:45

Gonzalez, Oliver                                   MEX       22           00:46:53    05:17:39   03:12:30           09:21:46

Wurtele, Heather                                   CAN       23           00:48:58    05:04:08   03:23:58           09:21:52

Mohr, Robert                                         USA       24           00:55:53    05:19:27   03:03:59           09:26:02

Lecompt, Cyril                                      FRA        25           00:54:48    05:11:15   03:15:22           09:27:00

Muldoon, Martin                                  IRL         26           00:57:04    05:12:50   03:11:57           09:28:24

Lidbury, Emma-Kate                          BRI         27           00:48:52    05:02:43   03:32:55           09:29:18

Lehrieder, Carolin                               GER       28           00:48:57    05:13:45   03:23:15           09:29:45

Olcina, Guillermo                                ESP        29           00:54:18    05:10:25   03:21:34           09:31:38

Pavoni, Ronan                                    PAN       30           00:54:30    04:56:26   03:30:06           09:32:24

Ottosen, Karina                                   DAN       31           00:53:47    05:13:33   03:21:22           09:33:06

Schmitt, Craig                                     CAN       32           01:06:35    05:05:18   03:14:29           09:33:58

Spitler, Erin                                         USA       33           01:01:33    05:11:26   03:19:14           09:35:46

Limousin, Frederic                              FRE       34           00:49:38    05:12:14   03:28:18           09:35:50

Arce Diaz, Pablo                                 CRI        35           00:59:54    05:06:48   03:23:05           09:36:36

Kotland, Peter                                     CZE      36           00:56:26    05:10:46   03:25:22           09:37:27

Debiasi, Cassio                                   BRA       37           00:57:14    05:18:34   03:19:51           09:40:37

White, Ademar Amalfi                        ARG     38           01:01:26    05:18:12   03:18:14           09:42:54

Brown, Brooke                                    CAN       39           00:56:49    05:19:40   03:21:18           09:43:34

Newman, Mark                                   USA       40           00:50:15    05:32:31   03:13:45           09:43:53

Eduardo, Solis                                     CRI         41           00:56:03    05:17:00   03:24:16           09:46:09

Caceres, Cristian                                ARG       42           00:52:44    05:15:00   03:32:19           09:46:31

Gutierrez, Andres                                CRI       43           00:58:26    05:20:49   03:20:40           09:46:43

Portman, Peter                                   CHE       44           00:54:25    05:02:19   03:46:02           09:48:26

Guex, Stephane                                  CHE       45           00:54:32    05:04:55   03:41:54           09:49:41

Arguello, Cristian                                 CRI      46           01:00:38    05:32:03   03:09:38           09:49:44

McCormack, Walter                           USA       47           00:58:36    05:08:29   03:37:50           09:49:59

Gamba, Trevor                                   USA       48           01:01:54    05:05:57   03:38:22           09:52:16

Salazar Santamaria, Cristian          CRI         49           00:59:09    05:31:28    03:12:33          09:52:23

Ruff, Robert                                        DEU       50           00:59:56    05:26:41   03:18:10           09:53:08

Rutherford, John                                 USA       51           01:00:49    04:56:24   03:46:34           09:53:22

Paolillo, Mathieu                                  FRA        52           00:52:35    05:09:55   03:45:39           09:53:54

Vazquez, Jorge                                   MEX       53           00:49:42    05:10:13   03:49:16           09:54:45

Uteau, Michel                                      CHL        54           00:54:10    05:15:37   03:37:12           09:54:52

Clain, Sebastien                                  FRA        55           01:06:24    05:05:06   03:37:23           09:54:53

Ebner, Uwe                                         AUT        56           00:54:19    05:20:15   03:34:59           09:57:41

Gregory, Caroline                               USA       57           00:52:13    05:33:53   03:27:24           09:57:51

Khalamanov, Alexander                     RUS       58           00:45:27    05:28:15   03:37:54           09:58:19

Mello, Leonardo                                  BRA       59           00:50:19    05:21:02   03:42:25           09:58:53

Manalich, Felipe                                  CHL        60           00:54:22    05:18:28   03:38:11           09:59:19

Curbeau, Matt                                     UNI         61           00:49:47    05:26:19   03:38:27           10:00:01

Quezada Ruiz, Sergio                         MEX       62           00:48:56    05:10:28   03:56:03           10:00:30

Chong, Eduardo                                  MEX       63           00:56:17    05:21:31   03:38:17           10:01:52

May, Tobias                                        DEU       64           00:53:58    04:59:37   04:03:57           10:01:55

Kershner, Casey                                 USA       65           01:04:26    05:26:12   03:25:02           10:02:17

Thomas, Chris                                    USA       66           00:57:25    05:30:12   03:29:09           10:02:43

Thibodeau, Karen                               CAN       67           00:48:54    05:30:41   03:38:50           10:03:05

Varcasia, Jose                                    ITA         68           01:00:32    05:15:18   03:40:32           10:03:05

Rybacek, Miroslav                              CZE        69           00:50:37    05:10:20  03:55:07            10:03:22

Mendonca, Santiago                           BRA       70           00:54:35    05:39:38   03:22:31           10:04:37

Maric, Bojan                                        SRB       71           00:58:13    05:17:51   03:40:10           10:04:42

Jurjevic, Marina                                  AUS       72           01:02:32    05:25:40   03:31:57           10:05:13

Rickman, Nathan                                USA       73           01:01:50    05:08:27   03:47:49           10:07:38

Rachetto, Liza                                     USA       74           00:54:36    05:35:40   03:33:02           10:09:00

Armoa, Leandro                                  ARG       75           01:05:30    05:16:43   03:42:51           10:09:28

Hamel, Mario                                      CAN       76           01:03:20    05:09:16   03:50:46           10:11:11

Bachmann, Gery                                AUT        77           00:56:26   05:26:06   03:42:23            10:12:03

Seiz, Theodor                                      AUT        78           01:02:21    05:16:16   03:47:25           10:12:42

Basso, Anne                                        FRE        79           00:53:44    05:24:49   03:49:07           10:13:09

Ithurriague, Alejandro                      ARG       80           00:55:18    05:31:28   03:39:46           10:13:57

Terzi, Christophe                                 FRA        81           00:54:53    05:21:10   03:49:26           10:14:14

Cabrera Ricabal, Jorge                                     82           00:57:01    05:16:30   03:56:44           10:15:18

Carlos, Juan                                        MEX       83           01:03:48    05:37:12   03:29:17           10:15:33

Doronin, Victor                                    RUS       84           01:02:25    05:44:25   03:24:15           10:18:19

Portugal, Elise                                     PER       85           00:52:26    05:30:22   03:51:07           10:18:31

Posada Gomez, Sebastian                 COL       86           00:51:33    05:33:45   03:43:11           10:19:06

Buchli, Philipp                                     CHE       87           01:14:13 0   5:24:36   03:34:14           10:19:22

Ceron Martinez, Francisco                 COL       88           01:01:19    05:32:57   03:34:07           10:20:12

Harburg, Michelle                               USA       89           00:58:25    05:36:50   03:33:03           10:20:43

Sainz Alvarez, Raul                            MEX       90           01:04:57    05:55:51   03:13:29           10:21:27

Devenport, Martin                              GBR       91           00:58:19    05:33:52    03:41:21          10:21:33

Testa, Pablo                                        PAN       92           00:55:46    05:21:39    03:57:02          10:21:38

Khattar, Marcello                                BRA       93           01:10:15    05:36:33    03:27:12          10:21:55

Dezerega, Pierangela                         CHL        94           01:01:03    05:38:22    03:36:44          10:23:06

Beuerle, Michael                                 DEU       95           01:07:31     05:29:55    03:38:55         10:24:00

Kelly, Benjamin                                    USA       96           00:56:58     05:05:55   04:15:02          10:24:28

Kemelmajer, Simon Edgardo             ARG       97           00:59:55    05:39:11    03:35:25          10:24:35

Manrique, Eduardo                             ARG       98           00:57:58    05:36:42    03:43:55          10:25:51

Aguilar Bustillos, Juan Manuel       MEX       99           01:12:13    05:38:06    03:30:32          10:26:02

Ziemann, Marcus                             DEU       100         01:08:44    05:17:25    03:51:50          10:26:33

Vertiz, Tatiana                                  MEX       101        00:54:18   05:37:16   03:47:45      10:26:49

Paige, Becky                                     USA        102        00:54:24    05:48:25   03:38:59     10:27:55

Aurita´s Corner

senior day 5Cozumel Giving This Holiday Season

In the last issue we reported on  the Cozumel Kings Day Drive 2016, which covers Cozumel Las Fincas, Firefighters, & CAM School Wish List, and Cozumel Casa Hogar Juan Pablo II Wish List.

Our own English Language Church (held at Ebenezer on Sundays) provides food baskets for twenty two needy families at Christmas. These baskets contains Toothpaste, Soap bars, Tomato sauce, Pasta, Laundry soap, Clorox, Powder milk,  2 bags of beans, Bag of rice, 2 cans of tuna and a Bag of Cereal.

Fresh fruit and vegetables must be brought to the Church on December 25th since the church has no refrigeration. They also take cash donations for the food bank. Greg and Silvia are in charge of coordinating.

Susan_Bonnet_and_NQC_2009There are many giving opportunities out there. I help one family at a time. This year I have my home family 2 children 13 & 4, the Las Finca family 2 children 10 and 5, and I added another family with a newborn and a 2 year old. In addition I am distributing 113 wooden toy sets donated by Home Depot, along with some books and book bags donated by a friend. Since everyone is heading for Las Fincas, I am distributing to the needy in town. Remember that I am still hosting monthly garage sales and I am in need of donations.  My family now has Novedades and papelería Mama Lilly as a means to eventually be self sufficient. It has office and school supplies, gifts, and much more! They also do copies, printing, laminating and binding, so please give them your business!

florida 2015 045Papeleria & Novedades Mama Lilly

35 Avenida Entre Calle 17 y 15 Bis

Colonia Independencia


987-120-5903 – 987-118-4453 U.S. – From U.S. 386-445-8702

Every little bit helps! Please find someone to help this holiday season, you will be blessed!


scuba festCozumel Scuba Fest                                                                         December 8th – 13th

virgenDia De La Virgen De Guadalupe  Starts                                               Dec. 1 – 12

cozumel carnaval 2016Wed Feb 3, 2016 at 7:00pm to Tue Feb 9, 2016 at 11:50pm















































About Aura Holguin-Resch 447 Articles
Welcome to the Cozumel Sun! Since 2006, TCS website, Facebook Group, and Facebook page has provided the latest news and information from Cozumel, Mexico. There are no paid staff. TCS is non-profit and non-government funded. Donations help pay for website expenses, taxes, and fees. Donations support our community assistance program. TCS Community Assistance TCS provides assistance to local individuals and families with emergency food, medical expenses and medication. We help with school related expenses for children in the immediate neighborhood (Colonia Independencia). We have a ""drop in" meal policy, we feed the hungry no questions asked. In addition we publish articles that feature community programs in need of donations and volunteers. We encourage both residents and visitors to give back to this island paradise by volunteering and donating to these existing community programs. TCS has successful matched those that want to help and those in need for many years. During the Pandemic, our resources go to the Community Kitchens that are feeding hundreds in Cozumel.