Cozumel News December 14th, 2015

Cozumel News December 15th, 2015:   Cozumel´s Little Park Rangers, Cozumel Scuba Fest 2015 ends, Christmas in Cozumel Mexico, Part Two the Christmas food and Aurita´s Corner. My family wants to take this opportunity to wish you all a Merry Christmas.  May you and yours be safe and blessed this Holiday Season.

guardaparqueCozumel´s Little Park Rangers

“Pequeños Guardaparques” of Cozumel (The Little Park Ranges) painted a mural this Saturday with the support of Cozumel Artist Melchor Gaspar Mena Domínguez, also known as “Melhor.” The project, called “Exprésate” was to promote peaceful coexistence, respect for life and human rights. The mural was painted on the outside of the office of the Department of Ecology, with the support of parents to bring a positive message to the public and awareness, in caring for the environment. The little rangers are ages 7 to 12 and number 150 in the program to start teaching at an early age the importance of keeping the parks clean and respecting the environment.

guardaparque2Cozumel Scuba Fest 2015 Ends

The closing day of Scuba Fest featured a tour with Sylvia Earle and Jean-Michael Cousteau, of the murals created in the last edition Sea Walls Murals for the Ocean and the documentary “Cozumel un Diamante en el Caribe Maya” by Karlos Simón, Teresa Migoya y Ernesto García. A surprise screening of the film was also held Sunday morning, in the planetarium of Cozumel “Ch’an Ka’an” to the delight of attendees.

scuba fest3“Cozumel Scuba Fest 2015” was a great experience between Mexican and foreign divers, who enjoyed the spectacular marine life of the second largest Mesoamerican reef as well as to pay tribute to the men and women who left a legacy for the protection of the oceans.


The Christmas Food in Cozumel Mexico

ensalada_nochebuenaEnsalada de Noche Buena

The combination of colors of the Mexican Christmas Salad (Ensalada de Noche Buena) makes it particularly festive. This salad usually has lettuce and beets, but other ingredients vary according to the place and the chef’s preference, and may include apple, carrot, orange, pineapple, jicama, pecans or peanuts, and pomegranate seeds as a garnish. Mexican Christmas Salad is served at Christmas Eve dinner.


Tamales are cornmeal dumplings which may be prepared with a variety of fillings. They are wrapped in corn husks (or occasionally banana leaves), and steamed. Because tamales are time consuming to prepare, they are a special holiday food – made a few times throughout the year, in large batches. Tamales vary from state to state in Mexico. There are wonderful variations available, keep looking until you find your favorite.


Bacalao (dried salted codfish) starts showing up in markets and grocery stores throughout Mexico as Christmas approaches. This dish of European origin has become a common part of a traditional Mexican Christmas feast. Bacalao a la Vizcaina is a popular recipe in which the cod is stewed with tomatoes, capers, olives, and potatoes, but it may be prepared in a variety of ways. My Aunt makes this for us every year; her recipe is from Spain passed down from my grandmother. It is simple to make and delicious.


A green leaf vegetable with small leaves, this plant resembles rosemary, for which it is named. Romeritos are most often served as romeritos en revoltijo, with shrimp cakes and doused in mole. This Mexican Christmas dish is also served during Lent. This is a favorite of my Cozumel friends; I have not been able to warm up to it.


Pozole is hominy soup made with pork or chicken and seasoned with Chile and garlic. It is served with garnishes of shredded lettuce or cabbage, thinly sliced radishes, avocado, oregano, and lime wedges. It makes a hearty meal and is made in large batches, making it a great party food, which besides being a popular choice for a Christmas dinner, is also served during Mexican Independence Day or Cinco de Mayo parties. If you have not had Pozole, you are missing out. It is a year around favorite in my household.


Pavo (Turkey) is native to Mexico and is another popular choice for a Mexican Christmas Eve dinner. The Christmas turkey may be roasted, or it may be served with mole, a rich sauce made of ground chilies and other ingredients. Do not expect the American version! Mexican turkeys are injected with Coca Cola or wine, seasoned differently and the stuffing is not your typical American stuffing.

xmas_bunuelos (1)Buñuelos

Served with a hot drink, Buñuelos make an excellent treat on a cold night. This crispy fried treat is like a sweet tostada which is sprinkled with sugar or doused in syrup. In Oaxaca there are special stands set up at Christmastime selling buñuelos and atole. After enjoying the sweet fritter, you make a wish and throw your clay plate on the ground, where it smashes to bits. This tradition is said to spring from a Pre-Hispanic festivity in which all the dishes were broken at the end of a calendar cycle.

ponchePonche Navideño

Mexican hot fruit punch (Ponche Navideño) is made with tejocotes (Mexican hawthorn), which look like crab apples but have large pits and a unique flavor. Guavas, apples, and other fruit are added and the drink is flavored with cinnamon and sweetened with piloncillo. This is a wonderfully warming beverage, whether taken with or without piquet (a splash of alcohol).

My thanks to for the information on

20150803_131830AURITA´S CORNER

Please join any of the existing Cozumel charities and projects to help a Cozumel family or person in need this Christmas. This is something my family does year around, not just the holidays. It is rewarding, it is appreciated, and it is the right thing to do.

  • I am putting two food and necessity baskets together; one for my Finca Family and One for a Local Family.
  • I also need toys for an 11 year old girl, a six year old boy, a two year old boy and a newborn (Same two Families).

If anyone wants to help me with food, toy, or cash donations it would be greatly appreciated. Please do so as soon as possible as I will be out of town the 21st – 29th. I will be handing out my two baskets and leaving the toys for Santa before I leave.


florida 2015 045Stop by Our Store and Support the Community!

Our New Store Neighborhood store Papelería & Novedades Mama Lilly is up and running. The word is getting out that our prices the lowest in town and the immediate neighborhood is thrilled to have a nearby store. We owe a fortune in merchandise and are purchasing additional supplies weekly as we discover the needs of the community.

bags2bags1I addition to school, Office, and art supplies we do copies, lamination and binding. We have gifts, gift bags and wrapping paper. We also have decorations, clothing, handbags, wallets, reading glasses, games, picture frames, and lots more. Spend your money where it will help a local family, shop with us!

Bartolo and family 12 2015Thinking of their future, I set up the store for my adopted son Bartolo and his family so that they can eventually be self sufficient. The store is locally owned and ran! Please stop by and give us a try!



Christmas Sale! Come Shop with Us!

35 Avenida Entre Calles 17 y 15 Bis

Colonia Independencia


987-120-5903 – 987-118-4453 U.S. – From U.S. 386-445-8702






About Aura Holguin-Resch 447 Articles
Welcome to the Cozumel Sun! Since 2006, TCS website, Facebook Group, and Facebook page has provided the latest news and information from Cozumel, Mexico. There are no paid staff. TCS is non-profit and non-government funded. Donations help pay for website expenses, taxes, and fees. Donations support our community assistance program. TCS Community Assistance TCS provides assistance to local individuals and families with emergency food, medical expenses and medication. We help with school related expenses for children in the immediate neighborhood (Colonia Independencia). We have a ""drop in" meal policy, we feed the hungry no questions asked. In addition we publish articles that feature community programs in need of donations and volunteers. We encourage both residents and visitors to give back to this island paradise by volunteering and donating to these existing community programs. TCS has successful matched those that want to help and those in need for many years. During the Pandemic, our resources go to the Community Kitchens that are feeding hundreds in Cozumel.