Cozumel News February 17th, 2017

 In this Issue: Motor Taxis Coming to Cozumel, State Olympic Eliminations Now in Cozumel, State Funds Earmarked for Cozumel & More Cozumel Taxi Plates. In Aurita’s Cozumel Corner: Cozumel Municipal Police Wanted, Cozumel Impound Murders 22 Dogs, Cozumel Worships Services in English, Cozumel Emergency Numbers, Cozumel Ladies Breakfast, Cozumel Protected Animals, & Cozumel Schedule of Events.


Motor Taxis Coming to Cozumel

There is a strong possibility that Cozumel will soon have motor Taxis to provide transportation to the local community. It has been reported that two companies have filed the necessary paperwork to obtain the permits required, and at least one has had a few motor taxis already delivered. The service is to be available to the local community only, not tourists.

The strong case has been made for alternative transportation, as the Taxis are difficult to find when there are cruise ships in the port. Many times the taxi telephone numbers go unanswered on busy tourist days.


State Olympic Elimination in Cozumel

Starting today, approximately 700 athletes, coaches, judges, and delegates will be in Cozumel for the Quintana Roo eliminations. Eleven Municipalities of the state have sent their best to compete. Cozumel has 61 athletes representing our island hoping to be among the winners to represent our state in the National Olympics.

The completions will be held at “Unidad Deportiva Independencia” starting at 5 pm tonight. The competitions continue Saturday the 18th and Sunday the 19th at 7:30 am at “Unidad Deportiva Bicentenario.”

State Funds Earmarked for Cozumel

State Secretary of Tourism, Marisol Vanegas Perez, announced that 25 million pesos have been approved for a tourism project in Cozumel. This is a State of Quintana Roo program (Sedetur). Although she announced that there will be many new projects in Cozumel this year, she only gave details on two.

The first is to rehabilitate a beach that disappeared during the 2005 hurricanes. The second is a State training and certification program to promote and boost tourism products.

No further details were given, except that the financing will be made available through resources of a program called “Red de Playas Publicas.”


Albatros Fishing Charters Cozumel

More Cozumel Taxi Plates

The arrival of additional plates for Cozumel Taxi drivers is in the news. There is a limited number of plates allotted on the island, and the Taxi Union decides who is eligible to purchase the plates. It is my understanding that precious few drivers actually own their own plates; they are rented at a very costly rate from the actual owners.

Owning Taxi plates seems to be a very lucrative business in itself. It is more profitable to own many plates and rent them out than to actually drive a Taxi. Historically, the Union has made the sale of these plates following unconventional criteria.

A protest by taxi Drivers at the Taxi syndicate was also in the news. Drivers are requesting that seniority is used as a factor in the decision, among other fair guidelines. The price of the plates is astronomical in Cozumel!

 Aurita’s Cozumel Corner

Cozumel Municipal Police Wanted

The City of Cozumel has placed an advertisement recruiting police. Hallelujah! One of the first things Mayor Perla Tun Pech did when she took office the end of September 2016, was to fire the majority of the Municipal Police and an entire cadet class. The Municipal Police, Cozumel’s main source of protection for the neighborhood Colonies, have been scares these past months, attributing to increase in petty theft and home break-ins by delinquents.

There is no mention of how many will be hired, how long it will take to train them and fill the openings, but is a movement in the right direction!


Clinic phone number in Cozumel Mexico (+52) 987-989-6414 OR (+52) 987-112-3376 U.S. Direct Line to Mexico (817) 231-0690

Cozumel Impound Murders 22 Dogs

In the news the pasts two weeks is the euthanasia of every dog at the Cozumel impound. According to reports two dogs in the custody of the Cozumel Impound contracted distemper. Staff approached the City for funding for medication, City refused and all dogs in the custody were sacrificed.  The manner of the disposal of the poor dogs also raised alarm for public safety. The public is calling for accountability and justice, so far nothing has been done.

At this same time, the poisoning of many dogs in Colonia San Miguel was taking place, leading some residents to believe Cozumel Impound Employees might be responsible to maintain the Impound empty.



Cozumel Worship Services in English

I need reader input on additional church services. Bad news for our Catholic readers, the Priest that spoke English at San Miguel got transferred. I will make some inquiries as to how to get another English speaking Priest on the island, but in the meantime, no Mass in English.

Most of us that live here have the information important to us at our fingertips, it is very important to share with those that do not have access to the information. but visitors really need our help. Please help us help them!

Ebenezer Presbyterian Church
30th Ave. at 10th Street North
Services in English every Sundays at    9 a.m.

Jesus es Rey Bible Church
Corner of Ave. 95 y Calle 39.
Services in English will be at 10 a.m.

Chabad of Cozumel
5th Avenue between Juarez and first
Second Floor PLAZA DEL SOL close to the San Miguel Pier
US Phone +1 (305) 432-2406 or +1 (770) 666-5428
Mexico Cell Phone: +521 (987) 111-9715 or +521 (987) 117-9518
Kabbalat Shabbat Friday night: Sunset

Is your place of worship not listed? Please contact me with the information!

Island Tour at Your Leisure Mexico: 987-800-8676 U.S.: 949-459-3802

The Cozumel Sun Garage Sale

The Sun Garage Sale, formerly known as “The On-Going Garage Sale” was started as a means to collect gently used clothing and goods to be donated to the poor and/or sold at low cost to raise funds for our many projects in Las Fincas and our immediate neighborhood.

We have donated or sold the majority of the second hand clothing and articles we collected in 2016. Our garage sales will resume again next month, and need your donations. Please consider dropping off the items you no longer use or need at our home/store #1081 35 Avenida between Calles 17 & 15 Bis. You can also call at 987-118-4453 or 987-120-5902 to arrange a pick up at your home. All Clothing, Housewares, Furniture, Appliances, etc. will be greatly appreciated. Your donations or proceeds from your donations are guaranteed to go towards a family in need or to a good cause. A special Thank you to Ron & Tina Mannes, Kathy McGinn, and other contributors for their generosity. 

Papelería Mama Lilly
School and Office supplies, copies, printing, laminating,
scanning, and binding. Gifts and Novelty Items. Computer Access,
Calls to Mexico, U.S, and Canada. We provide Facturas, and
deliver to your home, business, or office.


We Speak English!
Telephone:   987-120-5903
06:30 a.m. – 10:00 p.m. Monday through Friday
08:00 a.m. – 10:00 p.m. Saturday
08:00 a.m. – 09:30 a.m. Sunday
11:00 a.m. – 09:00 p.m. Sunday
35 Avenida Sur Entre Calles 17 y 15 Bis
Colonia Independencia (Near the Independencia Sports Center)

Cozumel Ladies Breakfast

On Wednesday, February 22nd, at 9am we will be at  Casa Cuzamil on Av 5 Sur between Salas and Calle 3.  See photo of menu and of the front of the restaurant.  Please note that we are at the tables located upstairs.

The Manager is offering us a great special for only $70 pesos.  Check out the attached photo.  The picture shows bacon but you can have sausage instead.  They are the link kind like Jimmy Dean sausages.

Parking is a bit of a challenge.  There is some street parking on Av 5 but it is very limited.  There is a parking lot on Calle 3 between 10 and 5 and another one on Calle 5 next to the hospital between Av 5 & Melgar.

Our group meets every Wednesday. In addition to meeting wonderful Ladies from all over the world, the breakfast club is an excellent source of information gathering and networking. Breakfasts are informative and FUN! All Women are welcome to join us, even if you are just visiting our beautiful Island.

If you wish to be placed on the mailing list, contact: Betty Li at


Cozumel Calendar of Events


Cozumel Carnival 2017 Schedules   February 22nd – 28th
Run for Fun 5K
February 24th
MAR 12 2017 Chrysalis 5K Walk/Run Sun 8AM · Avenida Felix Canto y Prolongacion Jose Maria Morelos
Aeroshow Cozumel 2017 April 1 & 2

Circuit Ultra de La Selva Cozumel 2017 April 29th

turtle rescue
Cozumel Annual Turtle Breeding Season May 15th -October 28th
11th Annual Sacred Mayan Journey to be announced in May 2017

Cozumel Emergency Numbers

Emergency                               911

24 Hour Doctor                         872-0103
Dentist                                      872-0808
Hyperbaric Chamber                872-0103
Hyperbaric Chamber                872-3070
Police                                        872-0092
Red Cross                                872-1058
Taxi Cab                                   872-0236
Taxi Cab                                   872-0041
U.S. Consulate                         872-4574
U.S Consulate                          872-6152
U.S. Consulate                         044- 987-121-0323

Please send me your Consulate’s Number if other than US!
Corrections? Additions? Please Let Me Know so I can share!


Cozumel North Shore Properties 530-925- 4217 USA Cell 011 52 1 (987-111-4685) Cell in Mexico Or Email:


Cozumel’s Protected Animals
About Aura Holguin-Resch 447 Articles
Welcome to the Cozumel Sun! Since 2006, TCS website, Facebook Group, and Facebook page has provided the latest news and information from Cozumel, Mexico. There are no paid staff. TCS is non-profit and non-government funded. Donations help pay for website expenses, taxes, and fees. Donations support our community assistance program. TCS Community Assistance TCS provides assistance to local individuals and families with emergency food, medical expenses and medication. We help with school related expenses for children in the immediate neighborhood (Colonia Independencia). We have a ""drop in" meal policy, we feed the hungry no questions asked. In addition we publish articles that feature community programs in need of donations and volunteers. We encourage both residents and visitors to give back to this island paradise by volunteering and donating to these existing community programs. TCS has successful matched those that want to help and those in need for many years. During the Pandemic, our resources go to the Community Kitchens that are feeding hundreds in Cozumel.