In this issue of Cozumel News: Cozumel Buccanos at Night extends Schedule, Seguro Popular in Cozumel Revisited, Requirements for Seguro Popular, and a Review of Seguro Popular. In Aurita’s Cozumel Corner: An invitation to Our Casa, Dogs Poisoned in Cozumel Colony, Cozumel Worship Services in English, Cozumel Ladies Breakfast, Cozumel Event Schedule for February, March, April, and May, plus more!
Cozumel’s Buccanos at Night Extends Schedule!
It is almost time Buccanos at Night Fans! The Barbachano family announced that Buccanos at Night will open five evenings a week, Wednesday thru Sunday, with an extended upstairs Seaview terrace and an air-conditioned dining room as of February 15, 2017.
“Thank you for giving us the platform to be able to do what we love.”
The Barbachano Family
Buccanos at night is a multi-ethnic, multi-sensory dining experience where flavors clash on purpose. They offer contemporary seafood, fresh fish & premium quality ingredients that change with the season. There is an Ocean view dining terrace with a panoramic view of the mainland skyline enhanced by torches & candlelight. A more relaxed and social approach to dining awaits you at Buccanos at Night.
Seguro Popular in Cozumel Revisited
My husband Charles and I purchased IMSS insurance (see section under health insurance). One of the requirements is that you file as a legal family, such as husband and wife, parent and child, etc. We were unable to purchase this insurance for “our sister of the heart” Sharon Miller. So we signed her up for Seguro Popular.
The three of us have Medicare coverage along with a supplemental insurance in the United States. However, one health crisis for any of us while in Mexico would throw a wrench in our fixed income budget. Luckily, Sharon is the healthiest of the three, and not in need of monthly visits, her only prescription is for borderline high cholesterol. A
Although she has been assigned to a clinic through Seguro Popular and is eligible for free preventive care and annual checkups, we prefer to take care of those appointments when we visit the States. Our main concern was for emergencies and hospitalization.
Well, we had an emergency. Sharon managed to acquire a stomach infection and was deathly ill. At first, we took her to a local physician who prescribes antibiotics, something to settle her stomach and reduce the fever. Twenty-four hours later, Sharon showed no improvement, as a matter of fact, she looked worse. She was unable to keep anything down and was getting dehydrated.
We took Sharon to Emergency at Cozumel General Hospital early Saturday afternoon. They administered everything intravenously and brought her back to health for us. She had a Doctor that spoke English and received excellent care. She was not released until after seven Sunday evening. Our cost for everything: $40 pesos.

Here is what I had written about Cozumel’s Seguro Popular:
Requirements for Seguro Popular
Seguro Popular is a Medical Coverage Program for residents ran by the Mexican Federal Government. It is intended for all those that do not qualify for IMSS (Social Security) insurance, ISSTE or other working insurance coverage that is federally funded. IMSS is intended for working people, and the premiums are paid by the employer and the employee. People may opt to pay 100% of the coverage out of pocket, but to buy the plan outright, you must be a family. (Example: Husband and wife, parent and child, etc.).
If you cannot afford IMSS or ISSSTE Insurance or do not qualify for it, Seguro Popular might be the way to go. If you have either of the above insurance coverages, you do not qualify for Seguro Popular.
The office is located on Calle 13 South between Avenues 20 South and 15 Bis C South. It is directly across the street from the emergency entrance of Cozumel General Hospital. The office is the far glass door on the left. Bring with you original and copies of the following:
Permanent Resident Card
Birth Certificate
Passport (Main Page)
Utility Bill for proof of residence
They always get confused and ask for that Election document that none of us have since we are not citizens

The young woman who processes the application will ask some basic questions: Name, Address, Own or Rent, phone number, Birth Date, Age, Marital Status, Working or Not.
She will then scan all your finger prints one at a time into the computer for their records starting with the thumb on your right hand.
She will print out two copies of your insurance policy. You sign in three places. She stamps some official seal on everything, hands you one of the originals and wham, you have insurance for the next three years FREE OF CHARGE.
You must make many copies of your policy, as you are to give a copy to the service provider at each visit.
They will assign you to a Seguro Poplar Clinic closest to your home. The clinic opens at 7 a.m. Monday – Friday and appointments are made on a first come first serve basis. At this clinic, you may see a general Practitioner for all non-emergency medical needs and preventive care. This includes Dental and Eye Care. If you need a specialist, they will refer you to one. If there is none on the island, they will send you to an affiliate in the mainland.
All Seguro Popular Emergencies are handled by Cozumel General Hospital. The hospital and ambulance ride if necessary are free of charge.
There is a Seguro Popular Pharmacy on the same block a CGH on the 20th Avenue side of the block. There are also small pharmacies at the clinic. Their stock of medicine is very limited, but if they happen to have what you need, it is also free of charge.
They give you a handbook of rights and description of services that is in Spanish, but there is a website: http://www.seguro-popular.gob.mx/ that has all the same information. It is also in Spanish; remember to use the Google Chrome Translation feature.
The clinic closest to my home is located at 40 Avenue between Calles 29 & 31, in Colonia San Miguel II. The building looks new, it is spotless and clean. The staff is friendly and professional. There is a long hallway that leads to a waiting area and a receptionist. There are two rooms for medical consultation, one for vaccination, and a dental office with equipment that looks new and modern. On the far left there is a pharmacy. The attending Physician spoke English.

A Cozumel Sun reader Karen Vissage wrote:
“I’ve had Seguro Popular for a several years. I enjoy the fact that I don’t pay a premium and services are free. Free mammograms, Pap smears, HIV testing, contraceptives, vaccinations. For men, even PSA testing and even free “no scalpel vasectomy”. I like the staff at the Centro de Salud. They are very kind and caring.
When you get your policy, you are assigned a clinic in your area. For non-emergencies, you go to your clinic at 7am to get and line for your ficha. The ficha is a little slip of paper with your appointment time for later that day. You see the General Practitioner and whatever is needed, they write the orders for tests and medication prescriptions. If they don’t have the ability or equipment to do the tests in the system, you may have to see a private doctor. That is an out-of-pocket cost to you. I believe they will reimburse the cost, but I don’t know the process. Sometimes getting an appointment with a specialist who comes to the island can be a wait of weeks.
There is a learning curve with the system and sometimes a long wait. I learned about the referral to specialists on the mainland a couple of years ago. I had a questionable mammogram and they referred me to the breast clinic in Cancun. It’s a state of the art facility. If the service you need is not available in Playa or Cancun, they will refer you to Mérida.”
Sharon’s renewal of Seguro Popular will be coming up this summer. I will write about the renewal process at that time.

Aurita’s Cozumel Corner
An Invitation to our Casa
Hello Everyone! First, I want to invite everyone in town to our home, also the office of “The Cozumel Sun”, and our very own “Papeleria y Novedades Mama lilly” on Saturday, February 25th and again on Tuesday the 28th at 4pm. It will be a block party as a dance troupe from Cozumel Carnaval 2017 will stop to perform in front of our home. Bring your own chair. I will provide a snack, water and beverages . We are located at #1081 35 Avenida Sur Entre Calles 17 & 15 Bis. PLEASE PARK ON A SIDE STREET so everyone has a view of the dancers!

Eight Poisoned Dogs in Cozumel Colonia San Miguel
Eight dogs have been poisoned in Colonia San Miguel! In the past week, eight deaths by poisoning of family pets have been reported to authorities. To date only speculations as to who might be responsible, including personnel of animal control. Poisoning is a horrible death for man’s best friend to suffer. Everyone in the colony is on alert to catch the monster responsible and keep a close eye on the family dog.
Cozumel Worship Services in English
I need reader input on additional church services. Bad news for our Catholic readers, the Priest that spoke English at San Miguel got transferred. I will make some inquiries as to how to get another English speaking Priest on the island, but in the meantime, no Mass in English.
Most of us that live here have the information important to us at our fingertips, it is very important to share with those that do not have access to the information. but visitors really need our help. Please help us help them!
Ebenezer Presbyterian Church
30th Ave. at 10th Street North
Services in English every Sundays at 9 a.m.
Jesus es Rey Bible Church
Corner of Ave. 95 y Calle 39.
Services in English will be at 10 a.m.
CHABAD of Cozumel
5th Avenue between Juarez and first
Second Floor PLAZA DEL SOL close to the San Miguel Pier
US Phone +1 (305) 432-2406 or +1 (770) 666-5428
Mexico Cell Phone: +521 (987) 111-9715 or +521 (987) 117-9518
Kabbalat Shabbat Friday night: Sunset
Is your place of worship not listed? Please contact me with the information!
The Sun Garage Sale, formerly known as “The On-Going Garage Sale” was started as a means to collect gently used clothing and goods to be donated to the poor and/or sold at low cost to raise funds for our many projects in Las Fincas and our immediate neighborhood.
We have donated or sold the majority of the second hand clothing and articles we collected in 2016. Our garage sales will resume again next month, and need your donations. Please consider dropping off the items you no longer use or need at our home/store #1081 35 Avenida between Calles 17 & 15 Bis. You can also call at 987-118-4453 or 987-120-5902 to arrange a pick up at your home. All Clothing, Housewares, Furniture, Appliances, etc. will be greatly appreciated. Your donations or proceeds from your donations are guaranteed to go towards a family in need or to a good cause. A special Thank you to Ron & Tina Mannes, Kathy McGinn, and other contributors for their generosity.
Papeleria Mama Lilly
School and Office supplies, copies, printing, laminating,
scanning, and binding. Gifts and Novelty Items. Computer Access,
Calls to Mexico, U.S, and Canada. We provide Facturas, and
deliver to your home, business, or office.
We Speak English!
Telephone: 987-120-5903
EMAIL: mapapeleria@outlook.com
06:30 a.m. – 10:00 p.m. Monday through Friday
08:00 a.m. – 10:00 p.m. Saturday
08:00 a.m. – 09:30 a.m. Sunday
11:00 a.m. – 09:00 p.m. Sunday
35 Avenida Sur Entre Calles 17 y 15 Bis
Colonia Independencia (Near the Independencia Sports Center)
For the next 3 weeks (Feb 8, 15 & 22) we will be at a new place for this group…. Casa Cuzamil on Av 5 Sur between Salas and Calle 3. See photo of menu and of the front of the restaurant. Please note that we are at the tables located upstairs.
The Manager is offering us a great special for only $70 pesos. Check out the attached photo. The picture shows bacon but you can have sausage instead. They are the link kind like Jimmy Dean sausages.
Parking is a bit of a challenge. There is some street parking on Av 5 but it is very limited. There is a parking lot on Calle 3 between 10 and 5 and another one on Calle 5 next to the hospital between Av 5 & Melgar.
Our group meets every Wednesday. In addition to meeting wonderful Ladies from all over the world, the breakfast club is an excellent source of information gathering and networking. Breakfasts are informative and FUN! All Women are welcome to join us, even if you are just visiting our beautiful Island.
If you wish to be placed on the mailing list, contact: Betty Li at cozumel.ladies.breakfast@gmail.com

Cozumel Emergency Numbers
Emergency 911
24 Hour Doctor 872-0103
Dentist 872-0808
Hyperbaric Chamber 872-0103
Hyperbaric Chamber 872-3070
Police 872-0092
Red Cross 872-1058
Taxi Cab 872-0236
Taxi Cab 872-0041
U.S. Consulate 872-4574
U.S Consulate 872-6152
U.S. Consulate 044- 987-121-0323
Please send me your Consulate’s Number if other than US!
Corrections? Additions? Please Let Me Know so I can share!

(+52) 987-989-6414 OR (+52) 987-112-3376 U.S.
Direct Line to Mexico (817) 231-0690
Cozumel Carnival 2017 Schedules February 22nd – 28th
Cozumel Chrysalis 2017 5K Walk/Run
Aeroshow Cozumel 2017 April 1 & 2
Circuit Ultra de La Selva Cozumel 2017 April 29th
Cozumel Annual Turtle Breeding Season May 15th -October 28th
11th Annual Sacred Mayan Journey to be announced in May 2017