This is a must have when visiting our paradise. Seafood Soup, or Caldo de Marisco is very popular in all the coastal cities. It is a seafood lover’s heavenly banquet for the palate! Pictured are the different variations that you can make to the recipe dependingg on the availability of the seafood in your area.
Serves 5 people:
250 grams of shrimp
1/2 kilo (s) of Clams
2 Fish Fillets
4 dozen oysters
1 small onion
4 Teeth of garlic
1 cup of White Wine
1 sprig of aromatic herbs
Salt and pepper to taste
Preparation of the Recipe:
Boil the shrimp, clams, fish and oysters in 2 liters of water, along with peeled and chopped onion, garlic, peeled and aromatic herbs, until they are cooked. Add salt, pepper and white wine, lower the flame and simmer a few minutes more. It is served hot.
Caldo de Mariscos
Ingredientes Para 5 Persona(s)
250 gramos de Camarones
1/2 kilo(s) de Almejas
2 Filetes de Pescado
4 docenas de Ostiones
1 Cebolla chica
4 Diente(s) de Ajo
1 taza(s) de Vino Blanco
1 Rama(s) de Hierbas de olor
Sal y Pimienta al gusto
Preparación de la Receta:
Se ponen a hervir los camarones, las almejas, el pescado y los ostiones en 2 litros de agua, junto con la cebolla pelada y picada, los ajos pelados y las hierbas de olor, hasta que estén cocidos se les pone la sal, pimienta y el vino blanco, se baja la flama y se deja hervir unos minutos más. Se sirve bien caliente.