Happy Kings Day and Happy New Years Everyone! In this special edition: Kings Day Celebration in Latin America and Cozumel, Cozumel Safe, The Cozumel Sun’s Christmas Gift Distributions, Our family’s Visit to Cozumel’s Juan Pablo II Senior Home, Sinkhole in Downtown Cozumel, Follow-Up on ADO Bus Article, and Remembering Germán García Padilla.
Sergio’s Silver from Taxco is a fourth generation, family-owned and operated silver jewelry business that began in Taxco, a town in the state of Guerrero known worldwide as the “Silver Capital of Mexico”. They are ranked #1 in Trip Advisors.
My family has personally purchased from Sergio’s as well as trusted them to design create new jewelry from family heirlooms. Others living in Cozumel have also praised their work. You are guaranteed personal attention from the Hernandez family members, who have over forty years of experience in the business. “Our goal is to earn the trust and loyalty of our customer. We strive to provide outstanding customer service so your shopping experience will be enjoyable and you will look forward to visiting us again soon.
” They are located at the Town Square Park on Juárez Ave. #117 x 5th Ave. They are open Mon- Saturday: 10:00 a.m. – 8 p.m. Phone: 01 987 872 7632 Email: sergiosilver@live.com.mx Website: http://www.sergiosilver.com
King’s Day in Latin America & Cozumel
Welcome to The Cozumel Sun’s Special Edition! Today is a special day in Mexico known as ‘El Dia de Reyes’ (Three Kings Day). this holiday represents the height of the Christmas season. The date marks the culmination of the twelve days of Christmas and commemorates the three wise men who traveled from afar, bearing gifts for the infant baby Jesus. The children of Mexico in particular look forward to this holiday as traditionally, gifts are exchanged on this date, not on Christmas day.
In Mexico and many other Latin American countries, it is the three wise men who are the bearers of gifts. I remember as a child in the Dominican Republic leaving hay in an old boot for the animals on the eve of the 5th. There was also a huge parade in downtown Santo Domingo that night with the kings leading an array of floats loaded with toys. My presents were found under the tree the morning of the sixth. Note in the picture the wise men ride a horse, a camel and an elephant, not the three camels we recognize in the United States. Theirs makes more sense as the Kings are coming from different part of the world.
The holiday is also known by the name of the Epiphany which dates back to the 4th century. A grand feast would be held on this day to honor the occasion of Jesus’ baptism and to pay homage to the three wise men.
Many believe mysterious events preceded Jesus’ birth with perhaps the most notable being the appearance of the Star of Bethlehem. This new star appeared in the evening sky just prior to the arrival of Jesus. Three wise men or Magi as they were then known, whose names were Gaspar, Melchior and Balthasar, traveled a far distance to pay homage to the Christ child. They brought with them fine gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh.
Three Kings Day remains an important holiday for the people of Mexico. In addition to the gift-giving aspect of the day there is also a culinary treat that is specific to the holiday. Known as ‘Rosca de Reyes’ (King’s Cake), this holiday dessert offers much in the way of symbolism. Shaped in the round to signify a king’s crown, this sweet bread holds a special surprise. Baked inside is a small plastic or ceramic figurine representing the baby Jesus. Whoever finds this token is obligated to host an upcoming party for the occasion of ‘Dia de la Candelaria’ (Candlemas Day) which occurs each year on February 2nd. This delicious pastry is only found in stores this time of year so our family enjoys one the evening of the 5th and another on the sixth! The roscas at Mega have the entire manger scene inside and are usually made of a better quality.
The figure of the baby Jesus, hidden inside the cake, represents another aspect of the holiday. The reason Jesus is ‘hidden’ inside the bread is to symbolize how in life, the Christ child’s birth location also needed to remain secret, in order that his life be spared. The ruler of Jerusalem at the time, King Herod, had been appraised of the mystical signs that indicated the new and rightful King of Jerusalem was soon to be born. Herod’s reaction to these predictions was swift and horrible. He ordered his minions to murder all male infants recently born in Bethlehem. However, as destiny would have it, Mary and Joseph found their lodgings in a manger, not an inn. Herod’s henchmen didn’t think to look for an infant in such a location.
Traditionally, the supper served on this special day is delicious corn tamales accompanied by hot chocolate. This makes for a perfectly quintessential Mexican meal and one that is enjoyed by everyone in attendance.
Welcome New Sponsors Bandida Fishing Charters
Cozumel Safe, No Looting or Riots Here
If you were out and about the last few days, you probably noticed anti-looting measures such as the large screen televisions missing from the store floors and the windows of stores such as Mega and Chedraui reinforced and/or boarded. Actually, what first comes to mind is, “Is there a hurricane coming?” We have been blessed in our island paradise not to be touched by violence, blockades, riots, cartels, etc.
If you are living or visiting Cozumel, you have nothing to fear. The Cozumel people are intelligent and proud. They go out of their way to protect what is theirs, which includes their only source of income, tourism. As a matter of fact, some residents voiced their dismay that the stores that they patronize would think so little of the Cozumel community as to take these extreme security measures.
It appears that the mayor store chains were ordered by their home offices to take anti- looting measures in-lieu of the events happening across the Mexican mainland. There have been protests, road blockades, rioting and looting reported across Mexico. The price increase in the cost of fuel, which will in turn raise the cost of all products and services has been the last straw for the already down trotted Mexican people. Mind you, the minimum wage was raised to only $80 pesos PER DAY, there is a 16% IVA tax imposed on everything, and the US dollar has risen to over 21 pesos per US dollar!
The Mexican people are looking to find a way to affect a change for the sake of their survival. They have been taxed to death only to have those taxes stolen by a stream of politicians for their personal wealth. Not all the reports have been of rioting and violence. There is a lot of communications urging people to protest peacefully, and in one community the residents themselves guarded a store against looters. One heartwarming message referenced our own Rosa Parks. There has also been speculation that undercover operatives were sent in to start riots and looting to take away the focus from the issues at hand.
Blue Angel Restaurant & Resort
A Great place to watch the Sunset! Hours: Daily 7:00 a.m. to 10:30 p.m. Happy Hour: 4 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. 2 for 1 Drinks and Appetizers Live Music: Abraham Ramirez and Salvador Formento Every Night Starting at 8 p.m. www.blueangelresort.com info@blueangelresort.com
Our Christmas Holiday Gift giving
As you know, our family went out of town over the holidays. However, we did our share of Holiday giving before departing. Your kind donations to our on-going garage sale enabled us to continue to support our charitable giving. We provided for three toddlers of two families in town as well as our Finca family.
Our Finca Family received Christmas gifts for Mom, Dad, and the two children, as well as a cash gift. We once again included their pets and livestock. We purchased the huge bags of dog food, cat food, and chicken feed for their chicken and turkeys. If you recall this family had been devastated a few years back when their home, a palapa had burned to the ground with all their belongings. With your help, we were able to provide the cement, bricks, and other supplies to help the Dad build his own cement one room home. We then assisted adding a bathroom and plumbing. Our family hired the Mom last year to help us around the house and store the three hours that the children are in school during the week. This additional income has kept the family in food year around and has allowed them to improve their living conditions a little bit a time.
I took pictures of the little house a few months back, it looks adorable. They are taking such pride, it is painted and trimmed. Mom added a little garden in the front.
Dad started construction of a second room about a year ago. Construction is slow, as he builds with donated materials, and when he is able to afford the needed supplies. With your help, I would like to help him purchase the necessary materials that he needs to complete a second room in 2017. Mind you, they currently cook, eat and sleep in one small room.
Here is a side view of the house that shows the second room addition and a view of the room from the inside. I will get an estimate on how much cement, sand, and bricks we need to finish and make this TCS’s next fundraiser.
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Juan Pablo II Senior Home Visit
What a wondrous way to start the year! To celebrate Three Kings Day, my son Bartolo and I took the grandchildren Julian 14 and Gelmy (Gigi) 5 to IMSS Clinic and Cozumel’s Senior home, Casa Hogar Juan Pablo II yesterday, January 5th..
At the IMSS Clinic we donated some 600 Insulin syringes to Dr. Cain Abel Reyes Tut to be distributed to patients with Diabetes. IMSS provides insulin to their patients, but not the syringes.
Then we were off to the Senior home to meet the new caregivers, three nuns from out of town. We brought cinnamon rolls, dresses, boxer shorts, and diapers for the residents and a small gift bag of soaps, shampoos and conditioners for the sisters.
What a wonderful and fulfilling visit! There is aura of serenity, peace, and joy in the home. This is the first nursing home that I have ever been in that actually feels like a home. It does not look, feel, and smell like the typical institution. We were made to feel welcomed, comfortable, and enriched, it makes you wonder who gave to whom! In the middle of our visit I smiled to myself, as I suddenly envisioned our friend Susan Bonnet hovering over the place in her angel wings. She understandably loved this place and volunteered many hours working the gardens and assisting the nuns.
The majority of the residents were involved in a prayer group at the time of our visit. We had the pleasure of visiting with a resident that has dementia and one of the sisters. (Another resident softly snored in the background.)
The new caregivers are all three trained nurses specializing in geriatric care! What a Godsend! The nuns are from Guadalajara, Mexico from the “Siervas De La Santísima Trinidad”, Order of “Hermanas Flor de Maria.”
They currently have 14 residents, 10 women and four men. They have one senior that is only there during the day. The family drops her off in the morning and picks her up at six in the evening. I am not certain if she is part of the 14.
There is a great need for senior care on the island. There are many living on their own, forgotten by their families and some that live with their families are not well cared for. We keep an eye out for them everywhere we go and offer food, assistance and spending money. Tip your grocery baggers and other seniors around the island well, the social security support is around forty dollars a month!
Next time you want to raise your spirits and feel blessed, visit the senior home!
Recommended by the Cozumel Sun! See fabulous reviews on Tripadvisor!
Mexico: 987-800-8676 U.S. Number: 386-445-8702 Aura or 949-459-3802 Taz
Other Cozumel News:
Sinkhole Downtown Cozumel
A sinkhole was discovered downtown on 8th between Rafael E. Melgar & 5th Avenida. This was caused by a collapsed water drain, not a cenote. Officials promptly closed off the street and initiated repairs. Repairs can take up to two months.
In Remembrance of Germán García Padilla
Germán García Padilla, Cozumel’s first Mayor passed away last week. He was appointed the first Municipal President of Cozumel, from 1975 – 1978 and then later from 1993 – 1996. He is the only person who has ever repeated a Presidential term in Cozumel. While not President of the island, Don Germán García Padilla remained a dedicated public servant and held many positions throughout his lengthy career. Our condolences go out to his family and friends.
Follow-Up on ADO Bus Article
One reader contacted me to write that she went on a trip to Merida and back via ADO. She purchased her tickets at the local Cozumel ADO office without problems.
Yes, you can purchase tickets at the Cozumel ADO office downtown for Merida, Cancun and other nearby destinations. However, ADO has lower fares and special promotions available if you purchase your tickets over the internet for all over Mexico. Our family is seven strong, we have to go for the discounted fares! When you purchase seven tickets, the difference is significant.
Thank you for being part of The Cozumel Sun Family!
We Wish you and yours a Prosperous New Year’s filled with good health, Love, success, and Happiness!
Cozumel Calendar of Events
Cozumel Ladies Breakfast will meet Wednesday January 11th at 9 at El Abuelo Gerardo on Av 10 between Juarez & Calle 2. We will be in the back garden so you won’t see us when you first walk in, just come in all the way to the back. There are a few parking lots on Av 10 but they fill up fast. Our group meets every Wednesday. In addition to meeting wonderful Ladies from all over the world, the breakfast club is an excellent source of information gathering and networking. Breakfasts are informative and FUN! All Women are welcome to join us, even if you are just visiting our beautiful Island.
If you wish to be placed on the mailing list, contact: Betty Li at cozumel.ladies.breakfast@gmail.com.
Cozumel Carnival 2017
February 22nd – 28th